Israel–like a hungry vulture perched high on a tree branch watching as two enemies below go at each other’s throats until their mutual destruction brings her an easy meal–is once again up to her old tricks in keeping the artificial Islamo-Christian war she helped produce on 9/11 at the very top of her agenda.
Not content with the bloodshed (1,000,000 + deaths and counting) she has already orchestrated in Iraq and Afghanistan through her network of spies in America and elsewhere, Israel is demanding this carnage be widened to include Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, or wherever Muslims can be found in high numbers. The fact that such a war involving the industrialized Christian West (with its 1+billion inhabitants) and the oil-rich Islamic world (with its 1+billion adherents) can only end in disaster for the rest of civilization is as they say a ‘no-brainer’, and yet Israel (being the irrational, self-absorbed, obsessed character she is) continues operating under the dictum ‘My way or the highway’.
The reason for the Jewish state demanding such a war take place between the Christian and Islamic worlds is a no-brainer as well, despite the appallingly-low number of persons aware of it these days. Zionism–in contravention to the high-minded rhetoric its supporters use in trying to ‘lipstick’ a pig to 1st place in a beauty contest is not an ideology limited simply to the affairs of some tiny sliver of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea. The ideology driving the great experiment in Jewish self-rule is fanaticism as pure and undiluted as ever such a thing existed. Based as it is upon the irrational, dangerous, and chauvinistic Old Testament fantasy that the creator of all plucked one tiny, seemingly insignificant microbe of humans out from the midst of inferior beings, set them apart and conferred upon them royal status and a mandate to rule the world, such a theme would be laughed out of town were it to involve any group of people other than the Jews.
In plainer language, what it means is that there really are nutcases in the post-enlightenment/21st century who (despite what would otherwise be the edifying and therapeutic effects of reason and common sense) nevertheless truly believe in all that nonsense about one small, backwards tribe of people destined by the Almighty to ‘inherit the earth’ and ‘make footstools’ of all their Gentile enemies.
And with these things in plain view then, the ‘reasoning’ behind Israel’s engineering of such a conflict between the Christian and Islamic worlds ceases to be any mystery. It is ‘strictly business’ as Michael Corleone said in the movie The Godfather, a case of Judaism (obsessed with its own messianic destiny and bent on world domination) having two competitors eliminate each other, leaving her the only viable player on the field.
Now, in furtherance of this obsession (and just ahead of the US presidential elections, by the way) Israel has begun ramping up things with an eye towards throwing even more gasoline on an already out-of-control fire consuming the world.
In early September the Jewish state–superficially created as ‘God’s divine remedy’ to the worst crimes mankind is disposed towards committing, (meaning bigotry, intolerance and–lest we forget, the mother of all sins–anti-Semitism) nevertheless announced it was sponsoring an upcoming festival of hatred dedicated to promoting that other form of politically-correct ‘anti-Semitism’ that no one hears anything about these days, and not just any old, run-of-the-mill anti-Semitism, but rather the ‘real McCoy’–meaning against Arabs and Muslims.
Entitled “Facing Jihad: A Lawmaker’s Summit” , the meeting is to be held at (where else?) the Knesset. To date dozens of European parliamentarians–whether for reasons of blackmail or bribery–have promised to attend. Israel–with a straight face and summoning up all the chutzpah she is legendary for possessing–announced that the purpose of the conference is (get ready for this) “the formation of a new Judeo-Christian alliance to confront the spread of Islam and the violence that inevitably follows in its wake.”
To those with eyes to see and with 3 functioning brains cells, several things concerning the upcoming Jewish/Christian kissey-face confab stick out like a whore in a red dress at a first communion ceremony, the first being the hypocrisy of it all. One need not sprain any intellectual hamstrings in imagining the howls that would echo all over God’s green earth if instead of such a conference being held at the Knesset it were held at Ahmadinejhad’s parliament and instead of being ‘Judeo-Christian’ in nature it was Christians and Muslims getting together to discuss the topic of Judaism and its megalomaniacal political arm, Zionism.
