Sunday 5 July 2009

Extremist Jews Seek New Purim Massacre in Iran

The Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are ALL doomed.

Purim is the Jewish celebration of the murder of the Persian Prime Minister, Haman for supposedly plotting a conspiracy against the Jews. Haman was hung along with all of his ten sons, and 75,000 hapless Persians were slaughtered.

Ironically, the time of Purim in 2003 was chosen for the launch of the Iraq War, a war orchestrated by Jewish extremists and Israeli partisans in the American government and media against a nation that posed no threat to the United States. Iraq was however Israel’s strategic enemy, and Saddam was painted across the Jewish world community as a new “Haman.” The Iraq War has been a complete catastrophe for America, with over 30,000 Americans wounded and maimed, over 3000 killed, and a huge cost that will inevitably amount to trillions of American dollars. America was told that this war was to end the terrorist threat against America, but all this Jewish-extremist, manipulated war has done is create a world of hatred against America and millions of potential terrorists who want to do us harm. In short, this was a war against Iraq, but also one against America, for it harmed not only the half million Iraqis killed by the war and its aftermath, but harmed every true American interest.

Now, again at the time of Purim, America’s arsenal is again pointed toward Israel’s enemy: Iran. More of our sons and daughters make ready to be sacrificed on the altar of Israel’s paranoia. If this war commences it could well be the last act of the American republic turned empire. It will also throw the entire world in chaos and unleash hate and terrorism against Americans at home and abroad for years to come. Iran is the ancient nation of Persia, and Iran’s President is being made into a new Haman. Jewish powerbrokers around the world are initiating a orgy of hate and lies against him and against Iran and are calling for the destruction of this new Haman along with tens of thousands of Iranians in a new Purim massacre.

A search on the Internet of Iran and Purim will reveal thousands of comparisons of Iran and Purim, President Ahmadinejad and Haman.

For instance, Rabbi Michael Bernstein wrote a recent Op-Ed piece for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency titled “Purim’s revelry conceals message about absurdity of Jews’ salvation.” His article suggests that President Ahmadinejad of Iran is a new Haman who threatens the Jews and America with genocide.

He begins the article by condemning the Iranian President for re-envisioning the history of the Holocaust; he attacks me as “White supremacist” and says I called “Wolf Blitzer a tool of the Zionist Conspiracy;” and he attacks a rabbi who attended the Holocaust Conference in Tehran as “a fervently Orthodox rabbi,…who hugged his Iranian host and decried the “Zionists’ manipulation of Jewish suffering.”

At least Bernstein got it partially right about the rabbi’s remarks about the “Zionist manipulation of Jewish suffering,” but about me he got it completely wrong. Bernstein and almost anyone else can say anything they want about me without contradiction (in the press that is). He calls me a “White supremacist,” which I am not. In actual fact, I am in the opposite of a supremacist; I don’t want my people to be supreme over anyone. I believe every people, including my own, should free and independent. I repeat this everyday of my life; you can read it and hear it again and again on my Internet site.

Extremist Jews such as Bernstein, are the real supremacists who support Apartheid Israel and believe that “the Chosen” have some divine right to take other people’s lands, bomb and murder and commit terror at will, develop and use chemical, nuclear and biological weapons while forbidding even rudimentary self defense for any other people who might not endorse Jewish and Israeli supremacy over them. They don’t believe that standards of humanity and decency that apply to everyone else should also apply to them.

For the record, extremist Jews like Bernstein lie as naturally as they breathe, they are exactly as Jesus Christ pegged them 2000 years ago when he called them, “the fathers of lie.” Bernstein wrote that I called Blitzer a “tool of the Zionist Conspiracy.” Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I never use the buzz word “conspiracy.” Also, for the record, I did not call Wolf Blitzer a “tool,” I said flat out that he is a Jewish extremist agent for Israel. Here are excerpts from the CNN transcript, “Duke: I think you’re biased because you’re a former lobbyist for AIPAC. You’re a Jewish extremist, supporter of Israel, so you want to bias anyone who criticizes Zionism… You’re not an honest broker on television…. You’re an Israeli agent.”

Blitzer names the President, Vice-President and other Gentiles in government and then asks me, “Are these people simply tools of the Zionist conspiracy?”

To which I answer, “They’re not tools of a conspiracy, but they are definitely tools of the Zionist media and political power. Even the “Washington Post” said that 60 percent of the contributions for the Republican Party come from Jewish sources. Plus, if any politician in America dares to criticize Israel, millions will go to his opponents and he will be attacked in the media where Zionists have incredible power.

So Bernstein is caught in two bald-faced lies which the CNN transcript proves. I did not call Blitzer a tool of a “Jewish conspiracy,” in fact when Blitzer uses the term “Jewish conspiracy,” I specifically refute the word conspiracy and state that they are simply tools of Jewish media and political power. Notice how my actual statement is a lot more rational and convincing than the made up, “tools of a Jewish conspiracy” lie. Rabbi Bernstein and his extremist Jewish brethren in media correctly understand that if my words are accurately quoted, people will see the reason, intelligence and decency in them, so they lie and distort my words. They lie, lie, and lie again. Such policy backfires somewhat on them, especially in the Internet Age, for when the curious actually go to my website,, they see words and arguments that are completely different from how the mainstream, Jewish-influenced media portray me. They hear a man who is not hateful, a man opposed to war and hatred and oppression. They also see a man who is unalterably for freedom of speech and conscience. Finally, they learn of the real supremacism and ethnic and religious extremism that has been so carefully hidden by the mainstream media.

Since Extremist Jews are using the Purim celebrations to fuel a proposed murderous attack on Iran, it is vital that non-Jews acquire a fundamental understanding of the unconscionable hatred engendered by this primitive Jewish celebration of atavistic hatred, murder and revenge against their enemies, a feast called “Purim.”

So, what is Purim? More

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