Tuesday 13 May 2008

Canada's national disgrace

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently made outrageously ignorant comments on the plight of the Palestinian people.

He claimed that criticism of and opposition to the Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing and apartheid against the Palestinian people amounted to “anti-Semitism.”

“Unfortunately, Israel at 60 remains a country under threat - threatened by those groups and regimes who deny to this day its right to exist,” Harper said in a Toronto celebration marking the inauspicious anniversary of Israel’s birth.

“And why? Look beyond the thinly veiled rationalizations; because they hate Israel, just as they hate the Jewish people.”

Obviously, Harper was trying to curry favor with Jews by appearing more Israeli and more Zionist than many Israelis themselves are.

But in truth, he is harming Jews, because it is not a sign of true friendship to encourage one’s friends to walk along the path of evil as Israel has manifestly been doing for decades.

In fact, Israel and Jews in general need sincere friends who should tell them that the pornographic oppression being meted out to the Palestinians is wrong and ought to stop immediately.

Today, Israel is intoxicated by its arrogance of power and the predominance of her supporters in North America, especially in the US. And as is the case with drunken people whose true friends don’t let them drive, lest they kill themselves and cause harm to others, Israel’s friends should likewise advise her to get sober and abandon her criminal discourse.

Harper’s equation of opposition to Israel’s policies its actions with anti-Semitism and “hatred of Jews” would be as outrageous as claiming that opposition to the Third Reich and its crimes and genocidal designs emanated from intrinsic hostility to the German people and the ‘Aryan’ race.

Well, doesn’t Harper realize that there are thousands of honest and conscientious Jews who reject Zionism and its virulent brat, Israel?

Harper is actually more than just ignorant. He seems virulently dishonest as well.

Otherwise, who in his or her right mind would dismiss the ghastly Israeli crimes against the peoples of the Middle East as “thinly veiled rationalizations?”

In 1948, Israel acted and behaved like Nazi Germany when it destroyed more than 460 Palestinian towns and villages and expelled more than 700,000 Palestinian Muslims and Christians to the four winds on no grounds other than the fact that the victims were not Jews. Is that a thinly veiled rationalization?

Israel, this hateful thiefdom, massacred them, destroyed their homes, confiscated their farms and property, stole their valuables before claiming that the refugees left their homes voluntarily.

Moreover, Zionist terrorists, acting on instructions from the Zionist leadership, poisoned water wells in the depopulated villages in order to prevent the refugees from returning. And those who did try to return, even to retrieve some of their movable property, like my three uncles tried to do, were summarily executed in the fields.

Perhaps Mr. Harper should have spoken with some of the refugees, or their descendants, some of whom live in Canada, before he made his ignorant remarks.

Harper should understand, if he is really willing to listen and is interested in knowing the truth, that the strife in Palestine is not about religion or about anti-Semitism. After all, both the Israelites and the Palestinians are Semitic people.

The conflict in Palestine is about theft, dispossession, colonialism, occupation, racism, ethnic cleansing, oppression and persecution.

It is about killing people because they don’t belong to the right tribe, it is about demolishing homes because the proprietors don’t belong to the “right race,” it is about murder, rape and oppression carried out for the purpose of cleansing the land of the natives, the inferiors, the goyim, the Ǖntermensch, the children of the lesser God….the aboriginals!!

It is about the arrogation of Palestine by racist Zionism through organized mass murder and mass terror, and the displacement and deportation of the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants; it is about the attempted physical annihilation of an entire people, the people of Palestine.

Are these acts, Mr. Prime Minister, compatible with the moral ideals that you in Canada claim to uphold?

And you claim that Israel is under threat? Shouldn’t you have calculated your words before uttering them?

How could a state that possesses more than 300 nuclear weapons and has one of the most powerful armies in the world, and in addition to that, tightly controls the politics and policies of the only superpower in the world, be under threat?

Are you fornicating with words, Mr. Harper?

The truth of the matter is that Israel continues to threaten, bully and attack its subjects and neighbors and their citizens.

In the West Bank, Israel has effectively morphed Palestinian population centers into modern-day detention camps, thanks to this gigantic wall of shame built on stolen land, coupled with hundreds of hateful roadblocks manned by Gestapo-like trigger-happy Israeli soldiers who draw satisfaction from tormenting and humiliating their helpless Palestinian victims.

And in Gaza, the country which considers itself a “light upon the nations” is effectively carrying out a slow-motion genocide against 1.5 million thoroughly starved Gazans whose only crime is their refusal to elect as their leaders Israel’s quislings and collaborators.

It is really sad and lamentable that while Israel is indulging in these shameful acts against a people that is as helpless as European Jewry was under Nazism, morally desensitized western leaders, obviously including yourself, Mr. Prime Minister, are cheerleading these crimes against humanity, committed callously by the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the holocaust.

Canada, a country that used to pride itself on its commitment the rule of international law and regard for human rights and dignity, should stop this blind fanatical and unrestricted support for Israel and instead adopt a balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Canada should tell Israel that killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza, knowingly and deliberately, is wrong; that starving and tormenting and killing innocent people in order to weaken Hamas is wrong; that withholding critically-needed fuel and electricity supplies, let alone food and other consumer products, amounts to a crime against humanity.

Unfortunately, instead of doing what is morally right, Canada is cheering Israel’s criminality and evil behavior, very much like the Führer of the White House who called Israel’s certified war criminals “men of peace,” ignoring the fact that they have tons of innocent blood on their evil hands.

Well, birds of a feather flock together.

Canada's Prime Minister Lays A Wreath At Holocaust Ceremony

Prime Minister Steven Harper.

