Sunday 8 November 2009

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan–The “Inglourious Basterd” Of Fort Hood?

“Since the Mossad had all the security arrangements in hand, it would not be a problem bringing the killers as close as they wanted to President Bush and then staging his assassination. In the ensuing confusion, the Mossad people would kill the ‘perpetrators,’ scoring yet another victory for the Mossad. With the assassins dead, it would be difficult to discover where the ‘security breach’ had been, except that several countries involved in the conference, such as Syria, were regarded as countries that assisted terrorists.”

—Ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky, describing in his book ‘The Other Side of Deception’ how the Mossad planned to assassinate President George Bush at the Madrid peace conference in October of 1991 for the purpose of blaming it on Arab extremists.

Those who know me are now doubt asking themselves confidently–“Ok, how long before he blames this latest atrocity on the Jews?” waiting to see what kind of complex conspiracy theory I am able to weave out of the Fort Hood massacre…

Well, never one to disappoint, as a matter of fact, I do believe (and with all my heart incidentally) that the Jews/Zionists/Neocons were involved in it. Up to their eyeballs, as a matter of fact. As far as I’m concerned this (the notion that this latest massacre was/is the result of the Jews and their criminal behavior, both in the Middle East and beyond) is not as much a conspiracy theory as it is a conspiracy fact. For me, it is as settled and irrevocable as 2+2 = 4 and the laws governing gravity.

However, I don’t (as of this moment) believe the Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was a Manchurian Candidate programmed to do this. I don’t (as of this moment) think someone from Mossad, CIA or anything else snatched him, took him to some far away place, subjected him to psychotropic drugs and hypnotism and turned him into a ticking time bomb so that he would go and do something like this so that they could have their made-to-order high media profile event.

Not that those who do believe this are out in left field for doing so. After all, both the timing and the parameters associated with it are, well, impeccable. As far as Jewish interests are concerned, what could be better than something like this? It is a winning lottery ticket that will pay out week after week for who knows how long. If there was ever a time they needed to “change the subject” as it were and get the stupid gentiles re-fixated on “Ahab the Ayrab” instead of their own criminal behavior it is now.

We have Bernie Madoff and his infamous multi-billion dollar heist still a topic of household discussion. We have the organ-trafficking Rabbis, Roman Polanski’s rape and sodomizing of a 13 year old, the Gaza war crimes report in the UN and much, much more. Definitely not one of Jewry’s stellar moments in history.

Furthermore, Israel’s favorite pit bull–meaning the US– is worn out as far as the fighting goes. As a result of fighting Israel’s wars for her the land of the free and home of the brave is bankrupt and just doesn’t have the bite she did 8 years ago when this whole mess began. Iran sits over there smoldering and Jewish interests are crapping their collective pants in panic over the possibility their genocidal plans might have to be shelved for yet another decade or–Yahweh forbid–that they may have to be abandoned altogether.

So certainly this latest incident carries all the hallmarks of one of Israel’s “By way of deception, thou shalt do war” false flag events that she utilizes with the same frequency as a priest makes the sign of the cross. And after considering what Israel did in murdering 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty June 8, 1967 (in the interests of getting a war started between the US and the Soviet Union) the Lavon Affair and her involvement in the 1983 US Marine Barracks bombings in Beirut we can dismiss the idea she wouldn’t sink THAT low.

I admit that initially my instinct was to “go there” and assume it was another op in gettin’ the God-fearin’, red-blooded ‘mericans whooped up to go ‘n kill some sand niggers for Geeeezus and to do the dirty work (yet again) for the Chosenites. In fact, as soon as I had heard the news report that a bunch of GIs had been gunned down at an army base I said to myself “Ok, let’s see now…don’t tell me, let me guess…no, no, no, no, don’t tell me, IT WAS AN AY-RAB, RIGHT?”

But as of this moment, the fact is that it doesn’t take extraordinary means to bring something like this about. In this case it really could be as simple to explain as one pissed off Arab-American who decided to settle a few scores, not unlike what took place in the recently-released movie “Inglourious Basterds”.

