Bush Lays A Wreath At Israel's Holocaust Shrine  Bush Fights Back His Tears  4,000,000 Gassed At That Hell Hole Called Auschwitz  US Marines At The Holy Shrine Of Yad Vashem   Saluting The 6,000,000 Dead? 
|  | Bush Says "We Should Have Bombed Auschwitz" George W Bush admitted America failed when they didn't bomb the camps. The comment, which Mr Bush reportedly made to his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a visit to Israel's Holocaust museum Yad Vashem, appeared to be the first acknowledgement by an American president of failure to strike Nazi death camps.
| The Head Of Yad Vashem According Avner Shalev, chairman of Yad Vashem, Mr Bush had tears in his eyes at two moments during an hour-long tour of the museum. |  |
|  | Roosevelt Should Have Acted He then spoke to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's decision, clearly pondering the options before rendering an opinion of his own, Mr Shalev said.
"We should have bombed it," Mr Bush said. |
| Weight The Options Bombers could have hit the camp in 1943, maybe killed 20,000 Jews, but saved 3,980,000 other Jews. |  |
|  | British Bomber Command Sir Arthur Harris, who took orders from Churchill, and Roosevelt, led a four year campaign of civilian bombing, versus military targets. |
| Harris And David Irving Irving confronted Harris about Auschwitz and Harris said: - "Mr Irving,if I were given the choice of being burned alive by British incendiaries and being killed by cyanide gas, I know which I should prefer." |  |
|  | Churchill's Writings "The Second World War" contain 4,448 pages (6 Volumes) Winston Churchill detailed everything about WW2 in his memoirs, but he left out the gas chambers. |
| General Eisenhower's War Memoirs "Crusade in Europe" 559 pages Oddly Eisenhower forgot to mention the gas chambers in his books. |  |
| | So did General De Gaulle in "memoire de Guerre" a 2,054 pages in 3 Volumes. NOT a word about Gas Chambers | In this mass of writing, which altogether total 7069 pages ( Not including introductory parts) published from 1948 to 1959 one finds NO mention either of NAZI Gas Chambers or of 6 Million Jewish victims of the war. Very Very Moving I cry as much as the next person for the 4,000,000 Jews gassed at Auschwitz, but where are the bodies? A detailed analysis of the crematoriums showed their maximum capacity was 36,000. Where Was God?  How did he allow this? I Bet The Holy Father Got Chills Walking In  "Don't Lose Your Faith Over This"  Does one put his soul in jeopardy when he visits the shrine of Auschwitz? Angry Priests Walk In Front Of The Wall of Death!!  "Be Brave My Holy Brothers" Thousands Of Jews Were Lined Up And Shot  Thousands Of Jews Were Thrown In The Ovens Still Breathing  This Jew actually pushed the oven door open!! Who Would Actually Believe This Fairy Tale? To begin with Auschwitz was a giant work camp, that was built next to a series of factories. You don't transport 6,000,000 Jews thousands of miles to kill them in a small room with bug spray. Why not take them to a forest and shoot them, or starve them, or drop a bomb on their ghettos.
|  | Gas Is Explosive Zyklon-B is explosive, but for 26 months, and 4,000,000 Jews, the law of physics was repelled. |
|  | 4,000,0000 Jews Plus, In This Little Room? Besides the Jews, Nazis killed dwarfs, gypsies, Russians, priests, nuns, 7th Day Adventists, and so forth. The plumbing was connected to the commandants house, and the hospital, as both were across the street. Where is the cyanide residue, similar to that found in the delousing chambers? |  | Cyanide Gas Leaves A Residue Gas penetrates the cement and leaves a blue stain. Two chemists tested the walls, and there was no gas. |  |
| Delousing chamber wall | |  | Ovens Need Rebuilding A crematorium is 'Refractory Bricks' on the inside, and regular brick on the outside, and it must be rebuilt every 1500 hours. Auschwitz's ovens were coal fired, and erratic temperatures cracked the brick. |  | |
|  | Both Shut Down To Service One You wouldn't climb into one to reline it, with the other running. Cremation movie. |
| The maximum that could have been cremated |
| Starting Date |
| Operational | Bodies |
| April 12,1942 | Crematoria I | 33 months | 6 ovens | 126 people/week | 850 days | 16,662 |
| March 31, 1943 | Crematoria II | 21 months | 15 ovens | 315 people/week | 166 days | 7,562 |
| June 25, 1943 | Crematoria III | 18 months | 15 ovens | 315 people/week | 190 days | 8,900 |
| March 22, 1943 | Crematoria IV | 21 months | 8 ovens | 168 people/week | 50 days | 1,172 |
| April 4, 1943 | Crematoria V | 21 months | 8 ovens | 168 people/week | 82 days | 2,015 ... 36,265 Total |
| |
| The Pope At Auschwitz? What's next. The pope beatifies Sally Fields for her work on the TV series the 'Flying Nun'? The real Auschwitz Lets stop with the Auschwitz lies |  This was a work camp This is a factual list of facilities available to prisoners at the alleged Nazi death camp of Auschwitz in Poland. Most of these facilities can still be seen in the camp today, including the cinema, swimming pool, hospital, library and post office.
