If you are an 81 year old Italian bishop of a certain persuasion, the anti everything kind, then the reasons for the recent attacks on the Pope over the pedophilia scandal are obvious; they are a 'Jewish led plot'.
The quoted views of Giacomo Babibi come from an interview he gave to a right wing Catholic website -Pontifex. I say quoted becuase he has subsequently denied them, but he does have a history of previous, as indeed does his church. About 1,900 years of it.
According to the website, Monsignor Babini, the retired bishop of Grosseto, told them that 'The enemies of catholicism are always the same - Freemasons and Jews...Let me be more precise, it is a refined Zionist media attack against the Church. At the end of the day the Jews are a Deicide (god killing) people...they and no-one else carried out the Crucifixion'.
Last time I looked, which was Easter Friday whilst watching 'The Greatest Story Ever Told', John Wayne was wearing a Roman Centurion's outfit whilst drawling 'Aw truly this was the son of Gard' as his colleagues nailed Jesus to the cross.
But then what would you expect from a man of the cloth (Babini not Wayne) who also believes that although the Holocaust was shameful, it took place due to Jews 'strangling Germany economically'.
Of course we could dismiss this as the rantings of a man from the past, but sadly, it follows others, those of senior Vatican officals, that the recent criticism of the Holy Father is part of various plots to undermine him. Then there was interesting comparison by a top priest that the criticism was similar to the Nazi witchhunt of Jews - you know all that recent rounding up Catholic priests across Europe and sending them in trains to concentrations camps whilst surrounding the Vatican ghetto before starving and shelling it. Or did you miss that?
To give the Vatican credit, the American Jewish Group Committee website quotes bishop Vincenzo Paglia as saying that Babini's remarks are "entirely contrary to the official line and mainstream thought of the Catholic church".
Indeed, since Vatican II that is true. Vatican II overturned centuries of Catholic thought and led to the apology for not speaking out during the Holocaust.
However, lingering in the darker corners of sections of catholic thought are the ideas of Babini. It is difficult for this not to be so. The Romans crucified Jesus, so when, a few centuries later they decided to become Christians, this presented somehting of a problem. The way round it was to insert some new passages into scripture and hey presto it was the Jews wot done it. One of the most infamous is from the Book of John 'Ye are of your father the devil'. Another is from Mathew; The Jews said of Jesus's death "Let his blood be on our heads and that of our children' Leave to one side liberal christian interpretation, these passages have been used by those of Babini's mindset for centuries.
Pontifex is standing by its story and pointing out other interviews Babini has given in a similar vein. He does not
care much for homosexuals, his take on Church of England converts coming to Catholic churches? - 'I hope we don't get a whole load of gays coming onboard.' .. he believes homosexuals are 'abhorent'' and ''against nature'' adding ''in the animal kingdom animals respect their sexuality so from that point of view that is better.'
This one could run and run....for another few centuries.
http://blogs.news.sky.com/foreignmatters/Post:50e22f56-7f1d-42fc-ab09-63e1fa8edffd100,000 children in Israel have been sexually assaulted
Monday, 12 April 2010
Pope Attacks? A 'Jewish Led Plot'.
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It’s odd that anyone should be surprised at the current sexual child abuse scandal engulfing the Catholic Church. It should not be surprising because for anyone who knows the history of the Church, rampant sexual abuses of all kinds were quite commonplace for centuries. During the Middle Ages the Church had absolute power over people, and the people had no power at all to do anything, nor anyone to complain to. One can only imagine the lurid events in convents, monasteries, abbeys and other houses of God. That clergy went on doing this until the present time is only natural.
The trouble for the Church is, these days the environment outside the Church is different. A priest can no longer do as he pleases with the boys in church because these days the child can speak out without fear of being flogged by his parents, or bringing shame to the family, or excommunication, or even a visit to an Inquisition dungeon. So, the only difference between now and the 14th century is that now there’s an open press, a somewhat liberal society, and an inexorable distancing from religion and thus from the despotic yoke of the Church.
But no one should expect the Pope to make the right thing now, namely defrock these pederast priests and hand them over to the civil authorities for prosecution, because that is not what popes do. No, popes do not have the interests of Justice and the victims in mind, they have the interests of the Holy Church in mind, and that means thinking in the long term. And when it comes to thinking ahead and thinking of what will be best for the Church in the long term, the answer is always demurrals, delays, silence, and stonewalling for decades—even generations—until there’s no one alive who lived through the events in question, and the events are forgotten by all except some historians. By the time they narrate the events in history books, the people are so detached that the stories sound almost quaint. It’s like stories of the massacres perpetrated by Catholics in the name of religion during the Crusades or even the Religious Wars. Or the tortures and persecutions of the Inquisition. Who is revolted by these things these days? We would if they had just happened. But we are not because they happened so long ago that we tend to view them in the same way as the barbarous actions of any people in antiquity. This is the strategy of silent popes. It has worked wonderfully for the Church in the past. It’s up to right minded people today to prevent it from working for them again.
Gabriel Wilensky
Six Million Crucifixions:
How Christian Teachings About Jews Paved the Road to the Holocaust
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