Wednesday 1 July 2009

Hitler Jewish?

Are you kidding me?

In his book "Bevor Hitler kam" ("Before Hitler", Geneva, 1975), the Jewish Professor of History Dietrich Bronder showed, which Jews financed Adolf Hitler, thus helping him to power. This explains why a large number of Jews were given Aryan documents. He also proves that most of the Nazi leaders were Jews or half-Jews, or were married to Jewish women. Bronder's book is banned in Germany.

Adolf Hitler Awarded Iron Cross through Jewish Recommendation

After only two months of front duty, he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class, and several other distinctions were to follow. On the other hand, it was quite unusual that he as a Lance-Corporal was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class, as this order was almost always reserved for the commissioned officers. SS on August 4, 1918, near Soissons, on recommendation from artillery lieutenant of the reserve Hugo Gutmann.

Hugo Gutmann was Hitler's immediate superior officer from January 29 to August 31, 1918. His military papers have been preserved, and they tell that he was born on November 19, 1880 in Nuremberg as the son of the shop-keeper Salomon Gutmann and his wife Emma. He himself stated his religion as Jewish.

ngela Franziska Johanna Hammitzsch (née Hitler 28 July 1883 – 30 October 1949), first married to Leo Raubal, Sr., was the elder half-sister of Adolf Hitler. Angela Hitler was born in Braunau, Austria, the second child of Alois Hitler and his second wife, Franziska Matzelberger. Her mother died the next year. She and her brother Alois Hitler, Jr. were raised by their father and his third wife Klara Pölzl. Her half-brother Adolf Hitler was born six years after her and they grew very close. She is the only one of his siblings mentioned in Mein Kampf.

Angela's father died in 1903 and her stepmother died in 1907, leaving a small inheritance. By this time she had married Leo Raubal, a junior tax inspector, and in 1906 had given birth to a son (also named Leo). In 1908 Angela gave birthto Geli and in 1910 to a second daughter, Elfriede.

Angela's husband Leo Raubal died on August 10, 1910. According to an OSS profile of the Hitler family, Angela moved to Vienna and after World War I became manager of Mensa Academia Judaica, a boarding house for Jewish students where she once defended her charges against anti-Semitic rioters.
Hitler later asked Angela to leave for planning an intrigue with other women to have Eva Braun thrown out. She left having no further relations with Hitler except to celebrate his birthdays in Berlin. in April 1945 she went to Berchtesgaden where Schaub made her a present of 100,000 Reichsmarks from Hitler which she managed to keep secret from the Allies...

In 1943, American intelligence compiled a file on Hitler. The material was classified and was not released until 1972. The psychiatrist Walter C. Langer, who during the war had analysed all secret information about Hitler for the White House, published the delicate material in his book "The Mind of Adolf Hitler" (New York,
1972). He had access to facts similar to those made available to Dietrich Bronder.

The Nazi leadership also included Jews with "the right documents", among them the head of the SS Heinrich Himmler (shown to be Jewish by the Jewish writer Willi Frischauer in his book "Himmler: Evil Genius of the Third Reich", London, 1953). Himmler's homosexual activities were recorded on film by the Nazi photographer Walter Frenz. Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr, was a Greek Jew. Other Jews were Alfred Rosenberg, who developed the national socialist ideology using as models the Talmud and Bulwer-Lytton's "The Coming Race" (1871), and Joseph Goebbels, whose first girlfriend was Jewish and who only appreciated Jewish professors (Grigori Klimov, "The Protocols of the Soviet Elders", Krasnodar, 1995, pp. 328-329). Goebbels' Jewish ancestry has also been demonstrated by the historian David Irving. His family came from Holland; he was nicknamed "rabbi" in school. His wife was the adopted daughter of a Jewish family called Friedlander. His motherin-law was once insulted by SA members in a Jewish cafe, whereupon she replied that she would complain to her son-in-law Dr Goebbels (Konrad Heiden, "Adolf Hitler", Zurich, 1936, p. 350).

The deputy Chancellor of the Reich, Rudolf Hess, was bom in Egypt by a Jewish mother. In the homosexual circles in Munich, he was known as "Fraulein Anna" (Bronder, op. cit.). It is less commonly known that in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson Wieland Wagner (Time Magazine, 15 August 1994, p. 56). This information is well documented.,981248,00.html

Adolf Hitler's homosexuality has been demonstrated beyond question by German historian Lothar Machtan's massively researched new book, The Hidden Hitler, which shows homosexuality's central role in Hitler's personal life. Wiki



  1. Dietrich Bronder was not a Jewish professor of History, he wasn't even a Jew. He was a Nazi.
    See his memoirs: Dietrich Bronder, Bronders Weltpanorama. Leben unter Riesen und Zwergen 1921-1988 (Haag + Herchen; Frankfurt am Main 1990).
