Friday 5 March 2010

Too late for trust

Why no Jewish writer can be believed

Periodically, even the most sincere of my trusty email correspondents send me supposedly revealing pieces about weighty topics of current interest that have been written by Jewish writers.

Some of them are pretty good. In fact, you might say Jews reveal far more about themselves than any gentile investigator can. This is true not only of current news but also of the canons of the genre, the classic insider Jewish warnings by Benjamin Freedman, Harold Rosenthal, Mordecai Vanunu, Arthur Koestler and the like. Perhaps it’s the inside information they have, their history of simply being a Jew all their lives, and apparently seeing life differently than the rest of the people on the planet, but their revelations about their own tribe often appear more realistic than some of the clammy invective thrown at the Jews in general by many of their aggravated gentile critics.

There are two notable features in the category of Jewish-Gentile relations. The first is that gentiles are encouraged every moment of all their lives to feel sorry for Jews, supposedly because these poor people have endured such hard lives throughout all their history. The Holocaust hoopla that began 20 years after World War II has been a public relations campaign to confirm that perception in the minds of everyone in the world, and has worked in spades, due to the ubiquitous power of Jewish media. In many countries today, you can be sent to jail for not feeling sorry for the Jews.

And the shadow of the monster takes form in your mind.

The second feature is, in case you haven’t noticed, Jewish control of practically every government and every major business in the world, and I’m not just talking national governments, but state, local and community bureaucracies and professions as well. Zoning boards. Hospital support groups. All the major corporations. 9/11 skeptics groups. More

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