Wednesday 24 March 2010

Global National Intelligence Services Confirm Israel Did 9/11

Says Gordon Duff, Former UN Diplomat and Defense Contractor

Gordon Duff is the senior editor of, a former UN diplomat, a defense contractor, and a global political and economic advisor. He just returned from a trip to Pakistan. Duff was interviewed by Mark McGrath and Phil Cooke on "The Ugly Truth" Radio Program yesterday (03-24-10). Half of Mr. Duff’s family are Jewish and so are most of his friends. He is not anti-semitic. You can listen to the podcast of Mr. Duff's radio interview at the following address:

Duff confirmed Dr. Sabrosky’s assertion of 03-11-10 that it was Israel who pulled off the 9/11 attacks. Duff also confirmed that in agreement with Dr. Sabrosky, on June 8, 1967 it is certain an Israeli warship and Israeli war planes attacked the American ship, the USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 174 U.S. servicemen. Furthermore, at that time the American government mislead the American people into thinking that it was the United Arab Republic (included Egypt). who had attacked the USS Liberty. In other words the attack on the USS Liberty was a false-flag incident which Israel caused to try and pull the U.S. into a war against ISRAELI’s enemies, the United Arab Republic (included Egypt). Duff went on to say that to deny what actually happed with the USS Liberty is treason. This was an American “Holocaust” perpetrated by Israel.

Duff also informed the listening audience that today in European nations if someone in conversation mistakes how many Jews died in the Holocaust (you say 5,999,999 died instead of 6,000,000) they are charged with being an anti-semitic Holocaust denier and they are sent to prison for 5 years. This occurs whether the charge is true or not. If you try and fight the charge of anti-semitism, you go to prison for 10 years instead and your lawyer goes to prison with you. More

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