Monday 6 July 2009

Zionism a Psychopathic Cancer of the Soul.

I didn’t want to write about Michael Jackson again but I may have to mention him a time or two here today. I’ve received a number of emails wanting to show me another side of Michael and the writers did it in a restrained and thoughtful manner. Even in the comments section this has been the case. Michael appears rather accidentally here today because some people are making certain arguments and there is bound to be more of this appearing in following days.

I’m not going to take a position on this. I’ve already seen plenty to make some agendas clear to me so I wouldn’t be surprised by much in relation to them. The world is presently in a difficult state due to the antics and intentions of a collection of psychopaths who are, very unfortunately, over represented by a particular group of people. Has it always been these people or does the source of negative force shift and change with the centuries? Whatever has been is less important than what is so… let’s look at what is.

There’s a video that is being scrubbed from the internet. Just about everywhere you go, it’s gone. You generally see, “this video has been removed for violation of terms of service” or something similar. The only place I could find a copy was on a white pride site that I located through Google. ADL gremlins and assorted megaphonies in concert with various fellow travelers have all but removed this video from the usual locations. Unfortunately for their zealous efforts, concerned individuals have retained hard copies and are popping them up here and there. I was searching for some time but this was the only place I could locate it for the moment.

This video pretty much tells the tale; a bunch of drunken, American, Zionist Jews in Israel giving you that ‘in vino veritas’ thing. Let’s add to this.

It’s an inarguable reality that Mossad was involved in the 9/11 attacks. It’s also an irrefutable reality that Zionists in the Bush administration and in positions in powerful think tanks and the mass media were the single most powerful lobby for the Afghanistan invasion which was a response to 9/11 that was blamed on Bin Laden (who was in Afghanistan) but which was, as I’ve said, actually performed by Mossad with the assistance of the CIA and members of other intelligence services.

Following this invasion, the same Zionist cabal lobbied for the Iraq invasion, told the lies necessary to lend credence to their presumptions (Michael Ledeen and his yellow cake fantasies comes to mind) and pounded the drums of war until that happened too. Along the way they attacked Lebanon under false pretenses and performed a hideous slaughter on the people of Gaza. More

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