Saturday 20 June 2009

Have a Nice Day Said the Tribunal to the Radical Respondent

A little recap and update regarding the latest moves in the macabre Cheka-Zionist dance now onstage at the Canadian Human Rights Commission and its “independent” hammer euphemistically named the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

As regular watchers will already know I have been attempting to get both the Commission and the Tribunal to pay heed to their slack-assed rules and regulations as per evidence and the tampering with documents which the Complainants Harry Abrams and Anita Bromberg of the secret Illuminati/Masonic society known as B’nai Brith Canada submitted to the Commission back in July of 2007. In those docs I was accused of being a Jew-hater and a hater of the “citizens” of that little hell-hole located in former Palestinian territory conveniently ripped off in 1948 by the World Zionist Organization (aka Rothschild Inc.) via its “International” organization the United Nations.

This is the same “spiritual homeland” which the Zionist terrorists gave the false and misleading title of “ISRAEL” in order to hoodwink the Christian people of the world into falling for their hogwash assertion (promulgated by the Talmudic Pharisaic rabbis) that the Ashkenazi Jews, who bear about as much genetic resemblance to the original Judahite tribes of former Biblical Palestine as a pair of Calvin Klein “genes” do to a woven arab kafkan, are God’s chosen people and the destined saviours and rulers of the world.

Anyhow, upon reading the files which the Commission disclosed to me back in February of 2009 I picked up on the fact that the controversial document known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was not contained in the plethora of puerile products which Dan aka Daniel Poulin, Commission counsel, had sent to me.

Now the whole intent of “Disclosure,” as the legal world will tell you, is to pass on to your opponent (somewhat akin to sending all of your military strategies to your enemy camp) all documentation supporting whatever argument or charge you’ve brought forth prior to any confrontation on the battlefield commencing. In this case it’s supposedly designed to streamline the process so that when the Show Trial actually occurs the Respondent doesn’t suddenly slip a whetted blade out of his pants pocket, slice the noose from off his neck and escape the clutches of Cheka champions of “Human Rights.”

I also noticed in Mr. Poulin’s disclosure that suddenly the original complaint had different words inserted into it than what were in the original document. Originally the “Complaint” read:

“The premise of this complaint is a contention that Arthur Topham of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and his internet publication known as contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.”

Now, by the time it had wended its way through the subterranean labyrinth of the Cheka’s underground, Orwellian News Speak department and emerged out the other side into Mr. Poulin’s “Disclusure,” it had somehow miraculously and conveniently shape-shifted into “ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and non-white[sic]!!??”

Whaaaaaaaat? I said to myself when first reading it. So where’s all the “citizens of Israel” already? Oi veh! How did they suddenly disappear off the Complainants’ roadmap for retaliation and repression? Who have they got working down in their dungeons of deception? Elie Weisel? I knew then that something shady was up.

I can only assume at this point that after having laid the complaint against me on the hateful, revengeful and vexatious grounds which are the “hallmarks” of the infamous section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, and then reading some of my later comments online regarding this point; one which expose the whole fallacy and absurdity of attempting to charge someone in Canada with “hate” crimes for their criticisms of a FOREIGN country and its FOREIGN citizens (or part of them anyway), that the Complainants and their B’nai Brith lawyer, Marvin Kurz, decided it might be better all around to just get rid of those FOREIGN agents of Palestinian brutality and genocide. I also think that especially after the ghastly and graphic example of Israel’s satanicly savage attack upon the citizens and infrastructure of Gaza just prior to and after Christmas, 08/09 that they realized suddenly that keeping the “citizens of Israel” in their complaint might not be such a good PR move as they first figured, the machinations and writings of former Zionist SC head honch Irwin Cotler’s notwithstanding.

Sinister Scenarios

So how to get rid of it? Hmmmmm. Well, we can imagine Kurz saying to his bud Dan in the commissar’s basement, why not just drop it and replace it with “and non-whites”? That oughta fool them, eh? What the hell it’s suppose to mean is irrelevant because both you and I know that our Zionist controlled media isn’t going to give this wacko neo-Nazi shit-disturbing, truth-telling Topham any coverage anyway so we’ll just get rid of any incriminating evidence that could possibly jeopardize our chances of a big conviction and a big bucks, maximum fine. Whatcha think Dan my man?

Dan, being a good and dedicated and highly paid commissar lackey and an unwitting sycophant of Jewish lobbyists such as B’nai Brith and the CJC who control the Harper government and his own tenure, likely considered this option for a few brief moments and then responded to Kurz, “Yes, I tink dat just might work. ‘E’ll spot it for sure but so what. Besides us, ‘eem and da Tribunal, oou we already know wee’ll rubber stamp whatever we do, it wee’ll make our chances of a quick, silent and bloodless lynching virtually 100% assured. So for sure, let’s do dat Marvin. I’ll type eet up right away. What was dat again? “non-white?”

“Yes,” Marvin replies, all the while thinking to himself, “Hopefully he’ll remember it and get the spelling correct.”

