By Ex-Jew Brother Nathanael Kapner
Dear Governor Sarah Palin,
IN LIGHT OF YOUR newly appointed Vice Presidency slot on the John McCain ticket, we concerned Americans would like for you to seriously consider our urgent plea to you.
Every American ‘leader’ has groveled before Zionist Israel and the powerful Israel Lobby such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). As Americans, we believe that all people are equal in God’s eyes and none have a special place in His providence. God has the same plan for all people: their well being and salvation.
We also believe that America’s continued financial support—a trillion dollars by most estimates—of 60 years of Zionist terrorism, inhuman brutality, and outrageous genocide, are not in America’s best interests.
Therefore dear Governor Palin:
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear on the horrific Bush-Cheney-Zionist-American genocide of well over a million Iraqi civilians and perhaps twice that number of Afghans.
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear on the Zionist agenda to engage in a military stike on Iran which will bring on WW III.
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear in terms of the expense of one more American life in the fraud called the ‘Global War On Terror.’
We Call Upon You to make your position crystal clear on the enslaving Unconstitutional laws that our spineless Congress continues to pass such as the Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act, and FISA.
We Call Upon You not to cave into the Zionist summons that you ‘visit Israel soon’ to grovel before the Zionist Jews as have the other ‘illustrious’ American leaders shown on this page.
Stop The Elitist Establishment From Corrupting Our Political System!
For More See: “Why Israel Should Not Exist” Click Here
And: “The Evils Of Zionism” Click Here
And: “Exposing The Mossad” Click Here
And: “Behind The Scenes At The AIPAC Conference ” Click Here
Brother Nathanael Kapner
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