Sunday, 13 March 2011

Israel must build 1,000 new units in settlements for every land thief murdered

The Protocols of Zion makes it quite clear that murdering our "lesser brethren" is an "indispensable" part of the plan for world domination.

Interior Minister says Israel's response to fatal terror attack on family of five in West Bank settlement must be more serious than building several hundred new homes in settlements.

Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Sunday that the decision to build hundreds of new housing units in the West Bank settlements as a response to the Itamar terror attack is not enough and Israel must construct many more homes.

During a Sunday cabinet meeting, Yishai said that Israel must build "at least a thousand new homes for each person murdered."

Housing and Construction Minister Ariel Atias of Shas also expressed support for West Bank settlement construction as a reaction to the murder of five family members in the settlement of Itamar.

"We must change the ratio and build in Jerusalem and Judea and Samarea. We must strengthen the settlement, and the time is now," said Atias.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his criticism of the Palestinian Authority and its incitement against Israel which, according to him, caused the terror attack.

"We bare witness to horrific things," Netanyahu said. "A soccer game will soon be named after a suicide bomber who murdered dozens of people on Yafo Street in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority grants scholarships to the families of murderers and names squares in their honor. This does not show the PA is educating toward peace. I told [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas yesterday that I expect a much more explicit condemnation of the Itamar attack and that he stop actions which would encourage incitement against Israel. We will raise the subject, which is an integral part of peace, on the international level."

On Saturday night, the ministerial committee on settlement affairs decided to approve the construction of some 500 new housing units in the settlement blocs of Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer.

The move was a response to the fatal terror attack in which five members of the Fogel family were slain in their beds in the settlement of Itamar on Friday night.

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