Top lawyer says conduct comparable to Jew endorsing Protocols of Elders of Zion.
Scunbag Dershowitz would like us to believe that the Protocols of Elders of Zion are forgeries just like the Goldstone report. The Zioist Goldstone report may be, but not the Protocols
NEW LIGHT ON THE PROTOCOLS LATEST EVIDENCE ON THE VERACITY OF THIS REMARKABLE DOCUMENT "These documents attracted only a little attention before the Revolution of 1917. The astounding breakdown of a great state due to attack by Bolshiviks and the presence of countless Jews among them, had the result that many people were looking for - reasonable explanations of the catastrophe. The "Protocols" furnished this explanation, especially as the tactics of the Bolsheviks at many points, were identical with the recommendations of the "Protocols." |
Two days after Israel submitted its response to the Goldstone report that accused the IDF of possible crimes against humanity during last year's Operation Cast Lead, prominent lawyer and political commentator Professor Alan Dershowitz said that the jurist, someone he once considered a friend, was "a traitor to the Jewish people."
Speaking to Army Radio, Dershowitz said the “Goldstone report is a defamation written by an evil, evil man."
He said the jurist "allowed himself to be used to give a hechsher, a certification of purity, to defamation," and that Goldstone is a "man who uses his language and words against the Jewish people."
Elaborating, the professor said that it would be as if the writers of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion "had asked a prominent Jew to read the report and sign it" to give it approval.
"I regarded him as a friend, but I now regard him as an absolute traitor," he said.
When Dershowitz was asked if he would agree to serve on an internal inquiry committee into last winter’s operation, he responded that he’d be happy to help but that “it would be better if it consisted of Israelis.”
He said the committee should be headed by a “distinguished Israeli,” suggesting former Supreme Court presidents Aharon Barak and Meir Shamgar.
Meanwhile, former minister and Meretz head Shulamit Aloni slammed Dershowitz’s remarks, saying he “certainly does not represent the entire Jewish community.”
She called him “an abnormal patriot to the IDF who is always extreme,” and said his remarks about Goldstone were “shameful.”
“It’s simply hatred and lashon hara,” she went on. “Anyway, I know how he relates to the left-wing, so he’s unimportant in my eyes.”
Aloni said that while she understood Israel’s need to retaliate for attacks from Gaza, it “doesn’t justify” the army’s “use of phosphorus and its bombing of schools” in the territory, which she said were “against international law.”
She called Defense Minister Ehud Barak a “dangerous man” and a “shady character.”
While stressing that she had not read the Goldstone report, the left-wing activist said that if the jurist didn’t properly clarify the details of what went on during Operation Cast Lead, that could be due to Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the UN inquiry.
“We aren’t innocent, just look at what’s happening in the West Bank,” she continued, citing the “price tag” policy of extreme settlers.
She concluded by saying that Israel “must set up its own inquiry” into Operation Cast Lead, and that she would prefer Aharon Barak to head it.
Opposition leader and former foreign minister Tzipi Livni warned that such an inquiry must not be counterproductive: Livni said Sunday that “the Goldstone report was born in sin. It will be a mistake to establish today a commission that would examine the IDF without ensuring that the sheer establishment of such a commission would protect IDF officers from future lawsuits.”
Livni, who served as foreign minister during Operation Cast Lead, was speaking amidst reports that the government was seriously mulling the establishment of a non-military commission to examine allegations leveled against the IDF by jurist Richard Goldstone in the UN-commissioned report he penned following the campaign.
“[Ensuring that any commission would defend IDF officers from future lawsuits] can and should be done. Without ensuring this – will unwittingly legitimize the distorted report. I have full faith in the IDF and any government must protect its soldiers and citizens without legitimizing organizations or individuals whose sole aim is to bash .”
The Protocols make it quite clear that ’anti-semitism’, meaning ’anti-Judaic’, is an ’indispensable’ part of the plan for world domination. It will be used for "the management of our lesser brethren".
Jew Warns America
The "Forgery" (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion) is master-plan for vast restructuring of society, creation of a new oligarchy and subjugation of millions.
Part 1
Part 2
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