Noted Author Comes Under Question A rash of books about Muslims killing their wives and daughter comes under question Two Book On Muslim Honor Killings  
Beheaded For Not Wearing A Burka 
Beth Hussien Was Hung Because She Read Cosmopolitan Magazine 
His Mother Had An Affair  The son must bury her, and then villagers stone her
Two Fabricated Books About Muslim Honor Killing These books are out the same genre as the countless holocaust books about Nazi terrorism. But here we see Muslim men killing unwed mothers, and grandmothers smothering children.
|  | Fabricated: A Tale of Two Memoirs Of Honor Killings Forbidden Love and Burned Alive are both best-selling memoirs about honour killing in the Arab world. Published in 2003, they attracted rave reviews from major journals, and also the enthusiastic recommendations of many readers. Both are based on a story about a Christian/Muslim friendship – in each memoir a Muslim girl is threatened with death, and a Christian friend tries to save her. |
Norma Khouri Is A 'Hoaxster' The author, Norma Khouri (nee Naomi Cohen?) was in fact an American, who grew up in Brooklyn, not in Amman as she claimed. The other author, pen name 'Sauad' is some mytry out of France. There is a striking similarity between these two memoirs.
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|  | Both Books Were A Yiddish Fabrication Both Burned Alive and Forbidden Love were based in locations which were evidently fictional. |
Nothing Existed The first book was based on a muslim girl that worked in a hair salon. One in a unisex hair salon in Amman in the 1990s, but no such salons in Amman, and Jordanian men attend male-only barber shops. |  |
|  | The Second Book Was Another Hoax Souad, the second book, was based around a wealthy family in a poor remote West Bank village in the 1970s. The family lived on a hill in a gated estate. The trouble is there is no such place, and the only gates in the West Bank are barbed wire checkpoints armed by sadistic Jewish soldiers. |
| | Zionists Make A Docudrama Burned Alive has received awards, and Forbidden Love is still standard reading for gullible students at major universities. Anna Broinowski has produced a documentary. |  |
|  | What A Way to Go Sasha (Souad) became pregnant at 18, bringing disgrace to her parents, so her brother-in-law poured gasoline on her and set her aflame. She lived and was rescuer was Jacqueline, a European aid worker, who was in the Middle East to care for children in distress and who arranged for the badly burned young woman to be flown to Switzerland, where she and her newborn baby received medical care and support. Today Souad is "somewhere in Europe," married with three children, her testimony still anonymous for her protection. Occasional chapters by Jacqueline fill in the wider context, bu |
| Souad Sees Her Sister Killed Later on she recalled, quite providentially, that she had a younger sister ‘Hanan’, an innocent young girl, who was murdered before her eyes. |  |  | Grandmother Smothers Granddaughter Souad claims she had seen her mother give birth to a baby girl and and grandma smother it. |
| Arabs Kill Baby Girls In a 2003 interview, a journalist from ANSA noted that: ‘Souad … remembers very well how her mother had strangled two newborn babies because they were girls.’ |  |
| |  | Two Authors Are Just Two Hoaxsters The mysterious Souad is supposedly French, but most suspect she is just a third rate Brighton Beach writer of Jewish origin. |
| | Norma Khoui Relives Her Childhood Norma Khoui (nee Naomi Cohen) main character was Dalia, her closet childhood friend. Later still, Norma claimed that the model for Dalia was a cousin from her own family. ‘The same thing happened to her, as happened to me’, Norma states. This was an apparent reference to Norma’s claim that she was sexually abused by her father from an early age. A common occurrence in certain households. |  |
|  | Noted Feminist Is Horrified The Spanish Minister for Social Security, Cristina Alberdi, gave a speech about Souad’s book on International Women’s Day. ‘This work moves our consciences. It is a most valuable testimony.’ She said that reading Souad’s memoir made her ‘thank God for not having been born in a country whose laws protect the crimes of honour.’ It's not just male violence, the Muslim women kill also. |
| Therese Taylor's Conclusions The publishers of Burned Alive are offended that I would compare this ‘true story’ to that of the discredited Forbidden Love. Having looked carefully at both memoirs, I would say that both are completely false, but of the two, Norma Khouri’s story was always more credible. It is she who is entitled to be offended to be compared to Souad, and not vice versa. At least Norma Khouri was capable of telling one story for a considerable period of time. Souad makes it up as she goes along, and can barely get through a single interview without contradicting herself. |  |
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1 comment:
How awful that the Rosenblats lied about their story and that the publishers and movie makers and Oprah didn’t figure it out. So sad.
Some Holocaust love stories are true. The NY Times featured a story about the famous comic book artists Stan Lee and Neal Adams and a story they were publicizing.
The story is about Dina Gottliebova Babbitt who was a 19 year old art student at Auschwitz. There she was asked by the Jewish head of the children's camp to paint something to cheer them up. Dina painted a mural of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and in the end, Dina's art became the reason for her salvation.
Painting the mural for the children caused Dina to be taken in front of Dr. Mengele, the Angel of Death. She thought she was going to be gassed, but she bravely stood up to Mengele and he decided to make her his portrait painter, saving herself and her mother from the gas chamber.
After the war, Dina applied for a job to be an animator and the person interviewing her turned out to be the man who created Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs for the movie. They fell in love and got married. Show White saved Dina's life twice!
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