Thursday 2 July 2009

Austria's 'forgotten' concentration camp in danger of being demolished

Daily Dose of Holohoax

If the excavations currently under way on a hill near the Austrian village of St. Georgen continue, within a few weeks little will remain of Gusen, one of the most horrifying of the Nazi concentration camps that was located nearby. Austrian officials say the work is necessary to prevent the collapse of underground tunnels on the site.

An estimated 36,000 to 50,000 inmates, including Jews, Soviet prisoners of war and political prisoners, met their deaths at Gusen, the site of an underground production facility for advanced Messerschmitt fighter jet aircraft and other weaponry. The planes were manufactured for the Nazi Luftwaffe with slave labor from the concentration camp. It has been 64 years since the closure of the aircraft factory, which was codenamed "Bergkristall."

One local resident who has been inside said the place resembles ten deserted soccer fields. Other than the gates to the factory and small memorial plaques, nothing on the outside bears witness to the tens of thousands of inmates who met their deaths as slave laborers there. More?

Previous Daily Doses of Holohoaxes:

Romania students suspected of buying bones from Holocaust-era mass grave

Is Britney Spears set to star in a Holocaust movie?

Nazi hunters urge Germany to continue search for Dr. Death

Savior of Jews in Holocaust gets Tel Aviv burial

Perpetrators of the 66 Million holocaust against Christian Russia transform themselves into "survivors" of "the Holocaust"

The devastation of civilization to date by the rapacious hordes of Godless Communism, as well as their planned annihilation of all non-Jewish societies and political organizations, began to ravage the world in the nineteenth century. It has resulted in incredible suffering and death for many millions of Christian victims in many parts of the world. Yet these Christian victims lie in their graves, unmourned and unknown, while a new class of international citizens, the creators of Marxist terrorism, profess to be the only "victims" who have endured suffering in the past one hundred and fifty years. They command the world to weep for them, because they control the world.

These harbingers of terror claim to be "refugees", since they had no nation of their own, but infested the civilized societies in every part of the world for two thousand years, bringing with them, in every instance, disease and death. They have emerged from one shattered nation after another, not as refugees, but as the final victors, bearing away their loot, and scurrying through parts which they have created and which they alone know how to follow, until they come to another host nation. With them they bring, like the medieval Bubonic Plagues, (an infection which they were accused of spreading), a terrible contamination, an infestation which quickly spreads through the new host country, and fells all who become its victims. This plague is world Communism, and its known carriers, the furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into every civilized place, are the international Jews.

We are asked to weep only for the Jews, and to ignore the many millions of actual victims of world terrorism in the past one hundred and fifty years, a chronicle of such horror that one scarcely can bear to put down this bloodstained record, not merely in fear that the world might put away its business in order to mourn these countless victims of international Communist terrorism, but that the tragic fate of these innocents, most of them women and children, is one of such pathos that one's heart could break from the full impact of its terrifying implications for everyone alive today.

1 comment:

  1. Cruel is the snow that sweeps Glencoe...
