Israel is doomed because it is run by psychotic idiots who are bent on a "Greater Israel" strategy.
Lloyd Hart

Zionists, as I have said many times in the past are the poster children for Stockholm Syndrome. The Zionists have join with their racist, imperialist and nationalist masters in the insanity that has the idiots in America and Britain thinking they have the god given right to rule the world. The genocide that the Zionists are committing right now in the Gaza strip is completely ordained by President Bush, President Elect Barrack Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown and just like the Americans and the British who stole Native American, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Arab, Indian and Afghan land the Zionists think they too have a god given right to the land within Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Just like the Americans and the British who suffer from delusions of Western superiority , the Zionist suffers from psychotic delusions that they are closer to god than anyone else.
I realize that many out there in the world have great hopes for the Obama presidency but the Obama presidency like Zionism is nothing but a poorly crafted public relations campaign designed to create cover for further continued criminal hegemony. We now have learned that Obama will keep troops in Iraq indefinitely breaking the perceived promise of withdrawal of all troops from Iraq. So, it is time for everyone to grow up and realize the we are ruled by financial dictators who use money as their tool to maintain dictatorial class structure power while hiding behind the thin veil of democracy.
This is an important lesson right now as the financial dictators rob the U,S. treasury blind while at the same time cutting off the money supply causing millions to starve and become homeless around the world and especially in America. The lesson in all of this is that when the top 1 percent have control of twenty percent of America's or any nations income there is no possibility for a democratic distribution of wealth or a sustained middle class. What the ruling class is saying to you by cutting off the money supply "If you want to eat you have to sit close to the masters table." And this is exactly is what the Zionists have done.
The genocide that the Zionists are committing right now is financed by the Zionist's master, the American government. The jets and the missiles used are supplied by the U.S.. The funds used to pay the murderous Uniformed Zionists are supplied by America. So while millions of Americans are going homeless and poverty world wide radically increases all because the financial dictators have deliberately cut off the money supply and manipulate the commodities markets with big money drives to push food and fuel prices up and down to ensure their continued position of power, the Zionists can afford to commit genocide against the Palestinian people who the Zionists have walled off into a modern Warsaw Ghetto.
Yes, Israel is as doomed as Nazism. The American empire that financed Nazism into place in the first place is collapsing in on it's self as a result of it's own excesses foreign and domestic and will not be able to continue to finance the excesses of Zionism. The actions of the financial dictators will not succeed as the middle class will revolt just as they did in the French Revolution except this time the revolt is going global.
History teaches us that Empires always fall and America and its client state Israel will too disappear into the darkening void of the past. Zionist Jews all around the world especially in America should celebrate that one day soon they will no longer have to continue to do their masters bidding and kill their cousin so America can flex it's muscle in the oil rich Middle East.
Lloyd Hart
dadapop [at]
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