The story of Salam Fayyad, the bold Palestinian PM nobody had the courage to back
The most progressive and innovative Palestinian thinker on a Middle East
peace settlement has been steadily isolated over the past several
years. Undercut by Israel, undermined by his own people’s factionalism,
unable to meet even once with President Obama, this dynamic Palestinian
leader is now close to the end of his rope.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
The Success That Failed
The story of Salam Fayyad, the prime minister of the enfeebled
Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, is a case study in wasted
opportunity. Obama, who chose not to see Fayyad during his first term,
may do so during his visit to the region next month. What the president
will hear is how bad things happen when America looks away.
Texas-educated, more interested in the future than a tormented past, a
former International Monetary Fund official determined to fight
corruption and establish security, a doer not a dreamer, Fayyad was a
new kind of Palestinian leader: a nonviolent pragmatist with a genuine
readiness for territorial compromise.
To Israel he was a conundrum: a potential partner but also the
politician from hell. For if Fayyadism was the new reasonable face of
Palestine, why could putative Palestine not come into being?
In Ramallah last month I sat down with Fayyad for a couple of hours. I
had negotiated the time-warp traverse from Israel to the West Bank,
through the barrier into the mess Israelis would rather not think about,
past the striking teachers who had not been paid because the
Palestinian Authority is starved for cash, and found the prime minister,
dapper as ever, in a dark mood. His program of preparation for
statehood, which won a World Bank stamp of approval before its
completion in August 2011, was a success that failed: It led nowhere.
“Everything evolved negatively,” Fayyad told me. “In deeds, Israel never
got behind me; in fact it was quite hostile. The occupation regime is
more entrenched, with no sign it is beginning to relinquish its grip on
our life.
“There are more settlements, more settler violence, more intrusiveness
into all aspects of Palestinian life, and there are overlooked actions
that are wholly unacceptable, like systematically making the Jordan
Valley, about a quarter of our land mass, inhospitable.
“I was in a tent with people there recently — most Palestinian life in
the valley is nomadic — and they were meters away from a water main. Not
only did they not have access to running water, even water tanks were
subject to periodic confiscation by the Israeli Army.”
As we spoke, three unarmed Palestinians had been killed in the West Bank
in disputed circumstances by the Israeli Defense Forces since the start
of the year — two young men aged 15 and 16, and a 22-year-old woman
walking on a college campus south of Bethlehem. “The treatment of
nonviolent protest has been very violent,” Fayyad noted.
Not one Israeli was killed in the West Bank in 2012. Under Fayyad, the
U.S.-backed training of Palestinian security forces, with cooperation
from Israel, has brought guns into state control — a prerequisite for
statehood. Israel in general enjoys a calm that has allowed jobs and
better pay to become Israelis’ main preoccupation and the Palestinians a
peripheral issue. The West Bank economy has grown in difficult
Yet despite speaking for the first time in 2009 of two states for two peoples,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has seemed intent on sending this
message to Fayyad: Good behavior brings further punishment.
“People say Netanyahu remains in power for the sake of power,” Shlomo
Avineri, a prominent Israeli political scientist, told me. “I don’t
agree. He has a core agenda. He is not going to give up one inch of
Eretz Israel. He stays in power for that. The speech about two states
was a tactic that gained three years of peace and quiet. He said it and
did nothing about it.” Eretz Israel is a biblical term widely used to
refer to the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River,
encompassing all of the West Bank.
Or, as a disillusioned member of the outgoing Netanyahu government put
it to me: “The world does not believe we are serious about two states
because of the settlement policy. If we are building all over the place,
where is the Palestinian state?”
Fayyad sees a de facto attempt to undermine the Palestinian Authority.
“I still believe the Authority is a key building block in the effort to
resolve the conflict,” he said. “Then somebody needs to explain to me
how something viewed as central to building peace is left on the ropes
for three years, reeling under bankruptcy, and every action is taken to
erode its political viability.
“We have sustained a doctrinal defeat. We have not delivered. I
represent the address for failure. Our people question whether the P.A.
can deliver. Meanwhile, Hamas gains recognition and is strengthened.
This is the result of nothingness. It is not just that we have been
having a bad day.”
Part of that “nothingness” emanated from Obama’s Washington. “After the
failed attempt to stop Israeli settlement expansion, the administration
gave up,” Fayyad told me. “After the first year in office, U.S.
diplomacy shifted to maintenance — getting a process going rather than
looking at the issues.”
So there has been negative drift, largely peaceful but increasingly
uneasy. “The risk this situation poses is of sliding back to a cycle of
violence,” Fayyad said. “When you keep getting banged on the head, you
know one day it will be one bang on the head too many.”
He identified some of the issues: settlement expansion; Israeli military
incursions into Palestinian-controlled areas; the failure to extend the
Palestinian security presence in the West Bank; the “complex and
capricious” process of gaining access to the more than 60 percent of the
West Bank known as “Area C” and under direct Israeli military control;
the Israeli use of tax revenues as a spigot that can be turned on and
off to hurt the Palestinian Authority; the lack of access to 3G
technology and Israeli control of frequencies; the difficulty of
exporting to Israel. All of these factors together, Fayyad said, had
made governance “an exercise in impossibility.”
Then, of course, there is the internal Palestinian question, now
referred to as the “reconciliation” issue. The Palestinian national
movement is crippled by its split. Hamas rules in Gaza. President
Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah rule in the West Bank.
The Palestinians have still not decided whether the war is between two
nationalisms with rival claims to the same land — one that could in
theory be settled by territorial compromise, as Fayyad passionately
believes — or whether it is an anti-colonial war, comparable to the
Algerian conflict, whose end result must be the expulsion of the Jews
and the destruction of the state of Israel, as Hamas contends.
The absolutist approach — not compromise at the 1967 lines with agreed
land swaps but rejection of the 1947 U.N. resolution to create the
modern state of Israel — has led to Palestinian defeat and humiliation.
All the evidence is that it would continue to do so.
So far reconciliation talks have produced only accords that have proved
meaningless. “This rivalry and instability are very destructive,” Fayyad
said. “The most basic requirement for this plane to take off is, first,
security. If we all commit to nonviolence, this will be basic to our
interests. We need to formalize this: The path of nonviolence to
freedom. If we can unify under that banner, it would be an adequate
basis. After all, much of the current coalition in Israel does not
subscribe to a two-state solution.” Hamas, the prime minister noted, is
an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, with which the United States now
“deals in an open way.”
The other essential ingredient for the Palestinian movement is elections
this year, Fayyad said. “Elections are critical. The thing I lament
most is the absence of a functioning legislature. We need to rebuild our
political system democratically with elections in Gaza and the West
Bank. Democracy cannot be holding an election once. I think President
Abbas should issue a decree calling for elections and if Hamas says no,
so be it.”
The prime minister continued: “I have no sense of entitlement. I have
done what I could; I am completely satisfied over that and at peace with
myself. I don’t want to be a source of pain to anyone. It is just not
acceptable to continue doing this while preaching democracy. A
functioning legislature can give you a pink slip. The fact that there is
not one does not mean there should not be a self-imposed restraint.”
Fayyad has reached the limit. Fayyadism is another matter. “People will
go back to this story,” he mused. “It was about a new way of thinking.
And ideas have lasting power.”
Posted @ 16:32
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