Monday 6 July 2009

In Living Color–Racism and Hatred on Full Display in the Jewish State

It’s the kind of thing that–under more ‘favorable’ circumstances–would cause the likes of Abe Foxman, Eli Wiesel, Morris Dees Seligman and all their partners in the Zionist crime network to break out in a excited sweat, pant like dogs and moan out load in ecstasy…A youtube video on the internet ‘going viral’ and showing a bunch of rowdy, fair-skinned, white-supremacist racists referring to the new American president as just ”another nigger from the town”, a “faggot”, a “pussy”, saying “he should be shot” and (from one of the more bold of them) saying he personally knows where Obama lives and was going to perform a forced homosexual act on him if he doesn‘t straighten up.

The one hitch in the whole thing though, the one fly in the ointment making an otherwise earth-shattering/stop the presses/we-interrupt-this-program-for-this-breaking-news-report eventa non-starter as far as Jewish groups are concerned is that in this case the characters in question were not “Islamo-fascists,” neo-Nazi skinheads, Aryan Nations Stormtroopers or any of the other “hate-groups” on the seek-and-destroy list meticulously maintained by Jewish groups such as the ADL, JDL, Simon Wiesenthal Center or SPLC. Rather, they happened to be dual-citizen/single-loyalty white trash American Jews visiting Israel.

Appearing recently on the internet in the form of a youtube video and entitled “Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on the Eve of Obama’s Cairo Address”, the video is a collage of various interviews featuring a gaggle of drunken American Jews visiting “home sweet home,” Israel. When posed the singular question by the interviewer “What do you think about Obama coming to the region?” the answers were stupendous in their vulgarity, violence, hypocrisy and racism.

Spanning the scope from simple fouled-mouthed, ghetto-gobbledygook to outright criminality, a small sample of some of the comments might as well be quotes from the infamous Turner Diaries (so much part of the institutionalized BOOGA BOOGA from the aforementioned Jewish “watchdog” groups ADL, SWC and SPLC) rather than from a group of nice Jewish lads and lasses making “aliyah” to the land from which their ancestors were driven some 20 centuries previous. Angry that the dark-skinned leader of the free world dare and visit a Muslim country, Egypt (that just so happens to maintain not only a peace treaty with Israel but as well assists the Jewish state in slowly but surely exterminating Palestinians in the concentration camp known as Gaza) some of the comments from those who in just a few years time will doubtless be moving in the most powerful circles in America were as follows–

Right before raising his fist high in the air and saying “White power! F*** the niggers!” one well-on-his-way-to-morbid obesity yute (although admitting he knew little to nothing about politics) nevertheless stated that the American president “deserves to get shot”, clearly a threat against the life of the president that–were it voiced by any other person from any other ethnic/religious group–would have resulted in an unannounced visit and subsequent chat with several armed agents from the Secret Service. Following the polite chat, henceforth his name would be put on a watch list of likely threats and no doubt the infamous “no-fly” list as well.

His friend a few chairs down chimed in with “Netanyahu should tell him to f*** off . That’s how we do it here in Israel baby.”

Another–‘He can go f*** himself…If he is pressuring Israel than he can go f*** himself…’

In American gangsta-rappa fashion, yet another Jewish “yute“, replete with gesticulating hands, sideways baseball hat and pants pulled halfway down his rear grabbed the microphone and screamed into it ‘YOU F***!!! IN ISRAEL!!!YOU MOTHER!!!STOP IT!!!

One Sarah Silverman wannabe–intellectually void to the point she couldn’t pour water out of a boot with the directions on the heel had the following to say–“…Oh he’s a Muslim FOR SURE…He’s like a terrorist…What has he done for this country so far? Nothing. I’m a political science major, so like, I know my s***…”

Then, this Jewish lass, into the scatological nature of political science when asked if she had heard a name as uncommon and unimportant as “Benjamin Netanyahu” said she didn’t know who “Benjamin Yahoo” was but thought maybe (?) he was Israel’s Prime Minister.

One nice Jewish boy speaking directly into the camera and pointing a menacing finger had the following to say to the American president–

“You said ‘Yes we can change the world…I ain’t seen any good changes yet Obama…I haven’t seen any good changes yet…What’s the deal? I think you’re a pussy, and if you don’t change the world anytime soon, I know where the White House is and I’m gonna tea-bag your ass and put it on youtube, faggot. I’m comin’ for you Obama.’

