Monday 24 November 2008

Jewish Fatwa to Kill Ahmadinejad retracted?

A former Israeli commander says the West must consider assassinating Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to halt Tehran's nuclear program. 'Kill Ahmadinejad, halt Iran's N-drive'

An aide to Moshe Ya'alon says calls by the Israeli figure for the assassination of Iran's president have been taken 'out of context'.

The associate of former Israeli chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon said the recent remarks by the military commander-turned-politician on the necessity of killing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have been taken out of context.

"We have to consider killing him. All options must be considered," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Ya'alon as saying earlier this week.

The Ya'alon aide responded by confirming that the Israeli Legion-of-Merit holder had alleged it to be possible to defeat Iran through economic, political, diplomatic pressure and military means.

"Any other quotes on this matter are incorrect and have been taken out of context," Ha'aretz quoted the unnamed associate as saying.

Israel, the possessor of the sole Mideast nuclear arsenal, along with the United States and its European allies accuse Iran of making efforts to develop nuclear arms.

The UN nuclear watchdog, which has extensively monitored Iran's nuclear activities since 2003, concedes that it is not in a position to fully clarify the nature of the Iranian nuclear program.

The nuclear agency declared, however, that UN inspectors had conducted announced and some twenty unannounced visits to Iran's fuel enrichment plant to find that the country has only managed to enrich uranium to a level of 'less than five percent'.

The rate is consistent with the development of a nuclear power plant -- nuclear arms production requires an enrichment level of above 90 percent.

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