In 1864, there were 200 Jewish factories in Vilnius. The Jews were known for poor wages and catastrophic working conditions. The people responded with frequent strikes. When Jews hold slaves, anything goes. But some laws were introduced to limit their freedom. An 1885 law forbade women and children from working the night shift. In 1897, the work day was restricted to 11.5 hours. (Arno Lustiger, Rotbuch: Stalin und die Juden, Aufbau, 1998, p. 30)
Laws and restrictions only antagonized the Jewish community. In 1874, the Jews tried to take a revolutionary message into the country with about 2000 people. Their efforts centered on 1) terrorist activities, and 2) illegal publications. (Waldron, id.) In 1887, the Jews hatched a plot to kill Tsar Alexander III. Five of the ring leaders, including the Jew Alexander Ulyanov (brother to Lenin), were sentenced to death. (Waldron, p. 23)
In 1879, they started the terrorist movement Narodnaja Wolja (Freedom for the People). The Jewish leadership included Salomon Witenberg, Meir Molodezki, and Grigori Goldenberg. Goldenberg died in 1800 in prison at the age of 25 – supposedly suicide. (Lustiger, p. 43) The actual number of revolutionaries was small. Narodnaya Volya, the Jewish organization that ritually murdered Tsar Alexander II, had about 500 members. Plus the help of several thousand sayanim. (Waldron, id.)
The next tsar tried to clean things up, but only managed to antagonize the Jews. "Alexander III died suddenly in 1894". (id., p. 26) You can read that as poisoning.
All of this stirring was designed to weaken the Tsars. In April 1902, the Jews ritually murdered Dmitrii Sipiagin, the Minister of Internal Affairs. (Waldron, p. 27) In July 1904, Viacheslav Pleve, the deeply conservative Minister of Internal Affairs , was assassinated by a bomb thrown by a member of the Jewish Socialist Revolutionary party. (id., p. 26)
Jewish money enabled Japan to get lots of modern weapons, and take on the Russian fleet. The war started in January, 1904. The Jewish-financed weapons must have been good, because the Japanese succeeded in capturing the main Russian base at Port Arthur in December 1904. In May of 1905, the Russian fleet was destroyed at Tsushima. (id., p. 29)
The reader will recall that Nicholas I adopted the suicidal policy of bringing Jews into the armed forces in 1827. In 1874, that enemy of the Russian people Tsar Alexander II compounded the problem by introducing universal conscription. (Waldron, p. 124)
In the midst of the war, these Jewish soldiers were able to destabilize the military. In the last ten weeks of 1905, there were 200 mutinies in the Russian armed forces. The Jews also sponsored a trial-run revolution in 1905. The Jews had the Tsar in a corner, and forced him to accept the Duma, a democratic body which they controlled, in 1906. (Waldron, p. 32) The official Jewish line was equal rights for all, with democracy and freedom. The Duma had 200 Jews among its 486 members. (Lustiger, p. 41)

He was doing a great job of saving Russia, so the Jews murdered him in 1911. (Waldron, p. 36)
The Jews ran the terror business and the parliament. And of course the banks. The Tsars did nothing that could have saved the country. In 1917, this diseased course of action bore fruit. A revolution succeeded, and the Tsar and his family paid the price for the stupidity that started in 1772, and was never corrected. The people of Russia were to experience the most radical change of government witnessed in Europe since 1789 (when the Jews took over in France). (Waldron, p. 164)
In the Ukraine, the 1917 revolution was run by the Rada, composed of nationalist Ukrainians. They may have believed the Jews’ talk of freedom and equal rights. Their independence lasted for three years (1917 – 1920).
The Ukrainians could have saved themselves, and sent the Jews away. But they didn’t. Instead, they brought Jews into their government. Moshe Silberfarb ran Jewish affairs. All laws would were published in Yiddish, Polish and Russian.
Could the Ukrainians dance with the Devil and get away with it (see Chapter 32)?
The Red Army invaded the country in 1918. (Lustiger, p. 53) Now the Ukrainians learned what the Jews meant when they preached freedom and equal rights for the last 30 years. At the end of January 1918, they got Silberfarb out of the government.
At the end of April 1918, the Germans got the Cossack General Skoropadski into power in the Ukraine. But after the Jews collapsed the government in Germany with a little revolution, the Germans withdrew. And Jews took over again. Moshe Silberfarb was back in the government. (Lustiger, p. 55)
And the Jews took over again.
What about equal rights in the rest of Russia? That just meant that Jews were running the government. Like in St. Petersburg, where the Jewish governing committee included the likes of Moses Uritzki, Goldstein and Drabkin. (Lustiger, p. 57)
Since the Russian people was considerably smarter than their rulers, they fought back against the Jews. This fighting lasted between 1917 and 1921. It included at least 1236 popular actions against the Jews, with 60 000 being killed.
There were two armies – the Red Army and the White Army. The White Army explained that Jews were responsible for the revolution. (Lustiger, p. 58)

The Jews got the upper hand, and it was time for the Red Terror. Now the Jews slaughtered their enemies and rivals, enslaved the rest, and looted the country (compare with Shechem).
Why did this all have to happen? The next chapter answers this question in detail.
Why did this all have to happen? The next chapter answers this question in detail.
Why did this all have to happen? -- Important Lessons

Levi was arrested in 1898 for revolutionary activities in Jewish circles (id., p. 38), and spent two years in prison in Odessa (id., p. 39) In 1905, Trotsky came to Kiev traveling on fake papers. The Jews had gotten a war going between Russia and Japan (Compare with Spain and the Basque war).

