1. It is with a heavy heart that I stand before you to speak on the subject of the holocaust. Why talk about death and the horrors of a war that happened sixty years ago, when right at this moment, wanton destruction and massacres of the innocents are taking place in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and in many parts of Africa? Why indeed!
2. I came here today not as a bystander or an independent observer. I came here to represent my Clan’s men who were tortured and slaughtered in their heroic resistance against the Japanese Imperial Army when they occupied China and the then Malaya in the Second World War and on behalf of my uncle, who survived the horrendous water torture at the hands of the Kempetei, the Japanese Secret Service. I am therefore asserting my right to speak as an interested representative of the Chinese victims of war crimes.
3. The estimate for Chinese butchered by the Japanese War Criminals is between 7.5 million to 15 million depending when the estimate was conducted. I therefore share the pain and grief with those who have lost their loved ones to War Criminals in the Second World War.
4. Let me say at the outset that I hold high the principle that the killing of the innocents, especially women and children during time of war is a crime. There can be no justification for such killings.
5. John Denson, an American lawyer and a courageous fighter for truth aptly described the 20th century as: …. the bloodiest in all history. More than 170 million people were killed by governments with ten million being killed in World War I and fifty million killed in World War II. In regard to then fifty million killed in World War II, it is significant that nearly 70% were innocent civilians, mainly as a result of the bombing of cities by Great Britain and America.[1]
6. Three countries which suffered over 5 million civilian casualties were the Soviet Union, 10 million, China, 7.5 million and Poland, 5.7 million.[2] Some historians have now estimated that the number of Chinese civilians killed could be much more than the earlier estimates.[3]
7. I have no quarrel with those who have rightly condemned the atrocities inflicted by the warring parties during WWII. But I will not condone any attempts to whitewash the war crimes of the Allied Powers, namely the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union when they unleashed the bloody terror of the firebombs that destroyed Dresden and Tokyo and the nuclear bombs – “Little Boy” that destroyed Hiroshima and “Fat Man” the plutonium monster that laid waste to Nagasaki. There cannot be double standards if we are really concern with the issue of war crimes.
8. Justice Robert Jackson correctly pointed out that: If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.
9. These are courageous words indeed, but unfortunately, Justice Robert Jackson did not put into practice what he had preached, for he failed to prosecute the crimes committed by his country and her allies. What was meted out in the Nuremberg Military Tribunal was essentially “Victors’ Justice.”
10. Will the 21st Century be another bloody century? It is likely to be so. Why? Because we have failed to learn the painful lessons which history taught us.
11. Following September 11, President Bush declared a Global War on Terror, and invaded Iraq because he allegedly had evidence linking President Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda and the destruction of the World Trade Centre. Saddam Hussein was also accused of being a threat to world peace because he had weapons of mass destruction. We were assured that the evidence was irrefutable. President Bush also accused Al Qaeda of having declared war on America’s freedom and values!
12. We now know that President Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard all lied. There were no weapons of mass destruction. To prolong the conflict, another rationale was promoted – to remove a dictator and establish democracy. The just published report from the Iraq Study Group co-chaired by James Baker, the former Secretary of State and former Congressman Lee Hamilton, concluded that Iraq is a bloody mess. The consequence of the lies propagated by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair is that over 600,000 Iraqis have perished in this illegal war and hundreds of thousands more have been maimed or wounded. The entire country has become a war zone. The victims are mainly children and women, conveniently labelled as “collateral damage.”
13. Can the destruction of the twin Towers of the World Trade Centre and the death of approximately 3,500 people justify the illegal invasion and occupation of another country and the killings of over 600,000 civilians???? Is vengeance a civilise response? It was not even directed at the perpetrators. September 11 was the “new Pearl Harbour” that provided the pretext to launch a war of conquest to secure badly needed oil resources and to secure Israel’s geopolitical interests.
14. What, you may ask is the relevance of the above observations to the issue of the holocaust? I do seek your indulgence, for in a moment, it will be explained.
15. It has been said that the first casualty of war is truth. As such we must be especially careful when reviewing history written by the victors and losers in war. We must not partake in the perpetuation of lies and propaganda that serve vested interests.
