WASHINGTON (JTA) - The original Nuremberg Laws documents were transferred to the National Archives in Washington, where they will reside permanently.
The papers, transported Wednesday from the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens in California, were signed by Hitler in 1935 and codified the systematic extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany.
They are thought to be the only copies of the Nuremberg Laws to exist. [See Adolf Hitler Awarded Iron Cross through Jewish Recommendation and Zionism and the Third Reich ]Gen. George Patton, who was given the papers by U.S. soldiers who found them in a German bank vault and then disobeyed orders by bringing them out of Germany, gave the documents to the Huntington in 1945.
The pages specify what made a person Jewish, and stripped those who fell into that category of their German citizenship. The laws were broken down into three broad categories: The Laws for the Safeguard of German Blood and German Honor forbade intermarriage or cohabitation between Aryans and Jews; The Reich’s Citizen Law said German citizens must be of German blood; and the Reich’s Flag Law outlined the Nazi flag.
Detailed Explanation of the setup is here:
The Hidden Hand Behind The Myth of the "Promise" or "Promised Land" if too long jump to the conclusion
and here:
Close Collaboration between Nazis and Zionists
See also David Irving's Collection of German Papers and especially those of the official High Command war diary
Kangaroo Court Jew Benjamin Kaplan, Nurenberg attorney, dies
From the Guardian: Nuremberg laws that General Patton stole given to US National Archives 'Original' version of Hitler's Nuremberg laws transferred from vault in Californian library to National Archives in Washington They are just four typewritten pages and one notorious signature. But the hastily written Nuremberg laws stripped German Jews of their citizenship, and laid the ground for the murder of millions of people within a decade. Yet when the remaining Nazi leadership went on trial after the war, that original version of the Nuremberg laws was missing from the mass of documentary evidence of the persecution and extermination of Jews presented to the international court. Forty-five years later it was revealed that the documents had been filched by General George Patton and then hidden away in the vault of a California library. Today the four pages, signed by Hitler and stripping Jews of German citizenship, barring their marriage to those defined as Aryan and ultimately defining those consigned to the extermination camps, were reunited with other papers used at the war crimes trials now kept at the US National Archives in Washington. Patton was notorious for defying orders as his army charged across Europe even while he was a stickler for discipline among his troops. In the waning days of the war a detachment of the US army's counter-intelligence corps discovered the papers in Eichstätt, Bavaria. Patton appropriated them in breach of orders against looting and the collecting of souvenirs and for Nazi documents to be handed over to war crimes investigators. Shortly before his death in 1945 Patton quietly gave the papers to the Huntington library in California, which holds a priceless Gutenberg Bible and early editions of Shakespeare and Chaucer. Patton grew up near the library and his father worked for its founder, Henry Huntington, a railway baron. Apparently embarrassed at receiving the historic and chilling documents over which neither Patton nor the library could claim legal ownership, the Huntington stuck them in a reinforced vault. "We were aware that General Patton, who had received the documents from his staff as a gift and deposited them at the Huntington, had not paid attention in his souvenir hunting to the orders of his commander in chief," the library's president, Steve Koblik, told the Associated Press. "Had General Patton not taken these documents, they would have been part of the collection the government was putting together in order to prepare for the Nuremberg trials." The laws, drafted at the Nazi party's 1935 Nuremberg rally, were the first legal step to identifying and defining who was German and who was Jewish given the large number of secular and highly assimilated Jews in Germany. Germans were those who had four grandparents with "German or kindred blood". Jews were defined as descended from three or four grandparents who were Jewish. Anyone in between was defined as Mischling or crossbreed. Among other restrictions, the laws forbade Jews to fly the Nazi or German flags but did permit them "to display the Jewish colours". "The exercise of this right is protected by the state," the laws said. Although viewed today as the first legal step to broader persecution and eventually genocide, the Nuremberg laws were not entirely alien to older Germans. Until 1870 Jews in Germany were not recognised as citizens, and had their rights restricted no matter how many generations their families had lived there for. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/25/nuremberg-laws-patton-national-archives |
Adolf Hitler's half-sister, Angela Hitler, was manager of Mensa Academia Judaica, a boarding house for Jewish students, in Vienna before WWII
and more...
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