Those having difficulty imagining such howling should consider that as it is right now the rest of the Gentile world is already subjected to a daily barrage of shrieking, wailing and gnashing of teeth whenever someone from amongst the self-chosenites stubs a toe in a manner that can be blamed on hatred, prejudice or ‘anti-Semitism’. The truth of the matter however (although NEVER discussed) is that the Jewish state is the ULTIMATE testimony to ‘anti-Semitism,’ past, present, and (most likely, considering the scope of the war against Islam) future. It is ‘Anti-Semitism Central’, the headquarters of ‘Anti-Semitism Inc’ (and in some respects similar to Ponce De Leon’s mythical spring that brought eternal youth) the fountain from which all poisonous anti-Semitic waters flow. The very existence of the Jewish state is intrinsically bound up with hatred for Semites, so much so that without it she would lose her identity and cease to exist. And lest some think this anti-Semitism on the part of the Jewish state against the native peoples living in the area is a relatively new phenomenon that began with the birth of this Frankenstein child back in the 20th century, a trip down memory lane should clear things up PDQ.
Lest it be forgotten, Israel’s hatred of Semites began with Abraham’s jealous, barren wife Sarah forcing the Semite slave girl Hagar and her son Ishmael (Abraham’s own son) to wander out into the desert in the hopes they would both die of thirst and exposure. From there it moves on to stealing all the gold and silver of the Semitic Egyptians before high-tailing it into the land ‘promised’ to them by their God Yahweh and the subsequent slaughter of every living creature (man, woman, child, sheep, goat, ox, cow, bull, etc) peaceably residing in 31 villages. And last, (but certainly not least) is the drunken, orgiastic mass murder of 75,000 innocent Persian civilians as described in the book of Esther and recounted every year in the Jewish religious festival of Purim.
And absent all of this of course there is recent history to ponder, which, when considering what has been done to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis and all the other true Semites in the region (to say nothing of the fact that Israel proudly claims to have developed a form of biological warfare targeting persons genetically Semitic) it can be safely assumed that the official policy of the Jewish state from the beginning is that Semites should die in as high numbers as possible.
Therefore no one should be particularly surprised to learn the Jewish state would host such a gathering of, well, for lack of a better word, Nazis. If it can be said that the despised Hitler was not the originator of racial supremacism (coupled with racial hatred of inferiors) but rather that he borrowed his ideas from someone else and then improved on them, the truth of the matter is that he was but a student and learned his ‘anti-Semitism’ from the real master, meaning the Jews and their historical hatred for the peoples of the desert.
The other facet concerning the conference statement that screams out like a smashed cat is the wording that speaks of the ‘inevitable’ violence of Islam. Besides the fact that it is a deliberate attempt on the part of Jewish interests at mischaracterizing Islam, the more important thing is the (surprise, surprise) hypocrisy of it all. In an age where all persons are expected to be ‘sensitive’ to the beliefs of others (no matter how irrational or obnoxious such beliefs are) Israel and her partisans certainly do not afford Islam or its adherents that same courtesy. Clearly what Israel is trying to affect here is the perception in the mind of the Christian world that the moral resistance the Arabs have waged against a lawless, bloodthirsty Jewish state that murders not only innocent men, women and children, but as well sheep, goat, ox, cow, bull, etc as the Israelites of old did is all a product of ‘Islamo-Fascism’ or some other non-sensical, inane Judaistic construct that cannot bear even the slightest weight of intellectual scrutiny.
And of course, last but certainly not least, is the preposterous idea that there is, was or ever could be anything akin to a ‘Judeo-Christian’ alliance of ANY sort as Israel is proposing. Of all the ‘goyim’ out there, Christians are hated the worst by the Jews and this is no theory. Jewish antagonism towards Jesus Christ, His teachings and His followers was self-evident from the very beginning when a mob of God’s chosen drove Christ to the edge of a cliff and tried to throw him over, continued throughout His 3 years of trying to rehabilitate a basically unregenerate, degenerate people and then culminated in His arrest, sham trial and murder. Since those heady days, Judaism has taken its organic hatred for all things Christian and run it through a process of distillation and purification the results of which are plain to see today. What other religious group has its leader depicted in the annals of Judaism as a sexual pervert and the product of an illicit encounter between a Roman centurion and a menstruating prostitute named Miriam the hairdresser? Mohammed, Buddha, and the other leaders associated with the world’s greater religions are not depicted as boiling in a mixture of semen and feces as punishment for disobeying the Rebbe, nor are they mocked on a regular basis as Jesus is, both within the pages of the Jewish Talmud or in Israeli society. The very notion that such a thing as this ‘Judeo-Christian’ alliance could exist is so preposterous on its face that a rational person should laugh himself silly at the thought of it. It is like some strange creation cooked up in the lab of a mad scientist, where a wolf and sheep are brought together in the form of some hybrid that is not viable, given the organically-contradictory predator/prey natures of the two animals.
