I love America. I was born and raised in America.
The America we have today is but a shell of our former America and certainly does not provide a single ray of hope of change, considering the hopelessly corrupt Democratic and Republican Party. I don't give a DAMN what Obama or Hillary told you, the Democratic and Republican parties are indeed hopelessly corrupt and do NOT represent the Will of the People.
Here's why I believe America sucks today:
1.) The media used to be more independent of special interest, corporate and military influence and control. Today the media is a mouthpiece and willing advocate for these groups;
2.) Americans used to be more independent-minded and capable of critical thinking; today; today, despite the internet, too many Americans still rely upon and get their news from American print, broadcast and cablecast media, who feed their viewers and readers a steady diet of misinformation, propaganda and downright lies, 24/7/365.
3.) All violence all the time; moviemakers and television producers bear some responsibility for making the most violent shows ever seen; Americans have been de-sensitized to acts of violence since the average TV viewer witnesses scores of murders each and every night on television. Is this necessary? Or is it necessary for unscrupulous producers to highlight violence in their productions to maximize profits for themselves, the studio and stockholders? The average child views God knows how many murders and various acts of violence by the time they are 18 years of age. Is this really necessary? For entertainment? For what? For cash and prizes? For who?
4.) All war all the time; war, war, war...........the "War On Terror"......the "Global War On Terror." Bush and Cheney said "Terrorism will not end in our lifetime or our children's lifetime." Our government should STOP breaking our laws and constitution in sending our military all over the world to make war, war, war. al Qaeda my ass. Fear of al Qaeda does NOT justify our government breaking our nation's laws and violating our nation's constitution. Our nation spends over TRILLION DOLLARS a year on our military and "defense." al Qaeda doesn't spend even a million dollars a year in their budget. We already have laws and processes in place to deal with individual stateless actors who commit acts of terrorism against mainland America. Our government has no lawful, constitutional right to the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive military strikes and subsequent occupations. Where's the common sense, people? See, http://www.roncorvus.com/economy.htm
5.) Congress won't eliminate the federal income tax for the individual U.S. citizen. If Congress would CUT the bloated, oversized Pentagon budget, control wasteful government spending and implement true government oversight, control and discipline of huge multi-national corporations, we could afford to eliminate the federal income tax for the U.S. taxpayer. http://www.roncorvus.com/taxes.htm
6.) Congress will NEVER pass single-payer universal healthcare. The corporate duo-opoly controlling our nation's budget will NEVER pass true, universal healthcare in direct contravention of the drug lobbyists who write our nation's healthcare bills. Do you want to know the truth about implementing true universal healthcare in America? Then please read this: http://www.roncorvus.com/healthcare.htm
7.) Congress will NEVER pass universal fully-paid "no-strings attached" college tuition for all who graduate from high school. While high school graduates in India enjoy fully-paid "no-strings-attached" college tuition, Hillary, Obama and Bill Clinton are trying to con the youth of America into working for them and the U.S. government for free for an entire year of their lives, just to help pay for college tuition. Congress looks out for the tuition profiteers - the loans companies who make BILLIONS front-loading debt upon America's youth and families.
8.) Congress will NEVER STOP OVER FOUR MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS from crossing our Southern border each and every year, until America builds a true security barrier STOPPING illegal aliens from entering America. According to the U.S. media and government, there's no such thing as building a security barrier to STOP illegal immigration - BULL! Please see this: http://www.roncorvus.com/illegalimmigration.htm
9.) Candidate worship: Too many Americans are into "candidate worship." Gullible Americans believe they can improve their condition in America by electing their favorite party candidate to the White House. Wrong answer. A President can do only so much. Its our Congress Americans should be focusing on. Bush has expanded Presidential powers far beyond anything our Founding Father intended. A President cannot pass bills by himself nor can the President control Congress' purse strings. Too many Americans believe they are one President away from fiscal and civil nirvana. Disgusting. Americans need to STOP putting their faith in either of the corporate parties and their candidates and START supporting an independent voter platform, like this one I wrote: http://www.roncorvus.com/ivp.htm It shouldn't be about the candidate or party - it should be about the platform - the People's platform. Support your platform - not a Democratic or Republican candidate.
10.) Open Government: Currently, we have no open government; instead we have a government shrouded in secrecy and unbridled unaccountability. We The People MUST institute accountability, constitutionality and transparency in government; here's why and how;
Monday, 18 February 2008
"Why America Sucks"
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Post Title: "Why America Sucks"
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