The contrast between the world of 1900 and the dawn of the twenty first century could not be greater.
From hansom cabs to jet engines, candles to electricity, cinemas, computers, cell phones, air conditioning, man the all-conquering climbing the highest mountain, reaching for the stars, searching out the very secret of life, what better panegyric is possible?
That is one side of the picture. In truth the twentieth century was the greatest time of turmoil and destruction in the history of the human race.
Two World Wars, economic collapse, bloody revolutions and destruction of the environment.
To the background of Free Trade - Liberalism - Democracy - chanted like a mantra by a controlled press, an increasingly aged population moves into decrepitude whilst the flower of manhood is sacrificed on bloody battle fields. What sort of madness has gripped the human psyche? What has led homo sapiens to behave like some destructive ill-disciplined infant?
Homo sapiens is a herd animal. Our origins are amongst those who hunt and forage in a family group. A group that follows the most powerful male and with the expansion to tribe and then to nation, each group developed its own language, customs, history, etc.
From the most primitive to the so-called educated, men have created a god or gods in their own image. The heart of a people is mirrored in the gods they worship. The more "primitive" the religion the closer to nature. The gods of the "Red Indians" of North America were gods of earth and sky. The great religions of the east, Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism preach a gentle creed with a respect for nature and other living creatures, the Greeks brought their gods down to earth. Some, like the Aztecs had gods that demanded sacrifice. The three Middle Eastern religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all monotheist, exhibit to a lesser or greater degree the influence of the angry, vengeful god of the Old Testament.
The purpose of religion was initially an attempt to explain the inexplicable and became a method of cohesion between people that demanded a moral standard from its followers. The god of the Hebrews was an unforgiving god and the teachings of the Talmud lack any mention of honour or honesty. Rather it is the fanatical cry of a "Chosen People" who have given themselves carte blanche to suck the rest of mankind into the black hole of their thinking.
The "soul" of any nation rests on three things: the most laudable of the creations of the human mind: poetry, music and art.
The moral decline of western civilization has gone hand in hand with the degeneration visible in these three.
Christianity, often purported to have been the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire, itself soon split into the Eastern and Western Churches. The latter in the fifteenth century suffered a violent schism resulting in the rise of the Protestant church which itself has split into many different sects, all beginning to lean heavily on the Old Testament, whilst the Catholic Church has degenerated into a form of Catholic/Judaism (the last Pope John Paul was himself half Jewish through his mother Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla whose anglicised name was "Emily Katz.")
In North America it was the Protestant settlers holding the Bible in one hand who ruthlessly ousted the previous inhabitants.
Descendants of these early settlers are foremost amongst those who cite the followers of Islam as terrorists. Let them however remember that these same followers of Mohammed had created some of the most beautiful poetry and the most beautiful buildings ever created by man. And that they in the centuries when their power was at its apogee were tolerant of other religions, namely the Jews in Spain and the Hindus in India.
Both Christianity and Islam are now under threat.
Once, not so long ago, the majority of people received no news at all and knew little or nothing beyond what happened outside the environment of their own village or town. Now there is a surfeit of information. Force fed through television, advertising, radios, cell phones comes a violent regurgitation of lies and trivia. But truth lies further out of reach than ever.
Where did it start?
Certainly the death of millions of young men in the world wars has altered the genetic pool. For these were men in their prime who did not live long enough to have progeny. These were those who gave their lives for idealism but whose ideas and whose standards died with them. Whilst those who sent them to war managed to stay well out of danger.
Education so lauded as the open sesame to freedom has in fact deteriorated into an indoctrination of the young under a carefully monitored scheme destined to eradicate all sense of history and all sense of past. Without some form of belief, some guide to self discipline, youth, the time of high hopes and high ideals, now has only the artifical "high" of some narcotic to fill the gap, and, devoid of morals, can only seek amusement or the oblivion of the next fix.
Mention of the word "conspiracy" is enough to raise cries of ridicule or outrage, and certainly there are on the Internet many sites that purport to demonstrate the existence of such a plan but which merely produce a confused jumble that appears to be designed to prove that those holding such ideas are demented. Ignoring such "red herrings" for that is what they are, it seems incredible that even a cursory glance at those who wield power does not cause questions to be asked.
It seems the Judaic/Zionist onslaught is almost impossible to oppose when all courageous efforts by men of integrity to inform the world of the ancient conspiracy fall largely on deaf and even offended ears.
The following is a quote from a talk Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister, gave on Orthodox Jewish Rabbis on CNN on 14 November, 1995:
"Every race has inherited traits, in the case of the Jews they include, trading, money-changing, usury and a loathing for "productive labour" which is scorned as beneath the Jews in their Bible, called the Talmud.
The Jews have not changed since the days when Jesus Christ took up a whip and drove the money-changers out of the temple. Jews have always united to form monopolies. To-day they control all the department store chains and speciality shops along with the lucrative jewelery and animal fur trade. Jews dominate the fields of all precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum, tin, lead, etc. They will always band together to drive Gentile competitors out of business.
