Tuesday, 17 June 2008

The Biggest's Pornography Case In American History

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Ira Issacs produces bestiality and scatology movies

Alex Kozinski Will Preside Over The Trial

He is the chief judge of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

Bestiality and Scatology Are Deep Rooted In Judaism

Ira Isaacs Is The Producer

Isaacs, 57, a Los Angeles advertising agency owner who says he used to market fine art in commercial projects. He considers himself an "artist", and says he went into distributing and producing films about fetishes because "I wanted to do something extreme."

"I'm fighting for art," he said in an interview before his federal trial got under way. "Art is on trial."

The Judge Is A Holocaust Survivor

Kozinski was born 1950 in Bucharest, Romania but his parents, both Holocaust survivors, brought him to America in 1962 when he was 12. He received scholarships to attend UCLA in 1972, where he received hi J.D. In 1981 he serve as a counsel under President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Kozinski was 35 when Reagan made him the youngest federal appeals court judge in the country. The 9th circuit became known as the "The Notorious Ninth". Judge Kozinski sees his role as that of a teacher, and often chides gentile lawyers. He is a liberal that had removed porn filters so court employees could have access.

Asked how long they would have to watch the movies, Kozinski told them it would be about five hours and "I will be there watching with you. This is part of the job we're doing."

The Jurors

When jury selection began Monday, and that day a100 had been excused.

"I think watching something like that would make me physically ill, nauseous," said one woman. "It's affecting me physically now just thinking about it."

One man fired angry comments at the ponytailed Isaacs. "Hearing stuff about feces made me sick. He looks guilty as sin to me," said the man. "It turns my stomach thinking about it."

Several female prospects marched up to the judge's bench for private conferences when he told them that the films also involved violence against women.

A Special Task Force Brought Charges

The prosecution is the first in Southern California by a U.S. Department of Justice task force formed in 2005 after Christian conservative groups appealed to the Bush administration to crack down on smut.

He Makes A Fortune

Ira Isaacs admits to making $360,000 a year, but investigators put the figure in the millions. He lives in a palatial house in Beverly Hills, where the films are made, and drugs are like candy.

His Various Films - "Laurie's Toilet Show"

A fifty minute film on women going to the toilet.

"Bang Horse - The Pony Sex Game"

This film shows various having sex with a pony.

Hollywood Scat Amateurs No. 7

Forty Minute film of women defecating.

Violence Rape Films

His films show white women being raped by Latino men, and gangs.

Isaac Wants To Urinate In Front Of The Jury

One of his exhibits, he said, will be a picture of famed artist Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain," a porcelain urinal signed by the artist in 1917.

Sigmund Freud Understood Incest, And Scatology Fetishes

The Jewish people don't believe in an afterlife, and see everything through the eyes of living today. The intense genetic inbreeding doesn't help either.

Why the fascination with stools? Who cares, you could spend all day analyzing these creatures, but that won't solve the problem.

A Perfect Opportunity For Neo Nazis

Will they protest the exploitation of christen women by Zionists?

Germany Had Laws About This

In 1935 the Werhmacht had passed laws because the Jewish owned Berlin cabarets were featuring sex acts.

This Is A Great Opportunity For A Protest

Stage a rally outside the courthouse. Pit the 'Yeshivas against Anti Semitism' against the Neo Nazis. I could see banners screaming 'Don't degrade Christian Women". Maybe even throw in a Christian group.

Maybe 60 Minutes will do an exposé on Zionists control of the porn industry, but I sort of doubt it.


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