And finally–last but certainly not least,–one of America’s future bankers, investment moguls, media executives, lawyers, politicians–take your pick or all of the above–decided to spice up an already nauseating stew of racism and violence with a little comic relief right out of the playbook of Sasha “Borat” Cohen himself–

“I just want to like, smoke a bong, eat some chicken wings and have some watermelon with Obama, you know? He’s just another nigger from the town…”

That young, educated Jews–in Israel, of all places–would suddenly abandon the same virtues of inclusiveness, tolerance and acceptance of “the other” they are constantly lecturing the rest of the world’s peoples to adopt and instead embrace such undeniably racist views is surprising only to those who have lived with their heads in the sand for the last 4,000 years. Beginning the moment that a penniless, childless nomad named Abraham started hearing voices in his head saying he and his progeny were destined by the creator of the universe to rule the world and that all who blessed them would be “blessed” and all those who cursed them would be “cursed,” it has all been downhill from there. With results as difficult to predict as cold weather in winter, the soul-destroying poison of narcissistic self-deification could have but one outcome–master race pathology–one small example of which appeared on the video in question.

To date, nearly a month now after the incident, the pontifici maximi–none other than the aforementioned Abe Foxman, Elie Wiesel and Morris Dees Seligman and their respective organizations ADL, Simon Wiesenthal Center and SPLC–have had absolutely nothing to say about the matter. Yes, the same ADL that recently took award-winning cartoonist Garry Trudeau to task for a cartoon piece harkening back to Jesus “driving the moneylenders from the temple,” the same ADL et al stampeding to the nearest microphone whenever the slightest whiff of racist flatulence is detected by one of their super-sniffing hound dogs and who come barking and bitching into the faces of every human being on earth, lecturing and moralizing on the evils of hate and extremism have totally ignored this latest outrage, and despite the fact that by now millions of people have viewed the video on the internet. Not totally out of the loop however, they did put the heat on youtube to have the video removed from the various sites where it has appeared, only to force persons who understand the importance and significance of its content to keep a hard copy of it for themselves and repost it when it does go the way of the ADL-wielded censorship ax.

Not that anyone should be particularly surprised. After all, this IS the same cast of characters as interested in exposing the organically-racist DNA of Jewish thinking as Britney Spears is interested in having a highly-sensitive omni-directional microphone surreptitiously hidden inside her bathroom so that all her personal business could be recorded and then broadcast to the world. A few semi-mainstream outlets–including Bloomberg News–in the interest of distracting Americans from the obvious double-standard maintained when it comes to the inherent sense of racism organically part and parcel of the Jewish worldview characterized the event as–surprise, surprise– much ado about nothing…Just some harmless teenagers who had a little too much to drink, but nothing more than that, but by all means no one should assume that the ugly, racist, elitist remarks on the part of the great, great grandchildren of Moses himself were the tip of an even bigger and uglier iceberg lurking below the surface. Nor was it the result of their fine, Jewish upbringing now exposed for what it truly is–a veritable witch’s caldron where the highly-contagious/highly-infectious disease of “chosenism” is cultivated into what is now undoubtedly the most deadly weapon of mass destruction ever devised.

And as if the already-provable irony and double-standards were not enough to make a maggot puke, it only gets worse when one ponders the “probables” associated with all this as well. One does not have to have the statistics-calculating skills of Bernie Madoff to imagine just how many of these nice Jewish yutes–with their unmistakable New York/New Jersey accents and demeanors–were more than likely present at all the various screaming spectacles taking place when the soft-spoken and reasonable Iranian president Ahmadinejhad arrived in New York to address the UN General Assembly in September of 2007, only to be met by a hive of screeching Jews and their Pavlovian lackeys denouncing him for his “racism”. As well, how many of these nauseating specimens of Jewish white trash, referring to the US President as a nigger cheered when they heard a few months back that their cousins–operating under official instructions from the Jewish state–recently donned clown costumes and–falling back on their puerile, clownish intellects–disrupted the gathering of respected word leaders at the UN Conference on Racism when it was Ahmadinejhad’s turn to speak, calling him–hold on to something heavy here–a “racist”?

One would think that following the disaster to the Jewish state’s already-on-life-support public image following the holocausting of over 1,500 Palestinian civilians that her various “ambassadors”–both in Israel and around the world–would mind their p’s and q’s at a time that the “light among nations” needs an extreme makeover of sorts, taking advantage of mankind’s short attention span and letting things die down a little before launching into something as outrageous as this latest stunt.

What it does reveal is that the Jews realize they can basically get away with whatever they want now. The own the media. They own the political, economic and military machinery of the most powerful country on earth AND MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY KNOW IT and now they are “lettin’ it all hang out” as the saying goes. Therefore, what the rest of the world is left to conclude is that all the platitudes their elders offer (force down the world’s throat) concerning tolerance, the evils of racism and all the rest are but meaningless nothings in the final analysis when the truly racist, exclusivist, chauvinistic nature of the Jewish mindset is free to say and do what it wants, living large and in living color.

(c) 2009 Mark Glenn

Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper

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