Monday, 25 October 2010

Why is the UN hosting events with the Simon Wiesenthal Center (for intolerance)?

This is disturbing. The United Nations University in New York held a session yesterday with the appealing title, Can Citizen Action Save the World? and where did it do so-- at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's "New York Tolerance Center" on E. 42d Street.

But the Simon Wiesenthal Center has opposed the building of a mosque/Islamic center in downtown New York out of pure intolerance... and is building a museum in Jerusalem on a historic Muslim graveyard, desecrating graves hundreds of years old.

Should the U.N. be holding hands with the Wiesenthal Center? Heck no. Here the group Jews Against Islamophobia, which demonstrates every Wednesday outside the intolerant Wiesenthal Center, protests the collaboration yesterday. Organizers said they had talked to some of the UN folk as they entered the place, and educated them. Maybe things will change. (Below is Thomas Cox, wearing a keffiyeh, just outside the glass from the UN logo.)

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