One of the most scandalous aspects of US foreign policy toward the Middle East is the shocking dishonesty inherent in the American approach toward the Palestinian plight.
The US often watches Israel indulge in pornographic criminal acts against Palestinian civilians, acts that contradict the most fundamental American ideals and norms.
However, instead of condemning these evil crimes, successive American administrations have either kept silent or given Israeli the benefit of the doubt.
Take for example, the recent Israeli blitz in Gaza. Everyone under the sun knows by now that Israeli forces committed pornographic massacres of innocent civilians in Gaza.
And every honest person knows that these crimes were carried out knowingly and deliberately, often using American-supplied weapons, such as F-16 fighter-bombers, White Phosphorus, dart shells and anti-personnel chemical agents that eat through the body, causing ultimate death.
So, could it be possible that the US, with all its intelligence capabilities, doesn’t really know that Israel committed these massacres against innocent civilians whose only “crime” was their enduring determination to be free from Judeo-Nazi persecution and oppression.?
This week, United Nations human rights investigator, Richard Falk, pointed out that the Israeli blitz against Gaza Strip in December and January constituted a clear-cut war crime of the “greatest magnitude.”
Falk said Israel clearly violated the Geneva Conventions which required warring forces to distinguish between military targets and surrounding civilians.
“If it is not possible to do so, then launching the attack is inherently unlawful and would seem to constitute a war crime of the greatest magnitude under international law.”
Falk, a Jew, argued convincingly that on the basis of the preliminary evidence available there is reason to reach this conclusion, that Israel carried out deliberate massacres against innocent civilians.
“Some of these criminal violations included the targeting of schools, mosques, and ambulances and the use of internationally prohibited weapons, such as the White Phosphorus, in civilian areas.”
Falk’s remarks have been perfectly corroborated by irrefutable evidence produced and gathered by numerous human rights groups, including Israeli groups such as B’tselem.
Indeed, even Israeli soldiers and officers who took part in that genocidal onslaught are now making testimonies acknowledging that the Israeli army committed indiscriminate and wanton murder of innocent civilians and that everyone was aware of this reality.
According to these testimonies, published by the Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, “Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under permissive rules of engagement and intentionally destroyed their property.” (Ha’aretz, March 19, 2009)
According to Ha’aretz, the testimonies include a description by an infantry squad leader of an “incident” where an IDF sharpshooter “mistakenly” shot a Palestinian mother and her two children.
“There was a house with a family inside, we put them in a room. Later, we left the house and another platoon entered, and a few days after that there was an order to release the family. They had set up positions upstairs. There was a sniper position on the roof.
“The platoon commander let the family go and told them to go to the right. One mother and her two children didn’t understand and went to the left, but they forgot to tell the sharpshooter on the roof they had let them go and it was okay, and he should hold fire and he…he did what he was supposed to do….!!
“I don’t think he felt too bad about it, because after all, as far as he was concerned, he did his job according to the orders he was given. And the atmosphere in general, from what I understood from most of my men who I talked to…I don’t know how to describe it….The lives of Palestinians, let’s say, is something very, very less important than the lives of the soldiers. So, as far as they are concerned, they can justify it that way.”
Some Israeli officials and mouthpieces of Zionist propaganda would claim that these criminal acts of premeditated murder were merely “individual aberrations.”
This is a big and most likely malicious lie (a malicious lie occurs when the liar knows he is lying). After all, an aberration doesn’t happen 1500 times in 22 days.
In short, Israeli soldiers and pilots were given clear and unmistakable instructions to murder civilians, to destroy their homes and to thoroughly terrorize them.
Well, things are clear enough for all those honestly interested in knowing the truth.
Regrettably, however, it is amply clear that the Obama administration, along with most European governments, are not really interested in pursuing this matter, not because they don’t know the truth about Israel and its hideous crimes in Gaza, but rather because the truth is too inconvenient for them.
Indeed, it is highly inconceivable that western governments don’t know the truth about the recent genocide that Israel perpetrated in Gaza. They know it, probably too well.
The problem with these military and political powers, but moral midgets, is that they don’t want to act on their knowledge. They don’t want to look Israel in the eye and tell her Nazi-minded leaders that they are murderous thugs and ought to be thrown behind bars or at least be shipped, like drugged wild animals, to the Hague to be prosecuted for their crimes. Indeed, had the Obama administration had a semblance of moral ethics, it would have refused to receive Gabi Ashkenazi, the chief of staff of the Israeli Army, the man who supervised all the wanton killings and destruction in Gaza.
That man is a war criminal pursuant the laws of man and the laws of heaven. His hands are stained with the blood of 400 children, many of whom exterminated with White Phosphorous shells.
However, instead of arresting him, or at least denying him an entry visa, America received him with all the trappings and pleasantries befitting a venerable statesman. Shame on America for prostituting herself before the Nazis of our times.
Well, this is the crux of the matter that the Obama administration is reluctant to face for fear of upsetting the powerful Jewish lobby in America which is trying apparently successfully to force the new American leadership to be at AIPAC’s beck and call.
In short, if the Obama administration wants to be sincere and honest about peace in the Middle East, it should stop preoccupying itself with secondary and symptomatic matters such as Palestinian “terror” and Hamas’ “non-recognition” of Israel, and the so-called “Iranian threat.”
The real problem impeding peace and stability in the Middle East is simply the malignant tumor known as Israel, a bellicose, militaristic, arrogant and paranoid state that has lost all claim to decency, dignity and respect, a state whose modus operandi is based on murder, dishonesty and theft.
Hence, it is imperative that the Obama administration abandon, once and for all, its hopelessly impotent stance vis-à-vis Israel and its powerful agents in America.
This is if Obama truly wants to succeed and save his country and the world from the huge turbulence and chaos now looming over the horizons.
In England, there is a saying: Why speak to the monkey when you can speak to the organ grinder.
Well, Mr. Obama, don’t be a monkey for the Jewish lobby’s organ grinder. This is how they are accustomed to treating American presidents, from Lyndon Johnson to George W. Bush.
This is certainly what they want you to be. The way the lobby handled the recent “Freeman affair” is a stigma of shame on America’s forehead. It leaves no doubt as to that lobby’s rapacity, meanness and hell-bent determination to enslave America for Israel’s sake.
Don’t surrender to them. American is too important for the world to be handed over to the Satanic lobby.
By Khalid Amayreh
My Personal Experience with the Israeli occupation
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