Judeo-Christian alliance? Kindly allow a translation of this strange language and the accompanying fine print for the hearing and learning impaired–
The Jews are going to give the Christian world the honor of fighting and dying for the Jewish state as her personal ‘nigga’ in much the same way as Joshua in the Old Testament decided not to exterminate the Gibeonites in exchange for them becoming ‘hewers of wood and carriers of water’ for God’s chosen people.
Now, fanning the flames of what theologians and historians alike will one day call the battle of Armageddon, Israel has been found right in the thick of furthering this unprecedented disaster. In this case, somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 million DVDs of the documentary “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” were inserted into 70 of the largest newspapers circulating in America and distributed throughout the country. Predictably, given the title of the film, the documentary features (among other things) cherry-picked scenes of Muslim children being encouraged to become suicide bombers interspersed with–surprise, surprise–half century-old footage of Nazi rallies and the obligatory constant references to Hitler and his infamous book Mein Kampf.
No one should be surprised to hear that the film and its mass distribution are the handiwork of Israeli partisans and Mossad assets. The film was written and produced by Israel’s own Rabbi Raphael Shore in 2006 under the auspices of his Mossad-connected group The Clarion Fund, a tax-exempt group linked with other Mossad-connected organizations such as CAMERA, (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) and MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute, founded by former Mossad officer that provides “translations“ of news stories appearing in Arabic-speaking countries.
Further underscoring the film’s pro-Israel/anti-Islamic agenda, it features commentary from some of the ‘heavy-hitters’ in the Muslim bashing community including Alan M. Dershowitz, Steven Emerson, Brigitte Gabriel, Martin Gilbert, Caroline Glick, John Loftus, Daniel Pipes, Walid Shoebat, as well as interviews with Israeli officials.
In the event some may have forgotten, Pipes has made a name for himself as an “expert“ on Islam and is quoted saying (among many other things) quite a few memorable gems that would have brought the death sentence were it said by anyone else but a Jew about Muslims such as “All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most. West European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and not exactly maintaining Germanic standards of hygiene”, as well as his more recent (but equally infamous) “I worry very much from the Jewish point of view that the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims…will present true dangers to American Jews.”
Again, the hypocrisy and double-standard is so thick that a 747 could be landed on it. Any other person of any other stripe saying such things about Jews would be ‘Mel Gibsoned’ into oblivion, meaning their lives run through the meat grinder. And yet, when it is done to Arabs and Muslims, not a peep, not a whimper, and particularly not since Emperium Judaica (with its comparatively insignificant figure of 12-15 million members) has like some gypsy pick-pocket stolen the term ‘anti-Semite’ solely for itself which its members employ like a well-honed/well-rehearsed/overused fake limp from an injury that never occurred whenever someone dares point out the organic and endemic shortcomings of the Jewish collective as demonstrated both by history and by current events.
Of course, tragically, many who receive the DVD in their newspaper and consume its poison will inevitably succumb to its narcotic and mind-destroying effects. Those found sitting on the fence as it were with regards to who they will vote for come November will most likely find themselves pulling the lever for McCain/Palin as the “most qualified choice” in fighting the non-existent boogey-man Jewish groups refer to as “Islamo-fascism”, not realizing that their action is but a carefully-planned maneuver as much so as a fish biting greedily down on a worm-covered hook.
What people can expect is that the film will not go into a deeper discussion of other factors as well, such as Islam’s reverence for Jesus, who is mentioned dozens of times in the Koran compared to Mohammed who is mentioned only 5.
Equally though and more important is the fact that no doubt the film– despite its name, “Obsession”–will fail to explore the truly obsessive, irrational, violent, usurious religion of Judaism and its political offshoot known as Zionism, which teach that non-Jews are animals created in human form to serve the Jews and who may be treated in any manner as befits the betterment of Jewish lives. It will fail to mention that Judaism is the truest, most radical example of ‘Jihad’ that has ever existed throughout history, whether in reality or in the imaginations of obsessive minds and is bent on enslaving the world to its particular brand of “Sharia” that all hear so much about when Islam is being discussed.
