You could hardly credit it, but the Downing Street website put out a new image yesterday, with campaign message - Promoting Prosperity - Progressive Governance Summit with campaign logo as below. It was spotted by British blogger Iain Dale
Government Removes Swastika Logo Iain Dale 11:16 PM  A few hours ago I wrote about the above government logo HERE. In a comment on that thread I predicted they'd remove the page and say "Nothing to see here, move along please". Well, my powers of foresight are greater than I had imagined. Now you can only see the page if you have a password. The Progressive Summit is still taking place tomorrow. I suspect a Conference Staging company is working overnight (at our expense) redoing all the backdrops. |
as being based on the swastika, and he commented that the image would be removed within hours - which it was - in his post 'Government Removes Swastika Logo'.
Mr Brown's troubles seem to deepen by the week, as his position in polls sinks ever lower. In parliament, he was ridiculed by his opponents as being not so much like Stalin, as he had been once described, but Mr Bean. The badge stuck, as Brown's government has lurched from crisis to crisis in rudderless fashion.
The latest PR folly complete with swastika opens up the possibility that Brown will be likened to another comic character from British TV - who became famous in the BBC programme Allo Allo, a spoof version of German occupied Brussels in WW2.
Equally as incompetent as Bean, and equally selfish and bad-tempered, the one-legged Flick (2nd from left) makes a good parallel for Brown as he progresses into a more authoritarian phase in his Prime Ministership while his enemies close in around him. To quote Iain Dale, you couldn't make it up!
Downing Street denies any swastika similarity. What do you think?

UPDATE - The Nazification of Britain proceeds apace. See HERE
UPDATE - April 7th 2008 - The swastika sign was being used as the symbol for Brown's proposed new international body which, inspired by the credit crunch, is heralding a new era of international financial supervision, which would appoint the IMF in a supervisory role over the US Finance Secretary and those of other nations.
Gordon Brown explains -
"Speaking at the start of the Progressive Governance conference of centre-left leaders and politicians, Mr Brown said that the old institutions established in the aftermath of World War II were now unable to cope."
"We now have to reshape our global rules and global institutions for this new era," he said.
"We are facing a global financial crisis which is probably the first truly global financial crisis of the modern world.
"We have to reform our global financial institutions. It is absolutely clear that the national supervision that we have is inadequate and we need a global agreement."
The prime minister said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) needed complete re-structuring so it could act as an "early warning system" for the international economy.
No doubt he'll be hoping for a job running this new supranational body, and Americans will be delighted to have a Nazi-badged British ex-Prime Minister carrying out a supervisory role over them.
Bill's face says it all. Why doesn't someone ask him? Does Hillary agree with all this?
For full story see HERE
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