Wednesday 2 April 2008

Free Speech in Germany (Freie Rede in Deutschland)

To: The German Legislator's petition committee

We, the undersigned, believe that is immoral to enshrine History in law.

The German State's reaction to those who wish to provide an alternative narrative for what has become known as the 'Holocaust' is a horrendous misuse of the principles of jurisprudence. The custodial sentences given to Ernst Zuendel, Germar Rudolf, Sylvia Stolz and others are a clear demonstration that nothing has been learned from the past. It is our firm belief that their sentences should be revoked and the law of Germany changed to reflect a real acceptance of the principles of free speech and the marketplace of ideas.

In 'On Liberty' (1859), the British philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote,

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."

It is a sorry reflection on the German state that it deems it necessary to imprison individuals for nothing more than expressing sincere beliefs. Ironically, it is evocative of the fascism that they so desire to distance themselves from. It is a sign of weakness, of fear and shallow character.
We condemn it utterly.

We believe the time has come for Germany to show some courage. Sixty years of guilt, fear and shame have not allowed the nation to come to terms with its past. The time has come for a 'Realgeschichte' in which truth may be reached through competing narratives. To be afraid of this is to be afraid of the basis of all human knowledge.

Deutschland, wir glauben an Sie.


The Undersigned

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A Jew visits Auschwitz in order to uncover the real facts about the so-called holocaust.

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