16. In the inside cover of the book Bodyguard of Lies[4] there is the following passage: “In wartime” Winston Churchill told Joseph Stalin at Teheran in November 1943, “truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” Churchill remarks were more than a witticism. They were a description of another front in the war against the Axis, a clandestine war of deception and detection, a series of battles that have had as much effect on the outcome of the war as the military battles they hid or discovered. [Emphasis added. P.D.]
17. But the truth referred to by Churchill was far from the truth you would understand to mean when that brutal war was waged. The “truths” that we were given, “to defeat fascism”, “to fight for a free world” etc. are in fact the bodyguard of lies to hide the real reason for war: to secure Zionists’ global interests in general and the establishment of Israel in particular.
18. Rabbi Felix Mendelssohn admitted as much when he said: The Second World War is being fought for the defence of the fundamentals of Judaism.[5]
19. In fact, in the early 1930s, it was the Zionists that declared war on Germany. Vladimir Jabotinsky called for the complete destruction of Germany. And Professor A. Kulisher was reported to have said:[6] Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.
20. Chaim Weizmann, the then President of the World Jewish Congress on December 3, 1942 in New York City echoed similar sentiments when he said: We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and it is waged for the liberation of Jewry… The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horse in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy.
21. It can therefore be said without fear of contradiction that the Zionists called for the extermination of the entire German race and nation! Germany and world Jewry were locked in a war that sought to change the demographics in Europe. Both sides chose war as the means to resolve their differences and disputes. And both sides paid dearly for their folly! The call for the extermination of the Germans was fully supported by the British government.
22. This is evident from the following documents: We shall starve Germany. We shall demolish heir cities. We shall burn her crops and her forces. Winston Churchill, May 16, 1940[7] The only good Germans are dead Germans; so let the bombs fall. Sir Robert Vansittart,1942[8] I want you to think very seriously this question of poison gas … It is absurd to consider morality on this topic when everybody used it in the last war without a word of complaint from the moralists or the church. On the other hand, in the last war [WWI] the bombing of open cities was regarded as forbidden. Now everybody does it as a matter of course. It is simply a question of fashion changing as she does between long ands short skirts for women … I want a cold-blooded calculation made as to how it would pay us to use poison gas …. One really must not be bound within silly conventions of the mind …. We could drench the cities of the Ruhr and many other cities in Germany in such a way that most of the population would be requiring constant medication …. Winston Churchill, 1944[9]
23. There is a arguable legal case for the proposition that Germany, faced with a Zionist Declaration of War in the early 1930s, had the right to defend itself against the Zionists’ agenda to annihilate Germany and her citizens!
24. Critics may well counter-argue that the above proposition is ridiculous - how could Zionists, not constituting a nation state declare war on Germany? My reply is simple. If Al Qaeda [and the “Jihadists”] can be accused of declaring war on America and which gave rise to the present Global War on Terror, the World Jewish Congress and allied organisations can likewise be accused for their crimes against Germany!
25. To blockade the economic life of a country (not unlike the economic sanctions imposed on Iraq) is to kill by peaceful means the innocent civilians of the targeted country. Anyone who disagrees with this proposition is either a hypocrite or an ignoramus! The consequences of economic warfare are no different from military warfare – the mass killing of the innocents.
26. That folly continues today, most regrettably in the Middle East. Blinded by hate, the horror continues till today. War is still the preferred option to resolve disputes. Post WWII, the actors have changed their roles. But the crime committed is no less hideous!
27. On April 9, 1948, Menachem Begin and his Irgun terrorists massacred 254 inhabitants of the village of Deir Yassin, men, women and children. Terrorism was the preferred method to secure the Zionists’ geo-political interests. For over fifty years Zionist Israel had with impunity and the connivance of the great powers persecuted the Palestinians, with the ultimate aim of annihilating them from the face of the earth.
