An old saying goes thus–“Even a broken clock is right twice a day” which (as impossible as it sounds) includes even those irrational, mentally-deranged individuals within the Jewish supremacist community whose 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th answer to all questions–past, preset and future and irrespective of the topic of discussion is always “anti-Semitism”.
In this case, the reading on that broken coo-coo clock that never seems to get it right deals with the now-infamous arrest of 5 New Jersey rabbis caught up in the usual business of La Kosher Nostra–meaning money laundering, extortion, bribing of public officials and the trafficking of human body parts–and the charge by certain elements in Israel that the FBI’s high-profile arrest was all part of an “anti-Semitic ploy” designed to makes Americans realize they collectively are playing the role performed by actor Michael Douglass in the blockbuster movie Fatal Attraction who finds himself in bed with a crazy woman capable of doing anything in getting what she wants.
An article appearing in the Jerusalem post entitled “FBI Sting Was A Case of Anti-Semitism”, Yitzhak Kakun, editor-in-chief of Yom Le’Yom, the weekly periodical of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party in Israel stated that–
“Anti-Semitism was behind the highly publicized arrests last week of rabbis in New York and New Jersey…There is a feeling here that the FBI purposely attempted to arrest as many rabbis as possible at once in an attempt to humiliate them.”
Going further, broken clock Yitshak went on to say that “Regardless of the details of the case you would never see the FBI and police behaving that way with Muslim sheikhs or Christian priests. It is so obvious that the whole thing is motivated by anti-Semitism,” and finished by saying the Obama administration was attempting to “whip up anti-Semitic feelings against the Orthodox Jewish community in the US.”
Obviously the editor of this publication has paid no attention to the daily screeching in the US wherein pedophile priests and Ahab the Ayrab have been front page news for the last 8 years.
However, the last part about the Obama administration “whipping up” anti-Semitic feelings in the US against Jews is not as far off the mark as some may assume, not that those scoffing at such remarks aren’t justified in doing so. The Jews and their loudmouthing at every opportunity about “anti-Semitism,” the Holocaust, Hitler, gas chambers, weapons of mass destruction aimed at poor defenseless Israel and all the rest have collectively become the real-life representation of the boy who cried wolf to the point no one believes anything they say anymore.
Having said that however, in deference to the main thesis that ‘anti-Semitism’ was responsible for the high-profile arrest, the truth is he is most likely right, even if only accidentally. The fact this arrest took place now, of all times, when the characters in question have been under investigation for so long cannot be written off as coincidental or merely the result of a back-log of cases. The very-public arrest of the Men in Black coming so close on the heals of the infamous Bernie Madoff scandal and at a time when Americans are feeling the pinch economically was as accidental as thunder following lightning.
More so was what took center stage in all of it–the trafficking in human body parts…
It’s true that Americans are as moved by stories involving money laundering or corruption as they are the usual “dog bites man” stories. They are so commonplace these days that they are no longer newsworthy.
However, news dealing with the trafficking in human body parts leaves a mark on the collective consciousness of even the most half-witted, half-interested consumer of information in America as permanent as the one fixed upon the biblical character Cain as a punishment for having murdered his brother Abel.
There is no ‘bouncing back’ from something like this. There is no typical business of Jewish interests screeching it out of the collective memory of those who come into contact with it. For those who get a whiff of the nauseating odor associated with news featuring a gun-wielding rabbi working as part of an international crime ring centered in Israel kidnapping people and robbing them of their internal organs, the smell will never leave their nostrils. Media images of the Men in Black being hauled off in chains by the FBI for something as ghoulish as this calls to memory the infamous scene in the movie Silence of the Lambs where the character Hannibal Lector played by Anthony Hopkins is describing his preferred way of eating the internal organs of his victims. Again, no one should make the mistake of thinking that in a day and age of tightly-controlled/micro-managed information it is all coincidental.
