Monday 29 March 2010

Israel’s Delusion=The World’s Misery

Note to those scratching their heads over Israel’s “recent” belligerent behavior viz-a-viz the Obama Administration’s insistence that the Jewish state actually abide by international law and cease construction in the territories pirated by her in 1967–


Neither should anyone be shocked over the fact that–with miniscule exceptions–protests from the Chosenite quarter of humanity over all the bloodshed and chaos caused by the Jewish state in what used to be called the Holy Land are virtually non-existent. For the sake of those who have suffered incalculably, namely the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis and others in the region, let us not pretend we had no way of knowing.

We knew, or at least we should have. As we are always told–“ignorance of the law is no excuse, the “law” in this case not being just some ordinary, run of the mill law, but rather THE LAW, meaning the word of God Himself, or so they say.

No, we’re not being cheeky here. Indeed, GOD HAS SPOKEN and all anyone need do in figuring this out for him or herself is crack open the playbook being used in mapping all this misery out and see for themselves.

After all, lest we forget, according to the narrative in question, for some indescribable reason the creator of the universe DID decide one day to focus His infinite attention and affection on one tiny, seemingly insignificant percentage of his handiwork, commanding them to then go about the business of invading, stealing, enslaving and genociding those who did not “bless them” in a way deemed acceptable.

That right folks, invasion, theft, enslavement, and genocide, all the things we are told by Jewish interests are part of “Islam”, but which in reality are not, but rather the nuts and bolts of the Jews‘ religion.

And let’s not dabble in the business that this is all a “Netanyahu” thing. Miraculously, Bibi (the same war criminal credited with gloating over the deaths of 3,000 Americans after the 9/11 attacks, characterizing such as “good” because of the “immediate sympathy” the tragedy would generate for Israel) actually spoke the truth in his recent speech to AIPAC when he pointed out that the Judaization of Palestine (termed “redemption by the Jews) through expanded settlement is something that has gone on from the very beginning. Indeed, as inconvenient as it is and as much as it may fly in the face of the fashionable business these days of separating between “good” Jews (leftists who sort-of/kind-of dare to consider Palestinians as human beings) and “bad” Jews (rightists who take literally all that stuff in the Old Testament about the Arabs being “Amalek“ whose eternal destruction is commanded by God) the fact is that they are 2 wings on the same bird. When comparing the two, they differ from each other as much as the Corleones did from the Tattaglias in The Godfather–two crime families engaged in similar “business” but with different names.

As we said earlier, no one should be scratching his or her head over any of this intransigence or belligerence. This was as hard to predict as birds flying south for the winter or 2 dogs sniffing each other’s rear ends upon meeting for the first time. There was, is, and always will be this irrational, magnetic pull towards this kind of business when it comes to Jews and Jewish interests. Remember that old saying we were all taught growing up, meant to make us mind our diet–”You are what you eat”? Well, the Jews have been “eating” all this Old Testament garbage now for 4,000 years and as a result it has gone to their collective head and done almost irreversible internal damage. Having made heroes out of their Hebraic forefathers who invaded, raped, enslaved and stole, why then should anyone be shocked when 4,000 years later we get Ben Gurion, Begin, Rabin, Sharon, Netanyahu, et al?

You see, that’s the problem when certain people claim to hear the voice of God in their heads. Things get lost in translation. Remember Abraham? He starts hearing voices telling him he and his bloodline would be exalted above everyone else, and the next thing you know he’s got a knife to his son’s neck, ready to slit his throat and burn his body as proof of his loyalty to those voices he’s hearing. More

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