Saturday 8 December 2012

Pamela Geller’s New Ad: A Picture of the 9/11 WTC Attack and a Quote From the Quran

Remember how hate group leader Pamela Geller claimed that her subway/bus advertisements about Muslim “savages” were only intended to apply to radical jihadis? Not to Muslims in general? Remember how she claimed she truly loves Muslims, and her purpose was to spread love, not hate?

Well, you can forget all that. The latest advertisement she’s paying to display in the New York subway system just drops all pretense of criticizing only extremists, and makes it dead obvious that Geller, Robert Spencer, and their bigoted cohorts really do not love Muslims at all. I know, it’s a shock.

Her insanely offensive advertisement is a picture of people dying on September 11, accompanied by a quote from the Quran — making a very clear statement that the religion of Islam itself is responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks.

It’s been no secret to those who’ve followed Geller’s deranged hate campaigns against Muslims that her protestations of innocence and love and “only the jihadis” were nothing but outright lies. Now her obsessions have gotten the better of her, and she’s making her noxious hatred clear to everyone.

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