Yes, that’s right, just like that movie that was all the rave amongst the Jews and their brain-dead Christian Zionist worshippers worldwide, where Jewish characters decided they had “had enough“ of their fellow Chosenites being treated so shabbily by the Nazis and decided to settle the score by bashing their brains in with baseball bats, collecting scalps, carving swastikas in human flesh and all sorts of other methods of “divine justice” the sick mind of Quentin Tarantino could conjure up after drinking a bottle of Mogen David wine and reading the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament.

No, again, AS OF THIS MOMENT it appears to be a case of an Arab-American–sick of being pushed around and degraded because of his religion–saying “no mas”…It doesn’t require any “Manchurianism” to push a man into doing something desperate when faced with the prospect of being shipped overseas so that he can be a cog in the big war machine. Faced with (a) killing fellow soldiers about to depart to Iraq where they will each take their turn in gang-raping the country and blowing innocent women and children into tiny bits, VS (b) him resorting to desperate/irrational measures, why then would such a man NOT step into the role of the “Bear Jew” in Tarantino’s film?

This is to say nothing of the fact that as an army psychiatrist his job was dealing with all the head cases coming back after fighting two wars against Muslim countries. How many times does a psychiatrist hear GIs telling stories about gunning down women and children (who look just like his mother, father, brothers, sisters, daughters, nieces, nephews, etc) before he snaps?

Nevertheless, despite the fact as of this moment it appears to be nothing more than a person reaching his limit and going over the edge, Jewish interests will of course make the most of it as if it WERE one of their “babies”. They would just as soon pass up an opportunity like this as a sailor at sea for six months would pass up a visit to the local brothel having a “buy one get one free” sale.

“YOU SEE???“ will be the chorus–“WE TOLD YOU WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE LIKE…NOW GET SUITED-UP AND GET BUSY WITH THE BOMBS AND BULLETS”. All the usual suspects will use this as prime efface evidence that Islam is inherently violent, that it produces savage killers and that all Muslims–top to bottom–cannot be trusted in civilized societies. These same traitorous, war-mongering criminal elements working in the service of Jewish interests in bringing about the sick, genocidal fantasies contained in the Old Testament will be given yet another platform to begin anew their misquoting of the Koran as they did following 9/11 and how this latest is just an all-too-predictable/religiously-mandated script that “infidels” must be killed if the Muslims are to get their “72 virgins“.

More worrisome though is how this latest will be used in putting the heat on Obama, as Jewish interests will no doubt claim that it is because of his “reluctance” in “getting tough” with Islam (re, widening the war against Israel’s enemies to include Iran et al) that brought it about. At a time when the world teeters on the edge of America going to war against Iran, something like this could easily tip the balance in Israel’s favor if the right propaganda is used, which most certainly it will.

And we can forget all about the American people learning from past mistakes, applying some sense of reason to this and not flying off the handle. As far as they are concerned, it is the morning of 9/11/2001 and 2 planes hijacked by a bunch of camel jockeys have just crashed into the Twin Towers. The lines at the recruiting stations throughout the country will start getting a little longer in the following days as young men sign up to go and get even with the “towel heads” and “hajjis” responsible for this latest atrocity. Americans who yesterday were grumbling over the fact that they are being bled dry as a result of Uncle Sam fighting these wars in the Middle East will grumble no more, or at least for a while.

In the Jewish community, the reactions are just as predictable. Following Netanyahu’s shtick immediately after 9/11 when he said that what took place on September 11 was “good“ because it would generate “immediate sympathy for Israel”, so too will Jewish interests affect a collective face of sorrow, cry a river of crocodile tears while inside their hearts they laugh and cheer over this latest Gentile bloodbath in America in the same way as the 5 Mossad officers did on the morning of 9/11 in Liberty State Park New Jersey as the Twin Towers came crumbling down.

And in the meantime, the very thing that caused this individual to take a leave of absence from his sanity and go on a killing spree (meaning the holocaust of Muslims in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan for Israel’s benefit) will get wider and bloodier, leading to even more events such as what took place.

And even though (as of this moment) I see no reason to believe it was anything other than one man reaching his limit, this isn’t to say I believe the powers-that-be don’t possess the ability to brainwash individuals into doing such things.

After all, if they were able to program 300,000,000 Americans into murdering over a million Iraqis, why could they not get one guy to kill a few dozen?

© 2009 Mark Glenn

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