Rabbis Open A Kosher Slaughterhouse In Iowa

Unpaid Bills And Total Ignorance

The Plant Brought In 1,000 Guatemalans

The Town Is Literally Wrecked

The Jews Run All The Businesses

More Multicultural Destruction A Brooklyn family buys a deserted slaughterhouse in a small rural town of Postville Iowa, imports 1000 Guatemalans, and turns the town into a sewer. |
 | They Became The Lords Of The Town Two decades ago, the Rubashkin family of Brooklyn opened up a kosher slaughterhouse amid the cornfields of Iowa — not exactly a center of Jewish culture. |
| The Rubashkin Children The bearded, fedora-wearing strangers from Brooklyn quickly transformed Postville into its own small-town melting pot. Immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico began arriving in great numbers to work at the slaughterhouse. Soon, the town was home to churches and temples, and the shelves of the grocery stores were stocked with tortillas and bagels. |  |
|  | The Town Looks Like Guatemala City The family's Iowa business, Agriprocessors, the nation's biggest supplier of kosher meat, was raided by U.S. immigration agents in May. Nearly 400 workers, mostly Guatemalans, were swept up and jailed and are likely to be deported as illegal immigrants. |
| Kids At The Plant A few of the children have complained that they 'Were touched' by the managers at the Kosher plant. |  |
|  | Moshe Gets 15 Months One of Aaron's sons, the influential Brooklyn rabbi Moshe Rubashkin, pleaded guilty to bank fraud in 2002 after writing $325,000 in bad checks related to a family textile business. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison. |
| Menachim Is Off To Jail A son-in-law, Menachim Balkany, a political fundraiser who hobnobbed with mayors and congressmen, was charged in 2003 with misusing a $700,000 federal grant. The prosecution was dropped when he agreed to make restitution. |  |
|  | Two Shooters Two Jewish boys from Postville robbed a couple of nearby town's stores, and one punk put a 357 magnum bullet in a 75 year old grandmother. |
| Mad Cow Disease Moshe Rubashkin pleaded guilty this year to storing hazardous waste without a permit at a defunct, family-owned textile plant in Allentown, Pa. His son pleaded guilty to lying to federal agents during the investigation. Mad Cow disease |  |
|  | Child Molesters These rural Iowa villages had never had a case of child molestation until these vampires arrived. Now their children can't play at parks, don't dare walk past a synagogue, and Halloween is a thing of the past. | |
Source article |
Don't forget to pay The Kosher Food Tax
1 comment:
I’m currently on a re-read of The Jungle….. Although the story is a hundred years old, I’m saddened that the same exploitations and injustices to immigrant workers (and children) still exist today -
“Very often a man could get no work in Packingtown for months, while a child could go and get a place easily; there was always some new machine, by thich the packers could get as much work of of a child as they had been able to get out of a man, and for a third of the pay”. -Upton Sinclair
But, of course why are we surprised? The whole "act" of slaughter (murder) requires a labor only fit for the desperate. Do you tell you kids that when they grow up you want them to slice the heads off cattle and stick their arms into their brains and up their rearends and skin them? But this is precisely the "work" that must be done to process our unhealthy and unnecessary "meat".
The whole industry is based on victimization - the workers, the consumers, the environment..... and of course, the animals. For health and heart - Go Vegan
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