Friday, 8 March 2013

Nazi symbols used against Jews in two incidents in Paris

Nazi Symbol
French police are investigating two incidents in Paris in which Nazi symbols were used.

On Thursday, swastikas were painted on the door of a Paris office of the Union of Jewish French Students. Earlier this week, police arrested a man who performed a Nazi salute in front of the Paris rabbinate.

The swastikas on the offices of the UEJF at Paris’ Université Panthéon-Assas “prove that universities are also affected by the rise in anti-Semitic incidents in France,” the union’s president, Jonathan Hayoun, said in a statement.

On March 5, police arrested a man who approached the Paris Consistoire, the organization responsible for providing religious services to France’s Jewish communities, carrying a bible and performing a Nazi salute.

The man, who was not identified, hurled the bible at the officers before he was arrested, according to Le Parisien, a French daily.

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