Mass hysteria struck our Jewish communities this week as Jews who follow Jewish dietary laws contemplated the impact of last weeks raid on Agriprocessor's Postville, Iowa Kosher meat packing plant. The Plant was raided last week apparently because many of the children and other slave laborers employed at the facility were not legal residents. Kosher butchers say they have heard reports of hoarding since the raid, but the impact of this catastrophe will not be known for several days. Some even believe that the very survival of six million American Jews is in question due to a possible Kosher food shortage.
“I don’t think the Jewish community can survive at this point without Rubashkin,” said Mordechai Yitzhaky, the owner of Kosher Mart in Rockville.
Kosher Tax on Gentiles
Jewish Kosher Certification Food Tax
Read Time Magazine article from 1932.,9171,746361,00.html
Is Kosher a legitimate quality standard, or is it a Jewish tax on food? As long as non jews don't know of this and buy kosher food unknowingly, it acts as a tax towards non-jews.
Why Are These Brooklyn Gangsta's Still Free?
The Rubashkin's, owners of the Postville Iowa Agriprocessors Kosher plant raided on May 13, 2008.
It's been almost two weeks now since a hoard of Feds representing most of our law enforcement agencies descended on a Kosher meat packing plant in Postville Iowa. While most of the Rabushkins illegal employees were herded like cattle off to where ever those poor folks go after such raids, so far as we can tell the Rabushkins are still free range birds.
There seems to be abundant evidence that the father son duo had knowledge of what was going on at the plant. Shlomo the Rabbi son worked at the plant for Christ sake. The paychecks of the illegals were color coded. The plant employed children and otherwise completely ignored our labor laws. The company paid less than minimum wage and often shorted the employees for the hours they actually worked (go ahead and complain and see what happens). And I'm not even going into the meat hook beating and other exploitation of these people. And what about the methamphetamine lab??? Ah, if only a few years ago those PETA undercover cameras were focused on human abuse rather than bovine abuse perhaps this inhumanity to man could have been discovered earlier.
Once again I am asking myself, how cheaply can our politicians be bought? Lets take a look at who these gangstas have made political contributions to in the past. We all know that justice under the Bush administration can be purchased. That is what politicization of the Justice Department is all about. This may give us some idea why these birds are still free range. Here we go.
Sholom Rubashkin, whose family owns the company, since 2000 has made $23,750 in federal campaign contributions, according to Federal Election Commission records.
That includes $5,750 to the Republican Party of Iowa from 2002 through 2004.Rubashkin also gave $2,000 to Rep. Tom Latham, an Ames Republican, in 2004; $1,500 to candidate William Dix in 2006; $3,000 to candidate Stan Thompson from 2001 through 2004; $2,000 to Sen. Charles Grassley of New Hartford in 2004; and $2,500 to former Rep. Jim Nussle in 2000 and 2002.Grassley collected another $2,000 each from Abraham Rubashkin, Leah Rubashkin and Ryfka Rubashkin, all of Postville, in August 2004.
Exemption from our laws for a piddly twenty four grand, I'll take some of that action. Where should I send my check?

It's been almost two weeks now since a hoard of Feds representing most of our law enforcement agencies descended on a Kosher meat packing plant in Postville Iowa. While most of the Rabushkins illegal employees were herded like cattle off to where ever those poor folks go after such raids, so far as we can tell the Rabushkins are still free range birds.
There seems to be abundant evidence that the father son duo had knowledge of what was going on at the plant. Shlomo the Rabbi son worked at the plant for Christ sake. The paychecks of the illegals were color coded. The plant employed children and otherwise completely ignored our labor laws. The company paid less than minimum wage and often shorted the employees for the hours they actually worked (go ahead and complain and see what happens). And I'm not even going into the meat hook beating and other exploitation of these people. And what about the methamphetamine lab??? Ah, if only a few years ago those PETA undercover cameras were focused on human abuse rather than bovine abuse perhaps this inhumanity to man could have been discovered earlier.
Once again I am asking myself, how cheaply can our politicians be bought? Lets take a look at who these gangstas have made political contributions to in the past. We all know that justice under the Bush administration can be purchased. That is what politicization of the Justice Department is all about. This may give us some idea why these birds are still free range. Here we go.
Sholom Rubashkin, whose family owns the company, since 2000 has made $23,750 in federal campaign contributions, according to Federal Election Commission records.
That includes $5,750 to the Republican Party of Iowa from 2002 through 2004.Rubashkin also gave $2,000 to Rep. Tom Latham, an Ames Republican, in 2004; $1,500 to candidate William Dix in 2006; $3,000 to candidate Stan Thompson from 2001 through 2004; $2,000 to Sen. Charles Grassley of New Hartford in 2004; and $2,500 to former Rep. Jim Nussle in 2000 and 2002.Grassley collected another $2,000 each from Abraham Rubashkin, Leah Rubashkin and Ryfka Rubashkin, all of Postville, in August 2004.
Exemption from our laws for a piddly twenty four grand, I'll take some of that action. Where should I send my check?
La Kosher Nostra Busted In Iowa...Brooklyn Curly Heads Under Investigation!
It been almost a decade since the Rubashkin's and their ultra curly headed tribe invaded, occupied and settled the West Bank of Postville Iowa with a Kosher meat packing plant. And just like in Palestine it did not take long before the curly headed criminal enterprise began to violate the human rights of others and disregard the laws of the United States. So this weeks raid for those of us who have knowledge of their racist self worshipping ways and general lack of respect for all other human beings was no surprise.

The only real surprise to many of us was that Rubashkin's Postville Plant was producing methamphetamine. Did the Government get this part right? We of course thought that La Kosher Nostra/Mossad would be producing exstasy at this facility. Every one knows that Israeli's are the number one importers of exstasy in the United States.

The story of course will soon be swept under the rug by our Zionist media but stay tuned for future developments. I'll probably have to call the courts to find out what is going on with this one too.
Purim to be moved forward?
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