28. I crave your indulgence to refer to the interview given by Professor Moshe Zimmerman, Chair of the Department of Germanic Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on April 28, 1995:[10] Interviewer: To what degree can one establish a parallel between our occupation and the imposition of our rule on the Palestinians, with the horrors perpetrated by Nazism? Zimmerman: We have the finest “pretext” for acting as we do. But there is also a monster in each of us and if we continue to assert that we are always justified, this monster can grow … Today, I am thinking of a phenomenon which is taking on even larger proportions: there is an entire section of the Jewish population which I define, without hesitation, as a copy of the German Nazis. Look at the children of the Jewish settlers in Hebron: they resemble the Hitler Youth exactly. From the time of their childhood they are imbued with the idea that every Arab is bad, and that all the non-Jews are against us. They are raised to be paranoics: they consider themselves a superior race, just as did the Hitler Youth. Rehevan Zeevi [an official of the Shamir government] asked for the expulsion (“transfer”) of all Palestinians from the territories. This was the official program of the Nazi Party: the expulsion of all Jews from Germany.
29. On December 5, 2006 the newly appointed Vice-Premier of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Telegraph[11] said that the best means of achieving peace in the Middle East would be for Jews and Arabs to live apart, including the Arabs who now live inside Israel. Three years ago, he proposed to bus thousands of Palestinians to the Dead Sea and drown them there – the very crime which the Zionists accuse Germany of committing in WWII.
30. The recent wanton killings by the Israeli armed forces in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon are being justified on the ground that the Israelis are defending their right to exist. Encouraged by the United States and Britain, Israel went on a bombing spree destroying critical infrastructures of Lebanon. Israel has admitted to using the banned cluster bombs. What was most heinous was that two days before the internationally sanctioned ceasefire dateline, over a million bomb-lets were scattered all over southern Lebanon.
31. Applying the dictum of Justice Robert Jackson, if it is a crime for the Nazis to kill innocent men, women and children, it must also be a crime for the Jews to kill innocent Palestinians.
32. Yet we are told that we must respect the rights of the Jews to exist in Israel because they are victims of the Holocaust and the racist policies of Hitler! It seems that the Palestinians have no rights. Any criticisms of Israel are immediately condemned as “anti-Semitism.” Support for the Palestinians’ right to exist is deemed support for terrorism. Everyone is a racist except the Zionists!
33. All the wars in the Middle-East, post WWII can be attributed, in one way or another to the establishment of Israel. And the establishment of Israel is intricately linked to the holocaust - it was used as a justification for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, although the original idea conceived by Theodore Herzl made no reference to Palestine. The first “Homeland for Jews” was supposed to be in Madagascar.
34. How did it come to pass that the Jews, victims of centuries of persecution by the Europeans, but who have sought the safety and security within Muslim communities, are now waging wars with their Muslim neighbours?
35. I do not hesitate in stating that it is the ideology of Zionism that is the cause of all the current conflicts in the Middle East. Additionally, the Zionists have succeeded in transforming the holocaust into a colonial construct. Based on the underlying concept of “victim-hood”, the United States, Britain and Israel have foisted on the international community, that the survival of Israel takes precedent in all matters concerning the Middle East.
36. Hence, Israel is allowed to be a nuclear weapon state and to threaten her neighbours with impunity. Israel now threatens to launch a war against Iran on account that Iran is acquiring nuclear technology, even though it is for peaceful energy use. And notwithstanding Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, while Israel is not, Iran is made out by the vicious international mass media as the threat and enemy of world peace. Such is the perverse logic that we must, on pain of pre-emptive wars, accept without more!
37. The killings of the Jews cannot and must not be distinguished from the war crimes committed by all war criminals against all the victims of the Second World War. The German citizens who were incinerated by fire-bombs and the Japanese of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were vaporised by nuclear bombs are as much victims as the Jews. They are all victims of WWII.
38. To allow Israel and the Zionists to hijack the holocaust for colonial geo-political objectives is to blemish the memories of all the victims of genocide, such as the Chinese, the Armenians, and the various peoples of Africa. It is an injustice to slam-dunk these victims to the memory hole.
39. Those who continue to promote the political line that the Holocaust is a unique and an exceptional Jewish historical event, when compared to the sufferings of the other victims, such as the Chinese who were slaughtered in excess of 10 million, have to that extent minimised the atrocities committed by both sides in WWII. It is an attempt to white-wash the war crimes of the victors in WWII.
