“There is within America an unseen
nation that salutes a foreign flag, follows a foreign agenda, receives
assistance from powerful foreign agencies, who has achieved great
wealth, great power, who hold many high positions in our government as
they have in governments past.
They have the longest history of genocide and the longest history of expulsion from their host country of any group in history.
Jews formed together into tribes over 2,000 years ago and began to make
war upon their neighbors. They continue this war today.
nomadic tribes were extended families with high levels marriage within
the kinship group and marriage to blood relatives. Judaism was a tribal
religion with hereditary priests and like the religions around it
practiced human sacrifice in the early years.
list of societies upon whom the Jews engaged in war and genocide is a
long one. The Bible is essentially a history of Jewish genocide and
conquest and the attempts of the Jews to enslave and dominate other
peoples. Like the pagan Nazis Judaism is a religion of blood and soil,
territory and power, war and conquest. The lands that God
“gave” to the Jews included the lands of the Kenites, Kenizzites,
Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites,
Girgas***es, and Jebusites.
The book of Joshua is a celebration of
invasion, rape, murder, plunder, slaughter and genocide.
the wanderings of the Jews across the globe commence in the fourth
century before our era.
About 331 B.C. Alexander transported some Jews
to Alexandria, Ptolemy sent some of them to Cyrenaica, and about the
same time Seleucus led some of them to Antioch. When Jesus was born
Jewish colonies flourished everywhere, and it was among them that
Christianity recruited its first adherents. There were Jews in Egypt, in
Phoenicia, in Syria, in Coele-Syria, in Pamphylia, in Cilicia, and as
far as Bithynia. In Europe they had settled in Thessalia, Boeotia,
Macedonia, Attica and Peloponnesus. They were to be found in the Great
Isles, on Euboea, on Crete, on Cyprus, and at Rome. “It is not easy to
find a place on earth,” says Strabo, “which has not received that race.”
were the Jews hated in all those countries, in all those cities?
Because they never entered any city as citizens, but always as a
privileged class. Though having left Palestine, they wanted above all to
remain Jews, and their native country was still Jerusalem, i.e., the
only city where God might be worshipped and sacrifices offered in His
At Alexandria they were quite numerous. According to
Philo, Alexandria was divided into five wards. Two were inhabited by the
Jews. The privileges accorded to them by Caesar were engraved on a
column and guarded by them as a precious treasure. They had their own
Senate with exclusive jurisdiction in Jewish affairs, and they were
judged by an ethnarch. They were ship-owners, traders,
farmers, most of them wealthy; the sumptuousness of their monuments and
synagogues bore witness to it. The Ptolemies made them farmers of the
revenues; this was one of the causes of popular hatred against them.
Besides, they had a monopoly of navigation on the Nile, of the grain
trade and of provisioning Alexandria, and they extended their trade to
all the provinces along the Mediterranean coast. They accumulated great
fortunes; this gave rise to the Iinuidia auri Judaici. The growing
resentment against these foreign cornerers, constituting a nation within
a nation, led to popular disturbances; the Jews were frequently
assaulted, and Germanicu, among others, had great trouble protecting
Since the destruction of their Temple in 70 AD
the Jews have again dispersed to many nations as an invisible nation,
the nation of Israel, living within the borders of other nations, an
invisible nation with its own policies, elections and goals. Historically,
in societies where there were large numbers of Jews, they repeatedly
become a powerful, elite group only to fall from power for their
activities and be expelled and/or slaughtered. The Jews have been
expelled or slaughtered in over a hundred countries, city-states and
provinces for their activities the last 1,000 years. An intelligent
person would ask why.
The Jews are a highly
ethno-centric people. They are conditioned from early life to think of
the Jews and the “other”, the goim (or goyim). Good is what is good for the Jews.
Where they abide in any numbers they often coalesce into exclusionary,
authoritarian groups that often have tremendous solidarity and
They cooperate in highly organized, and mutually
reinforcing groups that can be quite effective in achieving Jewish
goals. With their cohesiveness and sometimes hyper-ethnocentrism the
Jews form an Ethnic Intelligence Apparatus that
promotes their economic and cultural interests over and above the
interests of the nation in which they live. The founder of the
Rothschilds. used it to great effect.
one of the major themes of anti-Jewish movements has been Jewish
economic domination. Western societies are individualistic in their
basic approach; the Jewish cultural form is collective with a strong
sense of group identity. The Chosen People of God and the “other”.
In the midst of a disunited middle class, whose members are engaged in a perpetual struggle against one another, the Jews stand united as one. This is the secret of their success. Their solidarity is all the stronger in that it goes so far back. Its very existence is denied, and yet it is undeniable.
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Saturday, 27 April 2013
The Hidden Nation of the Jews
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