Friday 7 March 2008

The Attack on the Yeshiva in Jerusalem on March 6


Picture this: the Nazi high command runs a school for future officers charged with shooting every Judaic they can find, and teaching genocide to the prospective leaders of the nation. While the mostly unarmed Nazi youths were gathered in prayer to Odin over copies of Mein Kampf, suddenly a lone Judaic resistance fighter bursts into the school and opens fire with an automatic weapon, killing eight of the students and wounding eleven others.

If this had happened during World War II, a street in Germany would now be named in honor of the killer and he would be listed among the righteous at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Your son or daughter might even learn of his "heroism" during a mandatory "Holocaust Studies" class.

At the end of February 2008, Matan Vilnai, the Israeli deputy minister of "defense," called for the extermination ("Shoah") of the Palestinians of Gaza. The weekend after he made that homicidal declaration, 120 Gazans lay dead, victims of Vilnai's edict. Some Gazans had been used as human shields, with Israeli soldiers resting machine guns on their shoulders. Others were Palestinian children who had been shot in the mouth and head in cold blood, by Israelis snipers who had been waiting for just such an opportunity (cf. Steven Erlanger, NY Times, March 6, 2008).

As usual, the world little noted the Israeli ramapge and President Bush issued no statement decrying the loss of innocent Palestinian life. The "raid" in Gaza was just business as usual for the Israeli Talmudic army and its so-called "Christian" ally in the White House. Condoleeza Rice called for a resumption of "peace talks" before the bodies of the Palestinian victims were even cold.

It was a different reaction, however, that greeted the massacre on the evening of Thursday March 6 at the Mercav Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem. Even though the dead were not civilians, but Israeli army recruits, President Bush condemned their deaths in the strongest possible terms, and Islam is today being excoriated anew as the epitome of religious hatred and terrorism.

Rabbi David Stav, one of many prominent graduates of the Jerusalem yeshiva said, "Followers of Islam claim they respect the people of the book. But this horrific act proves the emptiness of their claims." (Jerusalem Post, March 6, 2008).

Most Muslims do, in general, respect the followers of "the Book," the Old Testament. They are increasingly losing respect, however, for the followers of the Talmud, which is the holiest book in Judaism and whose ideology furnishes the doctrine of annihilation of the Arabs (whom the Orthodox rabbis term "Amalek"). In the usual biased reporting of the western media, much was made of celebrations in Gaza after the yeshiva shootings and little was reported concerning the "Death to the Arabs" rallies that erupted at the same time in the Judaic sections of Jerusalem.

The Mercav Harav yeshiva has produced the bulk of the Talmudic leadership of Israeli "religious Zionism," which is the most racist and genocidal ideology in the Israeli state. Among its thousands of graduates are senior rabbis who have themselves either personally killed Arab civilians or called on the Israeli army to show them no mercy. Many Israeli army officers were trained at Mercaz Harav. It was founded in 1924 by Palestine's first chief rabbi, the aptly named Abraham Kook.

According to Mercaz Harav's own internal newsletter of Rosh Hashana 5767 (2008), their students were fighting Palestinians in Gaza ("Students from the Yeshiva as well, have been called up for reserve duty at the front").

The yeshiva's most notorious graduates include Rabbi Haim Druckman, who recently issued a call for the Israeli army to exterminate the Palestinans and show no mercy to Arab civilians; and Rabbi Moshe Levinger, who shot to death an unarmed Arab shopkeeper, a murder for which he received a sentence of only a token few months in jail. Other graduates include David Raziel, the first commander of the Zionist terror group Irgun, which perpetrated the Deir Yassin massacre of Palestinians.

By the hallowed standards of the Allies of World War II, had the attack on the Jerusalem yeshiva been perpetrated on a Nazi school, it would have been viewed as preventing a holocaust by executing would-be exterminators.

The Mercaz Harav yeshiva students were Zionist Nazis, yet the hypocrites of the earth who applaud and commemorate the terrorist methods of the French Resistance and the partisans of eastern Europe in the name of the "greater good" of stopping the "absolute horror" that was Nazism, view the attack on Mercaz Harav in a far different light, as proof of Arab perfidy, Muslim iniquity and Palestinian heartlessness.

What is our opinion? As a student of Judaism this writer knows something of the rabbinic mentality which pounds into the heads of every Judaic child from his earliest years the notion that non-Judaics hate him without rhyme or reason, and that this hatred is ineradicable. The Arab (if indeed it was an Arab) who shot up the Talmud school in Jerusalem, only confirmed the rabbis' prediction. A pathological prophecy is thus fulfilled. The deceased yeshiva students will enter the roll of martyrs as "the victims of antisemitism," and many more Zionist youth will fill their shoes at the yeshiva and go forth to holocaust more innocents in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.

Since the post-modernist West is itself heavily Talmudic through Freemasonry, the Kabbalistic New Age movements, the neocon Right and the Bolshevised Left, the higher proportion of Arab civilian victims of Talmudic ideology and Israeli occupation, are not mourned the way the handful of Israeli victims are mourned. The general impression conveyed by the media is that Zionists are the King Lears of the Levant, more sinned against, than sinning.

Consequently, Muslim and Arab armed resistance to Israeli genocide, however much consonant with the resistance enshrined as the paradigm of courage and decency in World War Two Allied mythology, always pays dividends for the Israelis and feeds the self-fulfilling paranoia which Orthodox rabbis impart to generations of Judaic youths.

Violent Muslim resistance is an adjunct of Kabbalistic Judaism in its Hester Panim guise. Though still a few weeks away, we note that the attack in Jerusalem occurred close enough to the holiday of Purim to cause the students in the yeshiva to believe that the first shots fired by the assailant were the sounds of celebratory Purim firecrackers.

Judaism is not a normal enemy, it is an exceptional recrudescence of the guile and cunning synthesized from the accumulated intelligence of the eternal pagan psychodrama on which it is based. It cannot be fought with carnal weapons. It advances with each assault from those very weapons. The Muslims do not possess this higher awareness and thus are fated to forever fulfill the role assigned to them by Kabbalistic choreography, as partners in the rabbinic danse macabre.

[Hoffman is the author of the forthcoming book, "Judaism Discovered"].

For further reading:






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