40. The holocaust is now being used as a benchmark by which all other atrocities are judged, such that when the full horror of the devastation in Iraq was exposed, the international media contemptuously dismissed the war crimes committed against the Iraqi people as the price of establishing democracy. The same goes for the Palestinians. I am also reminded of the irresponsible statement by the former US Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, that the deaths of over 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the price for containing Saddam Hussein by economic sanctions.
41. John Pilger, the renowned journalist brought home this point when he exposed the hypocrisy of the BBC. In a recent article, he wrote the following exchange: On 14 November, Bridget Ash wrote to the BBC’s Today programme asking why the invasion of Iraq was described merely as “a conflict”. She could not recall other bloody invasions reduced to “a conflict”. She received this reply: Dear Bridget, You may well disagree, but I think there’s a big difference between the aggressive “invasions” of dictators like Hitler and Saddam and the “occupation”, however badly planned and executed, of a country for positive ends, as in the Coalition effort in Iraq. Yours faithfully, Roger Hermiston Assistant Editor, Today
42. It is a deliberate distortion of history. It is also a convenient cover to deflect the focus of the war crimes committed by colonial powers in the last three hundred years – the genocide of the various peoples in the African continent, specifically the genocide occasioned by the slave trade, the mass killings and subjugation of the Chinese by means of opium addiction and the opium wars by the British, and the atrocities committed by the United States against the people of Nicaragua, Guatamala, El Salvador etc in South America.
43. I will not forget, and my children and my children’s children will never forget that the Chinese had to suffer the humiliation of being discriminated with dogs – as during British colonial rule, signboards bearing the words “Dogs and Chinese Not Allowed” were displayed prominently all over China! Not even the Africans were subjected to such discrimination in Apartheid South Africa!
44. No one race or community should be allowed to arrogate to itself and or demand exclusive memorials to their sufferings. The right to survive cannot be monopolised by one race or community. To accept that the Holocaust was an exceptional Jewish historical event is to deny the genocides, massacres and sufferings inflicted on the rest of mankind throughout history. This cannot be right.
45. I cannot help but question the motives of those who seek to elevate the sufferings of the Jewish people above those who had suffered as much, if not more from the horrors of the Second World War. And when the sufferings of the Jewish people have turned into an industry[12] we owe a moral duty to the departed to ensure that no one should profit from blood money, more so, when lies are perpetrated to further such profiteering.
46. If we are gathered here to seek truth and to condemn war crimes, then we must condemn all war crimes, not just those allegedly committed by the defeated in WWII. If we judge Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo as war criminals, then we cannot but find Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin guilty as well.
47. A good starting point is to revisit the Nuremberg Military Tribunal. Why? To quote Robert H. Jackson, “The Allies are still technically in a state of war with Germany ... As a military tribunal, this Tribunal is a continuation of the war effort of the Allied nations.”[13] It follows that the said Tribunal was not an impartial tribunal to adjudicate established crimes, but an instrument of war. In plain language, it was a “Kangaroo Court.” We need only examine two articles of the Rules of Evidence of the said Tribunal, namely: Article 19: The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and non-technical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to have probative value … Article 21: The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof. It shall also take judicial notice of official government documents and reports of the United Nations ….
48. Given the above rules of evidence, it cannot be said by any stretch of imagination that the Tribunal was impartial. Additionally, there was a climate of hatred and partisan advocacy.[14] Most despicable was the use of torture to obtain confessions.[15] It is not for me in this paper to provide details of the miscarriage of justice at the Nuremberg Tribunal. Suffice to say at this juncture that similar procedures adopted by the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay and the evidence adduced thereat against alleged terrorists were declared unlawful and illegal by the US Supreme Court in the landmark case of Hamdan v Rumsfeld.[16] The Supreme Court delivered a stunning rebuke to the Bush administration over its plans to try Guantanamo detainees before military commissions, ruling that the commissions are unconstitutional.
