Saturday 18 July 2009

Twenty Steps to a Better and "Secret Nazi Cabal" Free America

To be honest dear reader, I'm a bit nervous about posting this, lest I be labeled an "anti-secret-nazi-cabalist."

The below is all theoretical - it is protected under the First Amendment as free speech. It is not meant to be a threat, nor should it be taken as such by anyone. Once again, it is all theoretical.

1. The first thing the United States military must do is employ U.S. submarines and surface ships in an effort to begin shadowing "secret nazi cabal" submarines and prepare for a preemptive strike upon them if they get within range of American cities.

2. Immediately cease and desist the delivery of any and all weapon systems and ammunition to the "secret nazi cabal" state. Ignore any threats that will inevitably follow – if the "secret nazi cabal" has low yield nuclear weapons in U.S. cities as Seymour Hersh claimed they did [or still do] in Russia, so be it – if they [the "secret nazi cabal"] use them, they seal their own fate.

3. Use the military to seize the entire media apparatus, from television stations, to newspapers, to magazines, to publishing houses – the first thing the "secret nazi cabal" will do is scream anti-secret-nazi-cabalism", but if the media is out of their hands, nobody will hear them. The irony in this will be absolutely delicious, their carefully accrued media monopoly will be used against them – there will be no way for them to disseminate information, they’ll be in the same position as the alternative media they have done their best to silence over the last sixty years. Once the media apparatus out of the hands of the "secret nazi cabal", massive deprogramming should begin immediately, 24/7 broadcasting to dispels the lies of the last 100 years, especially the last sixty-one years. Within three weeks the "secret nazi cabal's" state won’t have an ally left in the United States.

4. Cleanse the military of the "secret nazi cabal" presence – this won’t be difficult – the cabal have made many enemies who’ll be more than happy to assist in this venture. What one does with these former officers is of little concern, jail them or release them, without authority they will be completely marginalized. The United States Air Force and Navy should be most particularly targeted – anyone attempting to get military units to kill American citizens should be immediately shot without any hesitation.

5. Arrest any and all traitors in the United States government, have no mercy, show no compassion, anyone that can be linked to the support of the "secret nazi cabal" should be immediately imprisoned with a future trial to look forward to. More

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