A Change in Dramatis Personae

Now it must be remembered of course that all of this assumed subterfuge took place well before Douglas Christie and the Canadian Free Speech League applied to the Tribunal for intervenor status. That move on Christie’s part, I imagine, suddenly changed the whole picture for these foreign and domestic servants of censorship. Christie coming into the case with all his know-how and eye for detail!

“Yikes Marvin,” I can see Dan excitedly exclaiming, “dis is NOT a good ting! You’d bet ter argue your hass off against Christie’s intervening in dis one or for sure e’ll also pick up on our little scam of making the “citizens of Israel” vanish into ‘tin air and you know ‘e CAN get the attention of our Zionist media wedder we like ‘eet or not.” So off went Marv to script his long-winded arguments, replete with Freudian backup, in a vain attempt to cut Christie off at the pass and prevent the possible public exposure of all of these sly little moves to relocate the stage-prop goal posts prior to the commencement of the Tribunal hearing.

And of course now we have a new act as well applying for intervenor status on behalf of and freedom of expression, much, I would imagine, to the chagrin of all the commissars involved. Mr. Paul Fromm, representative of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) has also filed a notice of motion with the Tribunal for Interested Party status adding only further to the plot. Whether Dan and Marv conspire to suppress CAFÉ or not waits to be seen at this point. That will likely be the next act in this melodrama of madness and intrigue.

The Commissars Respond

In three separate letters from the Commission and the Tribunal dated June 10, 16 and 17 both the organizations, in response to my final motions to the Tribunal to have these blatant acts of sabotage on the part of the Complainants and the Commission rectified well in advance of the proposed hearing now scheduled for Victoria, B.C., had the following to say:

On June 10th Mr. Poulin wrote with respect to the changing of the complaint wording:

“The Commission will only make the following submissions. The Motion is groundless and vexatious. Consequently it should be dismissed.”

On June 16th Mr. Poulin wrote with regard to my motion to include the Protocols document:

“This is the submissions[sic] of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in response to Mr. Topham’s Motion.

The Respondent in this case, Mr. Topham, seeks an Order compelling the Complainants to provide him with a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Mr. Topham is clearly in possession of a copy of the Protocols and thus requesting a copy from these particular complainants clearly constitute[sic] an abuse of process. Consequently, the motion should be dismissed.”

Prior to this Marv had also piped up with his 2¢ worth and wrote to the Tribunal on June 11th:

“Please accept this email as a summary response to your request for an urgent response to Mr. Topham’s motions, particularly regarding disclosure from my clients.

First of all it appears that Mr. Topham is engaged in [sic] campaign of vexatious motions, including motions to change orders already made in regard to other vexatious motions that he has brought.

Second, his request that the complainants produce to him a document that he possesses and has posted on his own web site cannot be seen as anything but frivolous. He need only check his own website or click onto his own link to obtain the document in question. Mr. Abrams did not produce a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to the Commission. Onstead [sic] he referred to Mr. Topham’s link to the document as well as Mr. Topham’s own “introduction” to the Protocols. We appear to be in alternative realities when Mr,. Topham demands that we produce his document from his website in order to provide him with disclosure.”


Possibly here we should take a little intermission or a popcorn break and I’ll explain to the audience why I am being so adamant (others will say obstinate, some would even say “vexatious”) about the Complainants and the Commission providing this document. First off it was the NUMBER ONE cause for concern, according to Harry Abrams’ own original statement to the Commission, for having filed a section 13 complaint against me and Second, being so, it was the primary piece of evidence that the Commission’s “Hate Crimes Investigator” Ms. Sandy Kozak should have studied in detail during her investigation leading up to the Commission’s decision to lend credence to Abrams’ vexatious claims against myself and therefore passing the complaint over to the Tribunal for a hearing.

Bearing all this in mind it now becomes evident that when I subpoena Ms. Kozak to appear at the hearing for questioning regarding her reasons for having concluded that I’m a hater of Jews she will conveniently state, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”? What Protocols? I didn’t get any Protocols. There’s no Protocols document in the Commission files. Just ask Dan, he’ll tell you.” And so the most valuable document in explaining the inner workings of political Zionism and the modus operandi of its secret societies like B’nai Brith Canada will not have to be addressed by the Commission’s principal investigator, Ms. Sandy Kozak (reportedly once a cop booted out of the force for unethical behaviour), the individual who decided this complaint warranted a Tribunal hearing and all which that entails for me and the taxpaying public.

To Conclude

So, intermission being over, let’s get back to it and go through the motions (so to speak) and read the final one from the Tribunal regarding these two highly contentious issues:

On June 17th I received the following statement from Guy Gregoire, Director, Registry Operations, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal:

“This is further to the respondent’s motions of June 9 and June 10, 2009 seeking further disclosure and reconsideration of the Tribunal’s June 2, 2009 direction. Tribunal Member Karen A. Jensen has directed as follows:

The respondent’s motion dated June 10, 2009 for reconsideration of the Tribunal’s June 2, 2009 direction is denied. The respondent’s motion dated June 9, 2009 seeking further disclosure of documents form the complainants is essentially a request to reconsider instuctions [sic] that were given by the Tribunal regarding disclosure on June 2, 2009 and is therefore also denied.”


Canadian Jewish Congress Organized Nazis Party "Creating Anti-Semitism Since 1965"

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