Later, He Declares He Won't Tolerate Anti-Israeli Remarks

Criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitic, Harper says

Some of the criticism brewing in Canada against the state of Israel, including from some members of Parliament, is similar to the attitude of Nazi Germany in the Second World War, Prime Minister Stephen Harper warned yesterday.

Israel Has To Deal With Terrorists

"I guess my fear is what I see happening in some circles is anti-Israeli sentiment, really just as a thinly disguised veil for good old-fashioned anti-Semitism, which I think is completely unacceptable," Harper said. 1

More Ridiculous Holocaust Propaganda

"We learned in the Second World War that those who would hate and destroy the Jewish people would ultimately hate and destroy the rest of us as well, and the same holds today."

Israel Bombed Orphanages in 2006 Lebanon

Harper, who was to deliver a speech in Toronto marking the 60th anniversary of Israel in the evening, blamed some of his rivals in opposition for encouraging anti-Semitism in the midst of the conflict between the Jewish state and Hezbollah in the summer of 2006 in Lebanon. At the time, Harper was criticized in some circles for being pro-Israel when he defended controversial military strikes in Beirut. 1

Harper Insults Canadian Dead Heroes

Major Derek Hess-von Kruedener

A Canadian soldier murdered by Israel.

Major Derek Hess-von Kruedener

Canadian UNIFIL Observer Killed By Israel

Member Of Canadian Light Infantry Brigade

Maj. Derek Hess-von Kruedener's Son And Wife

His Sister

His Wife

His Son

Deliberately Killed By Israeli Garbage

The Israeli army targeted a UN observer post and killed four UNIFIL soldiers.

Took A Week To Recover Remains

The Major was killed on July 25th, and the remains were found on August 1st.

Canadian PM - Stephen Harper

This poodle didn't show up at the funeral. Harper stressed he talked to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who has expressed "deep regret" over the bombing deaths of the four observers.

Fund Raising Drives

When Israeli soldiers came to Canada on fund-raising drives, Harper laid out the red carpet.

Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener Wants Answers

She has accused Israel of deliberately attacking her husband's observer post. "So why were the Israelis firing on that base? ... In my opinion, those were precision-guided missiles, so the attack was intentional." She also said that Israel had attacked the area several times before during the previous three weeks.

UN observers in Lebanon phoned the Israelis at least 10 times over a six-hour period pleading for the shelling of the position to stop. When it became evident the shelling wasn't going to stop, the base commander called top UN officials in New York.

Kofi Annan Accused Israel

Annan stated that Israel had targeted the outpost, but Canadian PM Stephen Harper said: "I certainly doubt that to be the case."

Israeli Ambassador 'Outraged'

Daniel Ayalon, Israel's ambassador to the U.S., called Annan's reaction "deplorable." He said the observers were caught in crossfire between Hezbollah and Israel.

Chief Ahenakew

In 2005, an Canadian Indian, who was a Korean veteran, called Jews draft dodgers, and instigators of the World Wars. Stephan Harper went ballistic, and wanted the chief charged, and put in jail.

Stephen Harper - 'Clown Supreme'

He signed the 'Canadian Protocols', a law which states that racism leads to hatred, which then leads to terrorism. The 13 year-old Gaede sisters, teen singers, can now be arrested if they enter Canada.

What's It All Mean?

When there is a savage pit-bull in the neighborhood, and he roams the streets threatening and biting people, it's time to have him 'put down'. These Zionist animals started by killing the Russian Royal Family, and continue today with their snipers killing US Marines in Iraq, to their F-16's killing UN observers in Lebanon.

The deplorable way the Bush, the Blairs, and the Harpers grovel to these despicable animals, makes them full accomplices.

Pathetic Piece of garbage

Canadian Prime Minister Grovels To B'nai Brith

President Of Canada's B'nai Brith

Canada's Jews Give Their Full Support To PM Harper

We Are 100% Behind Harper

Harper Pledges Continued Support For Israel

Stephen Harper reinforced his strong support for Israel and its right to defend itself.

“When it comes to dealing with a war between Israel and a terrorist organization, this country and this government cannot and will never be neutral,” Harper told B’nai Brith Canada’s annual awards dinner last week, eliciting a standing ovation from more than 1,000 politicians, businesspeople and Jewish community leaders.

Instead, the prime minister told the crowd that Israel “can count on Canada’s steadfast support, encouragement and friendship,” and he urged all Canadians to be “guided by our values: freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and the uncompromising opposition to terrorism.”

His wife was a Jewish girl. Her maiden name was Maureen Tesky.

Israel Is The Victim

“The State of Israel, a democratic nation, was attacked by Hezbollah, a terrorist organization. In fact, a terrorist organization listed illegal in this country,” Harper said, noting that Canada is fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and that police have arrested a group of alleged terrorist plotters in Toronto.

Harper Says, "Avoid Negative Reports"

“I understand that with the news reports of the day, and the sound of battle, the images of destruction and the suffering of innocents, it is sometimes difficult to see and keep the focus on what is truly at stake.

“But the fact is this: those who attacked Israel, and those who sponsored such attacks, don’t seek merely to gain some leverage, to alter some boundary or to right some wrong. They seek what they and those like them have always sought: the destruction of Israel and the destruction of the Jewish people.

By Protecting Israel, We Protect Canada

Those who seek to destroy the Jews, who seek to destroy Israel, will for the same reason ultimately seek to destroy us all, and that, my friends, is why Canada’s new government has reacted with speed and spoken with clarity on recent events in the Middle East.”

After Harper’s speech, B’nai Brith executive vice-president Frank Dimant told him: “Every Shabbat, every Saturday, we recite [a] prayer for you, Mr. Prime Minister. I believe that the Almighty has answered our prayers.”

Full article

Canadian Jews Pray for Harper

http://palestinethinktank.com/2008/05/13/306/ and Judicial.inc

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