Thursday 8 October 2009

Is Obama Literally "America's First Jewish President"?

If you google "America's First Jewish President," you'll find links to dozens of stories in Jewish publications "kvelling" (yiddish for boasting) about how Barack Obama was sponsored by Jews and is "one of us." This may be literally true. I suspect his mother's father Stanley "Dunham" was Jewish. Obama's mother "Stanley Anne Dunham" certainly looked and acted like a Communist Jew.

As we have seen, the modus operandi of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankist cult (Illuminati) is to intermarry and impersonate all other religions, ideologies and nationalities. Reinhard Heydrich's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Churchill's mother was half-Jewish. Sonya Sottomayer parades as a "Latina" but her mother was Jewish. It wasn't just Jewish actors in Hollywood who changed their name and their persona. The object is power to create divisions, chaos and war, to degrade Western civilization and bring about the New (Communist, some say Jewish) World Order. More

Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President?

ON DEC. 12, 2008, Judge Abner Mikva, a Jewish former counsel in the Clinton White House, quipped, “Barack Obama will go down in history as America’s first Jewish president.” The Wall Street Journal ran an article on April 21 that included a quote from Judson Miner, a Jewish lawyer, who gave Obama his first job in Chicago.
“‘I used to tease Barack that he had Jewish blood,” said Miner. The connections to Judaism run even closer to home: Michelle Obama’s second cousin converted to Judaism, was ordained a rabbi, and runs a Chicago congregation made up largely of black converts to Judaism.

Similarly, on April 16, 2008, the Los Angeles Times ran a headline, “Barack Obama Claims Jewish Kinship” after he told an audience, “My links to the Jewish community are not political. They preceded my entry into politics.” More

Barack Obama: “America’s First Jewish President”
According to a nationally prominent Zionist spokesperson, former Congressman, Federal Judge, White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton and early backer of Obama, Abner Mikvner, “Barack Obama is the first Jewish President”.

Mikvner’s affirmation reflects both Obama’s one-sided and longstanding commitment to the State of Israel and loyalty to the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) in the United States, as well as the long-term and successful effort of a network of financially and politically powerful Jewish Zionists to ‘embed’ Obama to their ‘Israel First’ political apparatus. More

Part 1

Part 2


Anonymous said...

When thinking of Hawaii i speculate most do not think of Stateless President Obama.

Maybe if they printed 50 dollar bills featuring a floral Obama sucking at a cocktail straw whilst Hula girls dance in the background beneath palms and with rolling surf.

His actual Hula girls are displeasing to the eye so some artistic licence is required.

Another note and it's the same Obama but this time with a cap,maybe the cocktail straw remains but gone are those Hula girls and instead some wailers carvorting with their wall can be seen.

Anonymous said...

A true collectors piece features the same Obama but with a Meershaum and Deerstalker,in the background is Tower Bridge and Big Ben.

Because these notes have such a large value there are also several Tripods.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese note,again the same Obama but this time wearing a tin hat with several stars,the pipe is present but now is the more manly Corncob.

Some monsters battle over a giant egg in the background,Fuji is also to be seen.