In sum, it can thus be assumed that the powers that be in the US–or at least certain elements within those powers–are officially at war with the Jewish state and this story–along with others featuring Bernie Madoff and more than likely, many more to come–are the opening salvos in that war. The years of law enforcement and others being forced to sit back and do nothing as parasites working for anti-American Jewish interests bore through the infrastructure of the US are at an end, and not a moment too soon. All can be rest assured that the organ harvesting story is just the first of many in what will be operation ‘shock and awe’ in making the American people understand to what kind of people they have forfeited their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Those scratching their heads in bewilderment over why the US would suddenly tell her Jewish mistress (just as Michael Douglas’ character Dan Gallagher did in the movie Fatal Attraction) to get lost is not that difficult a puzzle to deconstruct. The ‘friendship’ between the US and Israel, despite what have appeared to be genuine (some might say slavishly genuine) affections on the part of America–has always been a friendship of necessity for America and not necessarily one based upon an organically-philial disposition. America needed oil and wanted to make sure the Soviets did not do anything to disrupt it. Israel served that purpose while the threat existed.
Now however, with the Soviet threat gone, Israel’s utilitarianism as a base of operations in projecting American force has gone by the wayside. Worse yet, as a mistress the Jewish state has become demanding, irrational and dangerous, much like the character of Alex Forrest in the movie Fatal Attraction. Just as Alex Forrest engaged in acts of terrorism in attempting to bring into reality her dreams of life and love with her new boyfriend, first by showing up at his home and chatting with his wife, destroying his car, boiling the pet rabbit and then kidnapping his daughter, so too has Israel engaged in similar tactics against the US.
However, as bad as it was that Israel was directly involved in 9/11, the anthrax attacks, the debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, the giant spy ring operating on American soil, all the others pale in comparison to what took place this past 9/11/2008, the straw that broke the camel’s back, when she attempted the economic meltdown of the US as described by Rep. Paul Kanjorski during a C-Span interview. For American interests “in the know,” the act of financial terrorism is not some as-of-this-moment unsolved case where the culprits responsible for the evaporation of over half a trillion dollars in the span of just a few hours are unknown, nor is it a mystery what the motive was for doing so–to blame the crash of the American economy and all the subsequent chaos on Iran as a precursor to inciting and maneuvering the American people into demanding the US go to war against those responsible for bringing about “9/11, Pt II”.
On a more human level, one can just imagine how bitter a pill it was it was for members of federal law enforcement and the US intelligence community when the news came over the wire that the two spies for Israel Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman were going to be let off the hook. An investigation against AIPAC going back almost 10 years, all the thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of man hours involved in putting together a case that for all intents and purposes was a slam dunk, and once again the made-men of La Kosher Nostra walk free with their get out of jail card in hand. Almost as bitter no doubt was the fact that many of these same law enforcement officials were personally tasked with escorting the same Israeli spies arrested on and immediately after 9/11 (some apprehended in circumstances as incriminating as having a front-row seat to the destruction of the Twin Towers and cheering) and seeing them onboard a plane bound for the Jewish state so that later they could appear on Israeli TV, reveal they were spies for Mossad and brag about the fact they were sent to “document the event”.
That the US political system is sick and corrupt is not a theory. Indeed so thoroughly wormed-out it resembles a block of Swiss cheese that its surface area has more holes than actual material.
However, there are parts of the machinery that are still working. Parts that recognize that in many respects the United States is much like the ship USS Liberty–deliberately attacked by Israel for 2 hours during the 6 Day War in 1967–pock-marked full of holes, listing to one side and for all intents and purposes dead in the water, but still afloat as survivors desperately fight to put out the fires and do what they can to save the ship.
With this in mind therefore, what must be considered is that the recent spate of news stories featuring humanity’s better brethren in the Jewish community–including the front page news for weeks on end dealing with Bernie Madoff and his theft of tens of billions all the way to the organ trafficking rabbis–is an operation by elements working within the US intelligence community and law enforcement, designed to bring about a change in how Jews are viewed in America. In effect it is no different than the drug administered by anesthesiologists following a surgery in counteracting the narcotic effects of the initial knock-out drug and of ‘waking up’ the patient.
The final hitch in all of this however is that the Jewish state, again much like that crazy bitch Alex Forrest in the movie Fatal Attraction, will not take it all lying down, no pun intended. Indeed her people live in a fantasy world of sorts where reality is something of an indecipherable foreign language with no meaning. Having run out of options, she is left with only one, which is to show up at the house with a big butcher knife, in this case, the tick, tick, ticking of that broken coo-coo clock wired to several nuclear weapons hidden within America’s largest cities in something known as the “Samson Option.”
(c) 2009 Mark Glenn
Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Jews In The News–Indicator That The US Is Officially At War With The Jewish State?
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Post Title: Jews In The News–Indicator That The US Is Officially At War With The Jewish State?
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