America may have lost the war against vietnam but it has never been invaded or conquered by external forces since its declaration of independence. But since the second world war and, in particular the establishment of the terrorist state refered to as Israel, it has been conquered from within. Wasps no longer have any significant control over american politics or its foreign policiesThe
israelis in america control the republican party and the democratic
party and even the green party. They control the left wing of american
politics (noam chomsky, stephen zunes) almost as much as they control
the extreme right wing. They control congress. Jack abramoff apparently
had in the region of 60 members of congress on his payroll. And these
were not insignificant members of congress either since he funded tom
delay who provided dick cheney’s power base. This israeli was not
only funding american goys but terrorists in the jews-only state. And
this is the political influence of just one jewish billionaire. When
aipac and all the other jewish lobbying groups in america, whose prime
loyalties are to the jews-only state in palestine, are taken into
consideration, the jews are financing virtually all members of congress.
These days when american politicians talk about the need to defend
their country from external threats what they mean is any challenge to
the jews-only state in palestine.
The israelis control vast slabs of the bush administration. "The neoconservatives control the Office of the President, the Office of the Vice President, the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the police-state apparatus known as "Homeland Security." (Paul Craig Roberts ‘Outfoxed by bin Laden’). Wayne madsen has suggested they’re aiming to take control of the super secret National Security Agency (NSA) - America's premier electronic surveillance body. "What has some NSA officials worried is that with
pro-Israeli neocons now engrained within the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), State Department, and National Security Council, NSA is ripe for penetration by Israeli intelligence.
With outside contractors now permeating NSA and a major Israeli espionage operation being discovered inside the Pentagon, once again there is a fear within NSA that foreign intelligence services such as the Mossad could make another attempt to penetrate America's virtual "Fort Knox" of intelligence treasures and secrets." (Wayne Madsen ‘The neocon power grab at NSA and an attempt to stifle the press’
Israelis own and control the american media. They compose the largest group of billionaires in america who fund a vast network of political research organizations which determine the views of america’s jewish owned media and america’s jewish funded politicians.
In 1950s america, as in many other western countries, there were taboos preventing people from talking about a range of social issues such as homosexuality, incest, male rape, etc, etc. These days nobody would think twice about discussing these issues. The only taboos in the western world these days have to do with jews. There is a taboo about jewish funding of political parties (in america and britain). There is a taboo against the influence of the jewish lobby on american politicians. There is a taboo about jewish attempts to take over the russian economic and political system. There is a taboo about the tribute payments that america makes to its jewish masters in the jews-only state in Palestine. "The Congress, the Executive branch, state and local governments, and national and local media have all come under the influence of the Jewish "lobby’s" pro-Israel agenda to the point that none or few dare to criticize Israel or its US representatives." (James Petras ‘The meaning of war: A heterodox perspective’
The israelis have even transformed christianity in america. There are now tens of millions of so-called christian zionists who have come to believe in the zionist god of vengeance rather than the christian god of forgiveness. They no longer live on a god given planet but focus solely on the god given land of palestine. The devotion of these dechristianized zionists to the sacred jewish land of palestine and jews-only state in Palestine is such that one of them blurted out at a major conference the logical outcome of their beliefs. 'I love America,' Arthur said, her voice quivering with emotion. 'But if it came to a choice between Israel and America, I would stand with Israel.'" (Christian Zionist author, Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries quoted in Justin Raimondo ‘Putting Israel First’ More
Saturday, 27 April 2013
The Jewish Empire in North America
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