Zionist Fascist Germany is in a legal crisis because of enforcing the Jewish Holocaust-Shoah lie.

Mahler Gets 6 Years Over Holocaust Statement
MUNICH - German dissident Horst Mahler has been sentenced to six years in prison for "Volksverhetzung" (racial incitement). The symbolically significant number of years imposed for "anti- Semitic hate speech" stemmed from his refusal to recognize the Jewish Holocaust®, which he described as "the biggest lie in world history."
- FACING LIFELONG IMPRISONMENT-Dissident Horst Mahler is seen here with his wife Sylvia Stolz, currently in prison for defending other dissidents.
- The 73-year-old defendant was accused, among other things, of repeated dissemination of his views on the Internet as well as distribution of a revisionist videotape and a CD and book by Holo-skeptic Germar Rudolf, now serving time for "Holocaust® denial" in a German prison.
- Immediately following sentencing, the 73-year-old dissident was arrested and led away before astonished onlookers in the courtroom, including many of his supporters.
- The former attorney for the rightwing National Democratic Party (NPD) successfully represented that organization when the German regime tried to have it banned in the 1990s. He earlier received prison sentences for thought-crimes on several occasions.
- 'I have resolved to call a lie a lie'
In his concluding remarks before the court, Mahler noted that with another case pending against him he faces a total of over 12 years in prison - the equivalent of a life sentence, given his advanced age. He would, however, stand by his views.
- In setting a personal example, Mahler declared that it was incumbent upon every German to "deal a deathblow to the Holocaust® religion as martyrs for the truth."
- The dissident defendant concluded by saying:
- "I have resolved to expose this Talmudic perfidy, that over and over again I will call a lie a lie and oppose it with the truth. I have sworn to my people never to give up in this fight against the Holocaust® religion." Rense.com
About Hoaxes
Hoaxes are part of human history. For different reasons, at different times, some people have created a false event and have tried to convince others that it was a true event. Humans have believed unbelievable stories. Some hoaxes are funny and others are serious.
One famous hoax was about the Moon. In 1835, the New York Sun newspaper ran some stories that were supposedly reprinted from a non-existent science journal. These articles documented discoveries supposedly made by a real scientist, Sir John Herschel, from a new telescope in Africa. Sir John was actually in Africa at the time and was unable to read the stories that carried his name. The newspaper articles described Moon oceans, beaches, wild life and birds. One article had this immensely powerful telescope spotting 14 furry winged men! How big would a telescope have to be to sight individual beings on the Moon? It seems that questions did not pop into everyone's head! The story of men on the Moon was wildly popular. The Sun sold more newspapers that day than any other newspaper in the world. The articles continued to describe architecture and other details until the last installment claimed that the telescope had been left facing east and the Sun's rays had damaged the telescope beyond repair. Later, a Richard Locke confessed to writing the articles and the newspaper admitted it was a hoax. People were not angry; most people thought that it was funny and the Sun became an even more popular newspaper!
Another hoax has been called the grand science hoax of the century. In 1913, an amateur archeologist brought in some fragments of a human skull to the British museum. Remember, this was before the days of carbon dating. Found near an archeological site called Piltdown, this skull and jaw were soon known as "Piltdown Man". What made this find remarkable was that the skull had a huge brain cavity and a jawbone like an ape's -- but the teeth were worn down like a human's. This find was quickly locked away for safety. Unable to examine the evidence, scientists theorized that "Piltdown Man" proved that the human brain evolved first and then the rest of the body. In 1953, "Piltdown Man" was shown to be a forgery; the human skull was modern, the jaw belonged to an ape, and the teeth had been filed. The biggest mystery remaining around this hoax is: who did it? And why did they do it?
Some hoaxes have exploited myths. Loch Ness is a large lake in Scotland, and for years it was a quiet place. A photograph of a dinosaur-like creature with a long neck was published in 1934. This photo created a sensation -- promoting tourist visits and scientific expeditions that continue to this day. Sixty years later, one of the pranksters confessed that the photo had been created using a tiny homemade sea serpent and a toy submarine! The public reaction had been so great at the time of publication, that the pranksters had decided to keep quiet.
Some pranksters do strange things. For years, some wheat fields in England were mysteriously mowed in such a way as to suggest circles. Some people believed that the circles were alien messages, ancient symbols, or alien DNA. In 1991, two men admitted to mowing over 250 crop circles over the years. Why do you think they took the time and effort to make these crop circles?
Other hoaxes are more serious and frightening. In the middle ages, witch crazes in England and America resulted in witch hunts, witchcraft trials, and executions. Recently, one group says that Hitler did not kill 5 to 6 million Jews during World War II; they claim that Jews are making it up. They claim that the Jews are attempting to cultivate power through sympathy. Sadly, witches and Jews were killed.
What can we learn from hoaxes? We can learn the importance of consistently examining evidence and forming our own opinions. Look at the pictures yourself. Read the accounts by the witnesses. Evaluate the interpretations. Does it make sense? Is it logical? Is there consistency in the evidence? Are there any contradictions to the evidence? It is important that you draw your own conclusions. Always keep thinking! Source:Teacher Lesson Plans: Hoax Happens
michael santomauro said...
As the new director of TADP.org, I wish to express my outrage that the Holocaust, unlike any other historical event, is not subject to critical examination. Furthermore I deplore the fact that many so-called democratic states have laws that criminalize an examination and understanding of the Holocaust. It is my position that the veracity of Holocaust assertions should be determined in the marketplace of scholarly discourse and not in our legislatures bodies and courthouses. 05:34
Dear michael santomauro,
I agree totally and I am appalled at the state of affairs...
Having said that I am inclined to believe that the so-called Jews are terrified of what investigators might find not about the "Holocaust" itself (which is but a small detail in history) but something much more sinister i.e. that the Nazis were in fact Jews.
I have posted enough evidence to show that Jew Hitler was a zionist tool used to advance the Jewish agenda of a Jew World Order/NWO with Jerusalem as the world capital...
Peace and God bless
He means like any other mythological event.
It's cobblers,and it's coming to brainwash a pupil near you.
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