Tuesday 21 July 2009

Thoughts on the Jewish Problem

Exposing, opposing, and reviling Jewry is not at all “racist” – harboring and expressing anti-Jewish sentiment is, in actuality, extremely idealistic, healthy, positive, pro-life, pro-Earth, pro-humanity, and likely even pro-God(s)!

You all would agree here that it is natural and healthy to oppose all other forms of parasitic life and pestilential vermin such as lice, fleas, ticks, bedbugs, mosquitoes, mites, vampire bats, sewer rats that carry deadly diseases, and so on…so why not oppose Jewry since they are so obviously similar to those lowly creatures?

Also, if you happen to like or respect Jesus, but especially if you following his teachings and accept him as the Son of God and your personal Lord and Savior, you should follow his lead and advice in relation to Jewry…Jesus HATED Jewry with an incredibly intense and fanatical passion. (divinely inspired, perhaps?) Jesus’ anti-Semitic feelings were so strong and so deep that his anti-Jewish legacy and teachings of course still lives on today (nearly 2,000 years later) as the religion of Christianity. Jesus was, in fact, murdered by organized Jewry because he so vigorously opposed them and apparently represented an existential threat to the Jewish community – thus the Pharisees had Jesus tortured and then executed as punishment for his agitation against organized Jewry (Jesus and the money-changers, anyone? – the battle against Jewish domination of money/usury is still being waged today).

I’ve also always found it very interesting (as have many others) that the province of Judea was almost completely obliterated and then subjugated, the city of Jerusalem as well as the Jewish Temple contained therein there was totally toppled/burned/looted, and many Jews were killed and/or taken as slaves only a few short decades after Jesus was executed…like maybe this was this some kind of ‘payback’ or divine retribution against Jewry for killing Jesus? Some people believe that Jesus may have actually prophesied the coming destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem (see first half of Mark 13). I’m not a Christian so I don’t believe in all of the spiritual wish-washiness associated with Jesus, but I still admire Jesus a whole lot because of his fervent anti-Jewish activism. Also note that very many of the greatest men (leaders, thinkers, etc) throughout White Western history have vigorously opposed Jewry – thus we have a clear precedent and many reasons for continuing the fight against Jewry. Because if Jewry wins, humanity loses (especially White humanity).

In opposing Jewry you are directly opposing the most rotten human force on Earth (the Jews themselves), and Jewish rot/decay is of course contagious because they seem to carry it with them wherever they go (witness the modern Jew-wrecked USA), not to mention: greediness/hoarding/materialism (didn’t you hear?…they just confiscated approximately 171 BILLION DOLLARS from that blood-engorged master-vampire Madoff), the ugly and unpleasant (the Jewish face; the Jewish voice; Jewish art/music/literature/cinema/TV; etc), the parasitic (Jews unable to live [much less thrive] apart from Whites; plutocratic Jewry economically rapes entire populations), the rootless/deracinated/urban/anonymous (Jewish history of wandering, nomadism, and rootless superficial urbanism), the anti-natural/anti-rural/pro-urban decay/pro-urban unsustainability (Jewish hatred of land/agriculture/nature; the Jewish penchant for dirty/cramped/ugly cities which are devoid of all contact with nature and very unsustainable/polluting), and the outworn/worm-eaten (Judaism and the Old Testament; Jewish manipulated money/usury; the Jewish corrupted mass-media [increasingly obsolete because of the internet]; etc)

In short, to oppose Jewry and its many sinister earthly manifestations is to reject and fight back against the disturbing and dangerous human incarnation of what can only be described as evil (and trust me, as a rationalist I do not at all use that word lightly or frequently).

Ashkenazi Jews are inferior in terms of building/maintaining civilization because they can only exist and thrive in the civilizations of others. And when they do manage to embed themselves too deeply in a civilization in terms of power/money/influence, that civilization starts to decline, decay, and rot from within because of too much Jewish influence and power. Ashkenazi Jews feed on the decay and rot that they themselves often cause and promote.

The average Ashkenazi Jew might be more verbally intelligent and literate than the average Euro-White, but that doesn’t make them totally superior. If you completely and permanently separated Ashkenazi Jews away from other groups they would soon begin to sink in to semi-barbarism, wither away, and tear each other apart just like Blacks do when they are totally segregated – again, Jews can only exist and thrive in the nations of non-Jews…thus they are nothing more than parasites who feed on the economic and cultural lifeblood of non-Jews. More

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