And, sadly, like sheep being led to slaughter, a good number of Christians in America–although thinking they are doing “the Lord’s work” by voting for John McCain–will in effect give the vulture Israel what she wanted all along and this will wind up being signatories to their own political, cultural and, tragically, physical destruction.
As much as the ‘strictly business’ reasons for Israel’s obsession with the present Christian/Islamic war can be said to be ugly, the sad truth is that it does not end there. In ‘polite‘ societies, what is not spoken is the ‘personal’ reasons that the Jews want Islam and Christianity destroyed, and it is rooted in plain old, unsophisticated envy.
The ugly truth of the matter is that Judaism–trying to win a beauty contest with the other two beautiful gals on stage, meaning Christianity and Islam–doesn’t stand a chance. As much as the judges have been bribed and threatened to vote her in as Miss Universe, the fact is that no magic spells or potions can undo the fact that a pig in lipstick is till a pig. The religion of the Jews has nothing to show for its 3,000 year history except human misery, both on the part of it followers and its victims. People do not flock to its precepts the way they do to Christianity and Islam. All its monuments are those dedicated to the suffering of innocent people. All its major religious ceremonies deal with evils done to Gentiles. It can point to NO great civilizations and NO great discoveries that led to the betterment of mankind. All it has is a book that details the exploits of its people in robbing, cheating, and killing those who suffered the unenviable lot of living in their vicinity.
On the other hand, go anywhere in the world and the evidence of Islam as a vibrant, thriving ideology is apparent. At one time it was not just A world power, but THE world power. Through its learning and science, it brought Christian Europe out of the dark ages and helped bring forth the much-celebrated Renaissance. Indeed, civilization would not be what it is today were it not for the superior learning and culture of Islam. Dittoes with Christianity, that has over a billion followers worldwide in every country around the world. Out of the three religions originating out of the Middle East, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, the first two have contributed great things to civilization whereas Judaism has as much as possible glommed onto its more productive competitors. The Christians and Muslims do not have as THE source of their identity thousands of years of ‘poisecution’ as do the Jews. They do not have a list a mile long of all the countries where their followers have been kicked out, or, more accurately, vomited out. Not only able to stand on their own 2 feet, but able as well to contribute something to the benefit of fellow man, Judaism cannot make the same claim without some serious twisting of reality. Its followers have never been able to create a stable social system, much less a country due to the fact that it–the religion of the Jews–produces a backwards, contrarian mindset that is not conducive to cooperation, progress or political/social stability. This being the case means that the Christian and Muslim worlds that have collectively existed now for thousands of years are a thorn in the eye of ‘Judaic’ civilization that for the most part is noted only for its infamous ghettos, its organic criminality and now, as in the case of Israel, its radioactive/corrosive character and with it the tendency to make healthy political/social tissue surrounding it sick.
In other words, the pig trying to win the beauty contest–rather than compete on her own merits–instead breaks the legs of one of her competitors and throws battery acid in the face of the other in order to ‘even the odds’ in her favor. In the absence of that, she sets up a fight between the two so that at the end of it all their beauty has been marred with cuts, bruises and contusions.
Perhaps it was said best in an email to this writer a few years ago by an incautious Israeli teenager in an email he sent saying–
”I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist…I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world’s future super-power, Israel! Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. Israel will come to be the world’s newest superpower. It is our destiny, written in the prophecies of god, written in our ambitions, written in our blood! Beware, for your kind will come to fear us. The coming 30 years will make your eyes twitch my gentile! I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having g-d by my side, as well as the world’s supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious. I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps g-d will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so.”
‘Obsession’–Never was there a better word in describing the fanaticism on the part of Israel and her supporters in furthering the clash of civilizations between the Christian and Islamic worlds. Let us all hope that the spell Israel has cast over the Christian world in allowing itself to be used in its own destruction wears off before it is too late, if indeed it is not already.
The Ugly Truth
(c) 2008 Mark Glenn
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Israel’s ‘Obsession’ with Christian/Islamic Conflict
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Post Title: Israel’s ‘Obsession’ with Christian/Islamic Conflict
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