John McCain For President  A Sycophant To Israel  McCain Is Guided By The Amen Corner Of Congress  McCain Cries At Jerusalem's Wailing Wall  McCain On His Pilgrimage To The Holy Land  McCain Visits A Israeli 'Hot Zone' For Rocket Attacks  I guess the Rocketeers stood down that day? Thoughts From A USS Liberty Survivor Phil Tourney, a crewman on the USS Liberty during the 1967 attack, gives his thought on John McCain.
|  | The Search For Truth The Reverend Ed Hird, Rector of St. Simon’s Anglican Church in Canada recently wrote: “Many people around us have given up on a search for truth. It just seems too costly, too frustrating, and too ethereal. Many fear that the truth, if we can ever find it, will trap us with rules and regulations, turning us into slaves. Many years ago, the world’s most famous human being said: ‘You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free…’ a radical claim indeed. |
| Everyone Knows How Important Seeing The Truth Is The Roman governor Pontius Pilate replied to this claim by cynically saying: ‘What is truth?’ He was probably so used to politicians lying and being lied to, that truth had become a meaningless commodity. All of us crave for politicians that will tell us the truth and stop lying to us. It is so easy to dismiss such yearnings as naïve fantasies. Yet if no one can be trusted in our society, then the foundations of our democratic culture are indeed fragile. True democracy is based on the gift of freedom, and the gift of freedom comes from the knowledge of truth. “You shall know the truth” means that truth is attainable, truth is knowledge, truth matters. “The truth shall set you free” means that truth is not abstract and irrelevant, but powerful and liberating. Truth changes everything. Lies kill everything.” |  |
|  | It Doesn't Pay To Speak The Truth And republican Senator Chuck Hagel, of Nebraska recently said on the eve of his resignation from public office: “The political reality is that… the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here.” Hagel then related a meeting he had in New York with a group of supporters of Israel who are pushing the U.S. to attack Iran. When Hagel said it hadn’t worked out that well in Iraq, a couple of members of the group said he wasn’t supportive enough of Israel. Hagel spoke firmly: “Let me clear something up here if there’s any doubt in your mind. I’m a U.S. Senator. I’m not an Israeli senator. I’m a U.S. Senator. I support Israel… But my first interest is I take an oath to the constitution of the United States. Not to a president, not to a party, not to Israel. Gee.” |
| A Zionist Reminds Us What A gift Jews Are And Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss recently wrote: “Those who choose to join the Jewish people will enrich us with their ideas, energy and passion. And born Jews who choose to embrace their Judaism in an open marketplace also will enrich Jewish life. It is time to embrace the America in which we live.” |  |
|  | Tourney Reminds Us Just Who McCain Is Aye, every fiber in my body tells me John McCain is a sneaky, deceitful (lying), unprincipled human being; unworthy of holding public office, much less the oval office! |
| McCain's Subservience To Israel He has a long history of patronizing AIPAC when voting on issues involving Israel (as evidenced by the ex-democratic, independent party senator from Connecticut accompanying a republican candidate for president on his trips to the Middle East), |  |
|  | McCain In Vietnam Because of the things his fellow prison inmates had to say about his conduct while a prisoner of war in Vietnam, |
| McCain's Silence On The USS Liberty Slaughter Because John McCain elected to not reply to my letter of December 28, 2002 admonishing him for turning his back on the cries of USS Liberty survivors who have been abused and betrayed by their country for nigh on forty years. McCain's Reaction To The USS Liberty Sen. McCain also has brushed off Liberty veterans, saying in one letter, "The United States government has thoroughly investigated the incident."  |  |
| A Miami Bankruptcy Judge A 75 year old Zionist that declares himself an authority on the Liberty Attack, and says it was a case of friendly fire. |  |
| McCain Says This Book Is "Tops" After reading The Liberty Incident, the latest attempt to cover up Israel's perfidy, written by a former navy pilot who is a federal judge, McCain wrote: "After years of research for this book, Judge A. Jay Cristol has reached a similar conclusion to one my father [then chief of Naval Operations] reached in his June 18, 1967, endorsement of the findings of the Court of Inquiry. I commend Judge Cristol for his thoroughness and fairness, and I commend this work." |  |
|  | McCain's Endorsement Of An Israeli Apologist Because of his public comments after reading Judge A. Jay Cristol’ thesis entitled, “The Liberty Incident;” wherein this former naval reserve officer absolves Israel of guilt in its June 8, 1967 attack on the US intelligence ship, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) |
| | Full Article US Liberty Survivor Tells it as it Happened
Tradition Various sources | |
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