49. In a 5-3 decision, the Court said the trials were not authorized under U.S. law or the Geneva Conventions. Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the opinion in the case. It challenged the very legality of the military commissions established by President Bush to try terrorism suspects. For justice and truth to prevail, we must revisit the Nuremberg Military Tribunal.
50. We must all live as one and respect the rights of others. We cannot as victims of war crimes, demand that others must suffer and die so that we may survive. To insist on such a right is to cast our lot with those whom we have condemned.
51. We must take to heart the exhortation of Martin Luther King Jr. that “the chain reaction of evil – wars producing more wars – must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.”
Conclusions & Recommendations
In December 2005, I helped organise a conference in Kuala Lumpur which concluded with the issuance of a Declaration sponsored by the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad entitled – The Kuala Lumpur Initiative to Criminalise War. Allow me to highlight to you the key principles embodied in the said Declaration: · Wars increasingly involve the killings of innocent people and are therefore, abhorrent and criminal. · Killings in war are as criminal as the killings within societies in times of peace.
Since killings in peace time are subject to the domestic law of crime, killings in war must likewise be subject to the international law of crimes. This should be so irrespective of whether these killings in war are authorised or permitted by domestic law.
All commercial, financial, industrial and scientific activities that aid and abet war should be criminalised. The Kuala Lumpur Initiative to criminalise War was issued because the delegates came to the inevitable conclusion that governments and political leaders have yet to learn to settle disputes by peaceful means. War is still the first option to settle disputes between nations.
1. We must therefore condemn war as an option to settle international disputes.
2. We must set up an International Commission of Jurists to review the findings of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal.
3. We must set up a War Crimes Tribunal to adjudicate on the crimes of all Allied Powers leaders during WWII.
4. We must set up a War Crimes Tribunal to adjudicate on the war crimes of all Zionist leaders, specifically the past and present leaders of the state of Israel.
[1] Wikipedia puts the number of people killed in WWII as over 60 million.
[2] Please note that I am not taking into account military casualities, as I want to emphasise civilian casualties. A. Gregory Frumkin, Population Changes in Europe since 1939 B. Urlanis, Wars and Population Singer and Small, Wages of War I.C.B. Dear, editor, The Oxford Companion to World War II See also www.warchronicles.com
[3] Martin Gilbert, History of the 20th Century (15 – 20 million)
[4] Anthony Cave Brown, Bodyguard of Lies (1977,Star Books)
[5] Reported in the Jewish Chronicle, October 8, 1942.
[6] Reported in the Jewish Newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten, September 13, 1939
[7] Cited in Paul Baudouin, Nuef Moi au gouvernement [Nine Months in Government], Le Table Ronde, 1948, p 37
[8] Cited in Roger Garaudy, The Founding Myths of Moden Israel, (2000, Institute of Historical Review) [9] Memorandum from Churchill to General Hastings Ismay. Cited by Barton Berstein, Why We Didn’t Use Poison Gas in World War II, in American Heritage, August-September 1985. See also Churchill’s similar statement on poison gas in WWI as cited in Martin Gilbert, Biography of Winston Churchill, Vol 4, Part 1 (1976, London, Heinemann)
[10] Interview of Professor Zimmerman – Yerushalayim paper on April 28, 1995
[11] Sunday Telegraph, December 5, 2006 – Jews and Arabs Cannot Live Together.
[12] See Norman Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry, 2nd Edition (2003, Verso)
[13] Statement made during the July 26 1946 Session of the Tribunal, cited by Roger Garaudy.
[14] Interview of Justice Charles Wennerstrum, Chicago Tribune February 23, 1948. See also Nahum Goldmann, The Jewish Paradox (1978, New York, Grosset & Dunlap)
[15] Rudolf Höss, the Commandant of Auschwitz was tortured to obtain his confession that Jews were exterminated in the camp. See Rupert Butler, Legions of Death (1983, Hamlyn Paperbacks)
[16] "Trials of the type contemplated by the United States government would be a stain on United States justice". Lord Johan Steyn, senior United Kingdom judge, 2003.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
THE HOLOCAUST The Zionists’ Insidious Benchmark For War Atrocities
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Post Title: THE HOLOCAUST The Zionists’ Insidious Benchmark For War Atrocities
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