 | Supposedly the most dreaded of German camps, Auschwitz was repeatedly visited by Red Cross inspection teams who were allowed to speak to prisoner representatives alone,in order to hear first-hand of any mistreatment, chicanery, interruption of mail and parcel delivery, health concerns, food and ration matters etc. Visits were routine No such visits took place - ever! - to Soviet Gulag camps. |  | |
Auschwitz, the supposed "death camp", had many facilities amongst which were;
* Camp dental facilities,,attended by camp inmate dentists and nurses to deal with the inmates' dental problems - before the war there 43% of Germany's dentists were Jewish - |  | Camp sick barracks ,attended by camp inmate doctors and nurses to deal with the inmates' health problems - much like the now common walk-in clinics in modern US communities - A camp hospital to which expert surgeons even from the famous Berlin "Charité" Surgical Clinic were dispatched to deal with difficult cases - |
| Camp nurses |  | | Hospital  |
| Dr. Carl Clauberg Famous Berlin surgeon who handled difficult cases |  |  | Camp kitchen -one of the largest service buildings in Auschwitz, with state-of-the-art cooking facilities. There were twelve of these throughout the camp.
* The caloric content of the diet was carefully monitored by camp and Red Cross delegates. It only deteriorated in Auschwitz and other camps towards the end of the war when German railroads and the entire transport system collapsed under constant aerial attacks - |
Up to 16 camp orchestras with every conceivable instrument available - |  | A camp theater where live plays could be performed by camp inmate actors -
Camp sculture class conducted for interested, talented inmates by professional sculptors
Camp art classes for inmates
Camp university with lectures on every topic under the sun, from health, the arts, philosophy, science, economic issues etc.
A camp cinema - where every week different, mainly cultural and non-political films were shown -  You must watch this 2 min video | , video/x-ms-wmv@http://judicial-inc.org/Auschwitz_theater2.WMV" href="http://judicial-inc.org/Auschwitz_theater2.WMV" id=""> The camp brothel, just inside the main gate was a building used during the war as a brothel for the inmates. It was not a secret that the camp had a brothel; it was mentioned in books and its existence was confirmed by the Auschwitz Museum officials. It was established in the summer of 1943 on Himmler's order, was located in block 24 and was used to reward privileged prisoners.  | | A camp library where inmates could borrow books from Forty -five thousand volumes available - |  |
Camp religious facilities made available on a rotating basis to every denomination for religious services - |  | A camp swimming pool for use by the inmates on Birkenallee, where there were walkways with comfortable benches for inmates to relax in the shade of the trees - Camp sport facilities like soccer fields, handball areas, fencing classes and other exercise facilities - Camp soccer field |  | |  |
The camp had a Sauna  Sauna where inmates enjoyed hot showers and haircuts and could leave their clothes for steam-cleaning to remove possible typhus-carrying-body-lice. (photo 1985)  Containers inside Sauna. After clothes were added and doors closed steam was introduced to kill body-lice. (photo: 1997) Here is Auschwitz map  Who has a pool at a death camp ? Do you build a hospital next to a gas chamber ? Does the Camp Commander live 1200' from the gas chamber ? What is a theater doing there ?
|  | Auschwitz had an artist studio "Art in Auschwitz 1940-1945." The camp commendant provided a studio and the equipment which produced thousands of paintings and sketches. The Auschwitz museum has 1470 painting, but none are displayed. A rash of absurd paintings, that were scretched after 1945 are pushed on a gulliable public. |  | |
|  Auschwitz art show Camp incentive system where through extra work inmates could obtain coupons redeemable for cake or ice cream in the Camp Cantina, which also had extra toiletries etc. |  | Camp complaints office where inmates could register complaints or make suggestions. Camp Commander Hoess had a standing order that any inmate could approach him personally to register a complaint about other inmates such as "Kapos" and even guards.
* A system of strict discipline for guards and also for inmates, with severe punishment being handed out against those found guilty (for even slapping an inmate)
|  |
Auschwitz marriages took place because worker inmates fell in love and married their inmate partners. Click for marriage certificate
Child care center where working mothers could leave their children. |  | Auschwitz maternity ward - Over 3,000 live births were registered there, with not a single infant death while Auschwitz was in operation under German rule - |  |
Women's sections of camps had female guards |  | Auschwitz jail - Since the camp was a large, open facility, transgressors could be arrested, tried and jailed right in Auschwitz. Jail |
|  |  | Auschwitz issues it's own money
Prisoners were paid and could spend the money in canteens, brothels and stores. |  |  * Auschwitz crematoria - These structures were hastily built by inmate labor after the first typhus epidemic caused thousands of deaths. (Burial of epidemic victims had caused the ground water to be contaminated causing infections among the German staff. Amongst the victims was an early camp commandant's wife. Polish peasants from the surrounding district were also cremated here.)
* Auschwitz pregnancies took place because of the open nature of the facility.
