Friday 11 June 2010

Why Apologize, Helen!?

Don't get me wrong, I love Helen Thomas. Here is my email inviting her on my radio show:

Dear Helen Thomas,

I'm sorry to see the only honest journalist in Washington retire...and would love to interview you on my talk show! My next openings are Saturday, June 26th, 7 to 8 pm Eastern, and Tuesday, June 29th, noon to 1 pm Eastern.

Like you, I was nudged out of my job for telling too much truth. I taught Arabic, Intro to Islam, African Literature and Folklore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1995 till 2006, when I was hounded out of the University by Wisconsin state legislators who didn't like the political views I had expressed on a radio show. Now I teach inner city kids English for a living, write the occasional book, and try to tell the truth, no-holds-barred, on my radio shows.

By the way, the remarks that got you in trouble were basically correct. Israel is the last European settler colony, and it needs to decolonize ASAP. Israeli Jews who don't want to live as equals with the natives should go back to Europe, just like the pieds-noir, Afrikaaners, British Kenyans etc. etc.

Anyway...thanks for all your terrific work!


Still waiting to hear from her. Meanwhile, my only complaint about Helen's anti-Zionist truth-blurt is...why the bleep did she apologize? Why apologize to traitors who have taken over our media in service to a hostile foreign power? Why apologize to apologists for genocide? Why apologize for telling the truth?

I had the same thought when I caught Van Jones on the Bill Maher show last night, kissing up to that smarmy, idiot-grinning little Zionist prick. (No, I don't watch this kind of tripe regularly -- in fact, it was the first time I've watched American TV in many years...not counting Jesse Ventura and similar stuff on youtube.)

Van Jones, you may remember, apologized profusely for having signed the original 9/11 truth petition. I guess that's why he still gets invitations from Maher and his fellow Zionist media dominators.

As I told Russia Today: Kevin Barrett 9/11 - 'Van Jones should've done what I did!'

When Hannity came after me, I didn't apologize.

When my University of Wisconsin-Madison colleague Marshall Onellian publicly called me a "fruitcake" and ridiculed my religion, I didn't apologize. I kept my sense of humor, gave it right back to him--and stood up for the truth.

Does Helen Thomas really think that if she apologizes, the Zionists who dominate the media will someday give her her job back? That Bill Maher will be her buddy again?

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think you should apologize for doing wrong...not for doing right.

Kevin Barret

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