“God is landing blow after blow on the Japanese. But they’re like Egypt and Pharaoh. Japan does not understand…only goyyim know what drugs are…"
From Behadrei Haredim (this is a loose translation):
“God is landing blow after blow on the Japanese. But they’re like Egypt and Pharaoh. Japan does not understand that it is holding the detainees [Satmar yeshiva students arrested for drug smuggling] for no reason. They think the yeshiva students know what this drug is, but from where would hasidic yeshiva students know what this is? Only goyyim [non-Jews] know what drugs are. Rather than [Japan] admitting its mistake, it continues to hold them, and for that [Japan] is punished.”

Israelis World Number 1 Smugglers and Suppliers of the evil Drug Trade
Israeli Drug Smugglers' Global Monopoly On Ecstasy
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