Saturday 3 January 2009

The Outrageous Zionist Creation Of 'Israel'

This is the plan that was drawn up to divide Palestine in order to create Israel. It is called UN Resolution 181; not one Arab State voted in favor of the resolution.

It was a unworkable plan to begin with, how could anyone expect it to work, hence you had Israel's first war of 1948 with the Arab nations.

How do you legitimize something that is illegitimate? You lie, that's how.

The old land without a people myth works quite well, once you become the dominate force you can rewrite history to serve your interests. This happened before to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Columbus did not discover America people had been living there for tens of thousands of years, it was conquered, and its people for the most part were slaughtered.

Jewish people as well as Gentiles are confused over what is happening in Israel and for good reason. The implementation of the modern Zionists dream of a Jewish State was a bad Idea from the beginning, but the Zionist will defend their position no matter what. The protection of Israel is paramount and the consequences like the displacement of the Palestinian people matters only because it is an embarrassment.

Imagine if you were forced off your land, what you would do?

You would want the right to return. Some of the Palestinian still have the keys to their homes that they were removed from many years ago. But they have not forgotten, just as Jewish people will never forget the Holocaust. They are justified in their very animate statement as a persecuted people of "Never Again".

The Israeli government has become the very things it purportedly despises and fears. The treatment of the Palestinian people is consistent with that of Fascists like Hitler and other tyrannical governments throughout history.

Like the Jews of Germany, the Palestinians have been demonized by Zionist propaganda. It is a logical step in order to eradicate a people that you consider a problem. Since 9/11 all you have to do is call a resistance movement terrorists and Americans will acquiesce.

This is not about Judaism or the Jewish people, it is about injustice and the destruction of human life. It is about war and peace, it is about a dream that has become a nightmare.

America should not blindly support Israel.

America should impose conditions on Israel that would lead to a just peace. Think of what was imposed on the people of Palestine in 1947. These things should be talked about openly without the fear of being called an Anti-Semite. Fear, and intimidation are the tools of tyrants.

Terrorism comes in many forms.

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