Friday 16 April 2010

Rabbi's Letter to YouTube Regarding David Duke's 'Antisemitic' YouTube Account

Rabbi Dov Coder is a good friend of the JIDF. He's one of the few Jewish leaders who has been at the forefront of combating the oasis of antisemitic content found on YouTube and beyond. He cc's us email after email he sends to YouTube, which unfortunately, seem to fall on deaf ears for the most part. The following is a letter Rabbi Coder wrote to YouTube about the YouTube channel of David Duke (pictured, in full KKK gear). We thought we'd share it here, in order to raise awareness. We urge you to report David Duke's YouTube channel. If you're not sure how to report hateful content on YouTube, be sure to visit our guide to reporting such content, here. Now, here's the Rabbi's email:

From: Dov Coder
Subject: Account of David Duke
Date: April 4, 2010 3:12:27 PM
To:, Mia , Missribs , YouTube Administration , YouTube Citizen , YouTube Editor , YouTube Security , YouTube Service , YouTube Suggestions
Cc: Jewish Internet Defense Force

Dear YouTube Administration,

I am writing to you again and asking for the suspension of the account of anti-Semite and racist David Duke, "drdduke". This is not the first time I have contacted YouTube about this hate propagandist and former KKK grand wizard. All of my previous emails requesting this have gone unanswered, and thus far no action has been taken by YouTube and Google to remove this hate monger from our community.

David Duke has spent his entire career attempting to obfuscate, hide, repackage, intellectualize, and dress up ideas, which, at their core, represent the crudest and most destructive form of hatred of other races. It makes little difference whether he is donning the robes of the KKK or appearing in a suit and tie on television talk shows. His own words in his videos and in his comments show that he is what he is, an unabashed racist and anti-Semitic hatemonger.

Mr. Duke plays to many of the classical anti-Semitic themes in his videos, providing a laundry list of Jewish stereotypes. He repeatedly emphasizes the superiority of Christianity over Judaism, quoting out of context from The Old and New Testaments. He cites the Talmud as a text meant to assert Jewish superiority in the ancient, medieval and modern worlds. Jewish holidays, according to Duke, celebrate hate and killing.

Mr. Duke claims that there isn’t much evil in the world for which the Jews do not bear responsibility. We're to blame for the Russian revolution, the murder of the Czar and millions of innocent victims during Soviet rule, and the entire Communist "blot on humanity." He blames Jews for convincing the world that the Holocaust happened. Like many anti-Semites, he lays the responsibility for the ancient and colonial slave trade on the Jews. One of the more outrageous "historical facts" he presents is that Zionists "sought out common ground" with Hitler and in their attempt to create a racist Jewish state, a vicious slur that defames the memory of millions of Jews - including most of my father's family - murdered by Hitler and his criminal thugs.

In my opinion, Mr. Duke is attempting to pull a "Frank Weltner" (aka the ex-Cpotato2004) by churning out these videos and inviting his anti-Semitic friends to come and post their hate comments and threats towards the Jewish people. I also believe he has, like Weltner, created numerous clone accounts and has commented on his own videos in order to raise his ratings in the YouTube community, a common tactic among neo-nazis and white supremacists to give the false impression that there are more of them then there really are. He has refused to moderate even the most vile, vicious, anti-Semitic slurs his friends have posted. These people have even called for the total extermination of the Jewish people...without any response from Mr. Duke whatsoever.

I am again asking YouTube and Google to rid our community of one of the most prolific anti-Semitic propagandists - David Duke and his channel "drdduke". Thank you for considering my request.


Rabbi Dov Coder

Again, we urge you to report David Duke's YouTube channel. If you're not sure how to report hateful content on YouTube, be sure to visit our guide to reporting such content, here.


Anonymous said...

He don't have to read it does he now.

Looks like one of those malingerers at the doorstep trying to gain access to your home.

Anonymous said...

Indeed,a racist tirade if ever i saw one.

It's not even entertaining,just gobbledegook from a nut who in all probability believes the 'Jews' alone shall instruct the unchosen masses.