Monday 14 June 2010

What Next If Israel Attacks the Iranian Flotilla?

After an extensive history of slaughtering American peace activists, a history that is hidden by the U.S. media, Israel now is playing poker, more specifically Blind-man’s Bluff, with a country that invented chess and is using logic.

If Israel attacks a flotilla due to the enforcement of an illegal blockade against the Palestinians, and the U.N. has no authority, will, or ability to stop it, it would seem the U.N. would have little credibility or authority to stop an Iranian nuclear program that has never violated any IAEA protocols.

The problem Israel faces with Iran’s nuclear program and its sending the Iranian navy into international waters towards Palestinian coastal waters is just one part of the equation. The situation becomes exponentially more complicated with the killing of Turkish peace activists. Since Turkey is a member of NATO and has the right to seek protection from the alliance, an alliance of which Israel is not a member, this begins to create a credibility problem for NATO and again proves that Israeli interests and U.S. interests have begun a sharp divergence as Israel becomes a strategic liability. If NATO cannot control Israel, and the U.S. can not control Israel's behavior towards alliance members, what good is the alliance? What Israel is not considering is that the Jewish lobby does not have a stranglehold on European politicians and the AIPAC does not carry much weight in Paris or Berlin. There are too many European capitals for all of them to be the “Israeli Occupied Territory” that Washington D.C. has become. Furthermore, Europeans countries and NATO members like Turkey will not allow their citizens to be slaughtered the way American politicians allowed its sailors on the U.S.S Liberty to be slaughtered by the Israelis.

Many wonder if the slaughter of Turks was payback for the three-way nuclear swap deal for low-enriched uranium (LEU) between Turkey, Brazil, and Iran. This deal was floated by the U.S. until the Iranians took it. When the plan was accepted by Iran, Turkey, and Brazil, the U.S. went berserk. Now the U.S. is intent of savaging Turkey and Brazil while sabotaging the agreement. It also seems Israel is telling Turkey, in no uncertain terms, that there are costs for meddling in international affairs that affect Israeli interests. But Turkey will soon be sending a message to Israel that Ankara is not Washington D.C. and its politicians are not beholden to Jewish interests, or "The Lobby" and its AIPAC affiliates.

Imagine the irony if Israel is able to do single-handedly what the entire Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact could not do – destroy NATO. The alliance had to travel all the way to Afghanistan to find a meaning for its existence. Europe has military/industrial complex issues, although not to the extent that they dominate all aspects of political, economic, and political life as the U.S. spends more than the rest of the world combined. So, there is no Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney axis of evil to hold a bizarro world together in Europe as Europeans are too politically savvy to fall for fear mongering after the history they lived through.

Obama is now at the crux of a problem with legitimacy and international law on one side, and on the other an illegitimate Zionist regime that seeks U.S. sponsored U.N. Security Council Veto protection while carrying out genocide and piracy. More

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