Trotsky made it easy for them. On October 17, 1905, he went to the university and gave a fiery speech. It went over well, but was not enough, because Prince Witte had taken over management of the State. (id., p. 74)
On December, 1905, Trotsky and his revolutionary council were arrested. This time he would spend just 15 months in the justice system. (id., p. 76) He was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, where he spent his days writing revolutionary literature. (id., p. 77)
Trotsky, of course, knew what he was doing. In a letter of March 24, 1913, he stated, The entire structure of Leninism is in this time built on lies and falsehoods which will lead to its eventual downfall. Lenin engages in dirty intrigues. He is a master of that. He is a professional exploiter. (id., p. 67)
Trotsky and Lenin headed the anti-Russian forces in Russia. But, of course, they also had their man in Germany. The Kaiser was the chief in the country, but the chancellor ran it. The chancellor from 1909 - 1917 was the Jew Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg,

By 1910, the leading politicians, like Bethmann Hollweg, had decided a major war would take place in Europe. This Jew moved in circles of nobility, and had a large estate on the Oder river. He complained that there was no point in planting trees on his property since war was inevitable, and that area would soon fall into Russian possession. (Vejas Liulevicius, Kriegsland im Osten, HIS Verlagsges., 2002, p. 36)
The great German chancellor Otto von Bismarck made sure that relations with Russia were always cordial, but when Kaiser Wilhelm II came into power, he forced Bismarck out of office in 1890. (Liulevicius, p. 36) This opened the way for Jewish control of the German government.
Thirty years later, Wilhelm II was deposed by a Jewish-led revolution. His family lost the throne, and all the German princes lost their governments, as the Jews had finally taken over.
The German Kaiser was hopeless, but what about the Russians? Did the Russian princes have a clue?
They should have known from the experiences of 1905 that the Jews use wars as an opportunity to reshuffle the cards. In 1915, the Russians were engaged in a tactical retreat in the Wilna area. They used a scorched-earth tactic similar to that employed by Peter I in his wars with Karl XII of Sweden. Took along entire factories, lots of people, and burned the fields.

They told lies and falsehoods about freedom and equal rights. They even admitted in advance that these were lies. But the Jews knew what they were doing, and so did the Tsars.
The Tsars let their enemies into the country. They let them engage in revolution activity. So when it came time for the Red Terror, it was nothing new.
That’s just how they are. If the Tsars and aristocrats had a problem with that, they should never have let their blood enemies into the country. "The imperial Russian state perished from its own weakness." (Peter Waldron, The End of Imperial Russia, 1855 - 1917, MacMillian Press, 1997, p. 161) They could have learned from the experience of the Visigoths in Spain , but they didn’t.
Until it was too late. And then they learned the hard way
You might be interested on the "Sins of the fathers" in the Bush family. Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker were running the slave coal mines that needed Jewish and other camp laborers in Poland. Bush continued his business transactions with Fritz "I Paid Hitler -author" Thyssen even after US had been in war with the Nazi Germany already for a year.
I think GW Bush was repenting over the sins of his fathers during his era. But "Thou Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless whosoever uses His name in vain", said the decalog, Ten Commandments to the hypocrite fake believers. Not to your own ends. I pray for the Republican quasi-royal families, I wish them all good. An analogous process of blood money laundring was going on in the richest family of the "impartial" Sweden, the Wallenberg's. They funded the Nazi's during the hyperinflation at the 1920's, when money from abroad determined who's gonna get the power. SA was a private and PAID army with its 350,000 x2 arms. They were no boy scouts but demanded money. Four times larger private army than the Wehrmacht field army of Germany!
A longer version in English with Scientific backround of Western race hygiene in general (first a scanned text from a classic volume of professor Daniel Gasman, then my own 50 page research with 100 references):
Recovering from hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain,, evolutionary critic
Helsinki, Finland
Biochemist, drop-out (MSci-Master of Sciing)
Aside from your blatantly Anti Semitic propaganda, such as the White Russian poster against Trotsky and Jews in general, most of your entries are factually incorrect. Case in point, "Woman in Red" was NOT a "Suicide Bomber" and she never killed anyone. The attack was against a British Military payroll and the woman in question fired on a single Army NCO. Not only was that NOT "terrorism," but she survived without a scratch. Educate yourself.
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