To-day America is being flooded with Jewish immigrants from Russia and 20,000 per year even leave Israel for the US - all with dollar signs in their eyes. Jews have used their vaunted money power to seize control of the Democratic party and constitute more than 55% of all its financial contributions. To-day they are buying up more and more major US companies. While only 3% of the population, the Jews control over 25% of the nation's wealth and this percentage rises every year.
They are the only racial group totally organised to work for political domination over America. Opposition to the Jews did not begin in Germany but dates back before the birth of Christ more than 2000 years ago. Study the statements made by the world's greatest men, they reveal why the "wandering Jews" have made enemies out of every host country that ever accepted them."
And further:
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.
(so stated the Jewish banker, Paul Warburg on February 17, 1950 as he testified before the U.S. Senate.)
What lies ahead?
A future where natural resources on which ALL life depends are expended with profligate abandon? Where the truth is suppressed and all news media is controlled? Where greed is given full rein? Where the cries of the vendors of the "goblin market" ring loud in everyone's ears? While the populace deluded by the mantra of "freedom", stands with arms outstretched for its wrists to be manacled.
The carnival of the American elections revs into gear - Republican? Democrat? These are mere names that are nothing more than the two sides of the same coin. A charade put on for the public deluded enough to think that their vote, their little scratch on a piece of paper will make one whit of difference to the outcome. Without doubt, the next incumbent of the American Presidency has already been elected. Kissinger's money apparently is on McCain.
In recent years wars have been waged in the name of peace, entire populations have been placed in shackles in the name of freedom, while government and media keep people ignorant about the true motives.
People are taught to fear asylum-seekers, climate change, crazed terrorists and even each other. Governments are perfecting the politics of fear because fearful populaces will do their bidding without question.
Each citizen has supposedly the right to respect for his privacy. That injunction was the universal declaration of Human Rights incumbent upon all since 1948.
On Wednesday February 27th 2008 it incited the German Constitutional Court to strictly control the police's right to spy on computers of persons suspected of terrorism via the Net.
In France a project of this type is under study, Michèle Alliot-Marie would like to facilitate on-line searches, like her German colleague Interior Minister Wolfgang Schauvle (CDU).
13th February 2008 - the US Senate handed the White House a major victory by voting 68-29 to approve legislation to broaden the Government's spy powers and give legal protection to phone companies.
On January lst 2009 several of the European Union's 27 member states risk being equipped with institutions their people had rejected. By then the Treaty of Lisbon signed last December by the heads of states or governments would be ratified by all member states. Hungary, Slovenia, Roumania and France have already done so.
Nicolas Sarkozy despite the statement made in June 2006 subsequent to his election to the Presidency, has succeeded in getting over three-quarters of the members of the French Parliament to adopt a text virtually identical to the one 54.68% of the voters rejected on May 29th 2005.
Several weeks before the 2004 European elections, Tony Blair cut the ground from under the United Kingdom's numerous euro-skeptics and promised to submit the Union's basic law to universal suffrage. His chosen successor, Mr. Gordon Brown, entrusted the British Parliament with the charge of ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon.
In June 2005, Dutch citizens rejected the European Constitutional Treaty by 62% of the vote. There also it will soon accrue to Parliament to ratify the text approved last December by the European Council.
Finally in Portugal the Socialist party that had proclaimed during the February 2005 legislative elections it would submit the constitutional proposal of the day to a popular vote, has back-pedalled.
The ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon occurred in the House of Commons in Britain on January 21st 2008 carried by 362 votes to 224. The House of Lords has yet to adjudicate.
In Britain the teaching of history is being phased out whilst school children are being sent on excursions to Auschwitz to have the myth of the "Holocaust" force-fed down their throats.
The United States and Britain are leading the pack in the encroaching Orwellian nightmare.
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." as George Orwell wrote in his book "1984"
Britain has become master of this technique. It currently has a data base which holds the DNA of 4.5 million people.
By 2012 Britons over 16 will be required to hold bio-metric ID cards checkable by police, immigration and customs officials as well as travel agents, air lines, banks and retailers.
By 2010 Britain is expected to incorporate radio frequency identification RFID chips in passports designed to carry a wealth of personal data. Further there is a plan to embed RFID chips in vehicle number plates allowing authorities the capability of identifying vehicles anywhere in all weather.
The US has forced European airlines to hand over 19 items of information on travellers prior to their departure and wants to extend this one-way data flow to passengers over-flying the US onwards to Central America and the Caribbean.
The UK wants this system to be used throughout Europe and domestically. Not only do authorities want to control everyone's movements they are also after their thoughts. This is already happening in the UK where people can expect to be caught on camera up to 300 times per day and where their phone calls and internet browsing are routinely monitored.
And what is worse - Big Brother Britain isn't working. The prisons are overflowing and violent crime is on the up and up, much of it fueled by drugs and alcohol.
Whilst Orwell feared the truth would be concealed from us, Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. While Orwell feared we would become a captive culture, Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture consumed by an almost infinite appetite for distraction.
They were both right.
What unified power exists that could bring entire nations to their knees to surrender to the tyranny of that single power? Surely none other than that ancient secret society which interpenetrates the other societies, secret and open, a secret society so embedded within non-Jewish culture that the inherent culture does not even realise how Judaised it is.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
The Blighted Century
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Post Title: The Blighted Century
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