Tuesday 16 June 2009

Zionist Lobby Holds "Human Rights" Hostage

"Human rights" have become dirty words in Canada because Zionists determine who will have them. Welcome to the future.

The Human Rights Commission, which investigates complaints, is lobbied intensely by the B'nai B'rith, the Canadian Jewish Congress and four other Zionist organizations. (The CJC has a four-man office in Ottawa.These schmoozers have reported countless meetings with CHRC since 1996.)

The CHRC then forwards the Zionists' complaints to the "Tribunal" which bills itself as an impartial court. But the Tribunal has never refused to hear a case, NO MATTER HOW BASELESS. Nor has any complaint been settled in favor of the defendant.

"A court where the rulings go only one way is the very definition of a show trial," writes The Ottawa Citizen. "These institutions should be the source of shame to Canadians." (Dec.9 2007)


This website is the subject of a Tribunal. The CJC goal is to silence my criticism of Zionism and the New World Order. The pretext is that I foment hatred against Jews. But this website does not criticize Jews, only organized Jewry i.e. Zionism and their sponsors, Illuminati bankers. It also alerts Jews to a possible hidden agenda in Judaism that puts them in jeopardy.

That I, the son of holocaust survivors, would foment hatred against myself, my family and other Jews is nonsensical. But, in our increasingly Orwellian world, I stand accused of this absurdity. This is their lame pretext for crude political censorship and persecution.

Surely, a fundamental human right is to identify your enemy rather than have him define it for you. A human right is to disassociate from evil, so you aren't blamed for it. A human right is to warn people who are being misled.

The Canadian Jewish Congress confirms by its actions that it is part of a conspiracy to distort reality and enslave mankind. In keeping with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," it suppresses invaluable information about this conspiracy.

For example, it wants to remove an article entitled: "Soviet Agents Designed IMF, World Bank UN." Why? The Illuminati conspiracy is also behind Communism.


Many Jews are waking up to the fact that the CJC is an Illuminati (i.e. Satanist) lobby. In 2000, the CJC demanded the removal of the Lord's Prayer from public schools, town councils and legislatures.

"Why is a perfunctory recitation of a generic prayer a threat [to them]?" Ezra Levant, a Jewish lawyer asked. "Why is the Christian Canada that was attractive to Jewish immigrants in the 1900's so unattractive today?...Jews have succeeded in Canada not despite its Christian traditions but because of them."

Similarly, the CJC champions other Illuminati causes like global warming and homosexual privilege. Why did the CJC go to court for a gay teacher who was fired from a private Christian college for not living up to its moral code? Levant asks.

"That suit had nothing to do with promoting Judaism -- which forbids homosexual acts -- or protecting the interests of Jewish schools, which would have fired such a teacher too. But it had everything to do with driving religion out of Canadian law."

The CJC constantly conflicts with Canadian Jews. Professor David Noble of York University is suing the CJC for $25 million for defamation after he exposed their subversion of York University. "They think they have bought themselves a university. They haven't."

But when Noble campaigned to keep his university open on Jewish holidays, the usually obstreperous CJC accepted without demur. Diversity trumps Judaism apparently.

A Canadian Jewish group concerned with justice for Palestinians was denied affiliation with the CJC. It questioned "the CJC's right to speak for the Jewish community if it excludes legitimate points of view shared by many Jews in Canada."


"Abandon all hope all ye who enter here." The watchword for Dante's Inferno also applies to the innocent "hater" entering the Tribunal process. Here are just some of the "Hallmarks of a Hate message" the Tribunal applies to him:

1. In determining if someone is fomenting hate or contempt against a targeted group, his intent is not a factor. In other words, his words can be taken out of context. And, the Tribunal will decide what effect they have had.

2. The targeted group is described as a "powerful menace" taking control of the major institutions of society and depriving others of their freedom of speech etc. ( As in, "Tribunals?")

3. The hate messages use true stories, news reports and references to purportedly reputable sources. (Their information doesn't count.)

4. The target group is portrayed as preying on children. (800,000 disappear every year.)

5. The target group is blamed for the problems of the world. (No, these problems happen randomly.)

6. The target group is violent by nature, innately evil, and without redeeming characteristics. (They like children. Does that count?)

7, The messages make light of past persecution of the target group. (Let's hear it about it one more time.)

8. The messages make reference to a "world conspiracy." (Ever heard of Communism? Guess Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover were "haters.")

The issue in my case is who is the target group? Not Jews in general, but Masonic bankers and their allies, not all Jews: Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller, Schiff, Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Selingman, the Speyers, Forbes, Pinchot, Carnegie, Dupont, Russell, Kerr, Collins, Cecil, Bush, Mirabaud, Malet, Kuhn & Loeb. The Canadian Jewish Congress indirectly answers to these families.


These "hallmarks" were written by lawyers not historians. They obviously looked at an "anti Semitic" web site and reverse engineered their criteria. Now they force all critics into this hatemonger mold.

The Canadian Jewish Congress does not represent Canadian Jews. It is a registered Zionist lobby tasked with keeping Jews in line and promoting the Illuminati agenda.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunals are products of the Zionist lobby and Illuminati finance. They don't represent the Canadian people. They are an existential threat to our freedom.

As children we all wanted to silence our critics, especially when we were wrong. We wanted them declared insane. But when we grew up we learned that free speech and debate were the best guarantee of discovering the truth.

The Zionists at the CJC never grew up and now provide a living example of authoritarianism. They hate the truth. Think USSR, Nazi Germany, Communist China.

Let's hope their lackeys at the CHRC will realize they are betraying their countrymen. Just because they don't yet know about the Illuminati conspiracy doesn't mean there isn't one.


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