Camp post office with twice weekly pick-ups and deliveries If you gas people do you let them write postcards ?  If you are gassing people -- Do you let them write letters ? Translation of printed instructions: CONCENTRATION CAMP AUSCHWITZ The following regulations are to be noted with respect to correspondence with prisoners: 1.) Every prisoner is allowed to receive (and send) two letters or cards from (to) his relatives each month. The letters to prisoners must be easily readable, be written in ink, and consist of no more than 15 lines on a single sheet. Only letter sheets of the normal size are allowed. Envelopes must be unlined. Only 5 stamps of 12 Pf each may be enclosed with each letter. No other enclosures are permitted, and will be confiscated. Postcards consist of 10 lines. Photographs may not be used as postcards. 2.) Money may be sent. 3.) In sending money or postal orders, the exact address should be given, i.e., Name, Date of birth, and prisoner number. In the event that there any mistakes in the address, the mail will be returned to sender, or destroyed. 4.) Newspapers are allowed, but may only ordered though the Auschwitz camp post office. 5.) Parcels may not be sent, as the prisoners can buy everything on camp. 6.) Requests to the camp authorities for release are pointless. 7.) Visits to, and authority to talk to prisoners are not permissible on principle. The Camp Commandant.  Translation of letter: Addressed to; Josef Novy Bakery Domazlice Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia From: My Address: Prisoner Name: Josef Novy Date of Birth: 27th April 1911 Prisoner Number: 73,034. Block 9a, Concentration Camp Auschwitz, Post Office II Auschwitz, 14th February 1943 My dear ones! I’m in good health, and I’m alright - I hope the same applies to you. I’ve received 3 letters and 6 parcels from you recently - all in good shape. Letters and parcels may not be sent registered, just send the parcels as per the first ones. The first parcels made me very happy - particularly the chocolate honey and the many sweets - please send more like that. My brother Jarde and aunt Milka could also send me packages - I would be very grateful. Send the money as I previously asked you, i.e., RM 40.- per month. From now on I shall only be allowed to write once a month. Your lovely letters are a source of great happiness, and I look forward to receiving more. Please don’t forget to send me garlic, onions, and enough sugar. I thank you for everything you have done for me, and I hope that you will not forget about me. I’m always with you in my thoughts, and am looking forward to seeing you again. Please give my regards to all friends and relations, especially the Faila family. Your thankful son, Josef PS. You can send parcels frequently. Officially stamped: Registered packages and letters are forbidden Letters may be written once a month Checked: (signed) Parcel receipt from Auschwitz Red Cross Report The Report states that "As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily. From the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps" (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. "Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Ravensbrück, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews" (Vol. III, p. 83). [4] www.australiafreepress.org . | * International Red Cross visited monthly In a 1650 page report there was never a mention of gas chambers. Auschwitz_Death_records | Allies and Germans communicated about the camps Allies communicated with Germany and determined there were no murders. This is why they never bombed the RR leading to Auschwitz | | |  |
| Ernst Zundel's Holocaust Trials Zundel was a German Canadian who was put on trial in Canada for questioning the holocaust. He forced the Red Cross to produce their WW2 records, they showed approx. 280,000 total dead for all the camps. |  | |
| Red Cross document # 1  Red Cross document # 2  Jews were shipped from the Ghettos and put to work  Look at the train | Here was main point to Auschwitz  Auschwitz was picked because it was a railway center | |
| Auschwitz produced synthetic rubber, medical and armament supplies Auschwitz was the site of Germany's newest and most technologically advanced synthetic rubber plant; and Germany was the world's leader in this particular field of technology. Shortly after the war the Germans were cut off from their supply of natural rubber. In the months that followed they set about building our own synthetic rubber plants. Video.
|  | | Auschwitz was a major work camp that had forty different industries. The true reason for the existence of the Auschwitz camp is revealed in these little shown pictures of the industrial complex which surrounded the camp - most of it within full view of the interior of the camp itself. Right The Monowitz industrial complex, where most of Auschwitz's inmates were put to work in a variety of heavy industries, ranging from rubber manufacture, medical supplies, armaments and, as illustrated in the picture right, clothing. This photograph shows the tailor's workshop at Auschwitz 1, where prisoners would make up clothing for use by the German army. |  | | The Numbers Game Over the years, the numbers of "dead" in Auschwitz have changed drastically. Hardly anyone can keep the lie straight any more. Here is a graph to illustrate how "casualties" can fluctuate. At the end of this page is a list of the various numbers that have come and gone over the years. The original plaques at Auschwitz - where the Communists lied about the number of dead. . June 7, 1979. Pope John Paul II praying for the big "4 million" lie and blessing 2 1/2 million non-existent victims. The Poles bestowed "Holocaust" medals posthumously to non-existent martyrs. Pope praying before false plaques Gerald Ford, the President of the United States, also paid homage to the lie, as have hundreds of Presidents, Prime Ministers and dignitaries from around the world - for years! After the second Zündel trial in Canada, the inscriptions on the plaques in Auschwitz were removed. Below is Ernst Zündel pointing out during a visit to Auschwitz where the lying inscriptions used to be. Revisionism at work The Truth Will Set You Free The new plaques in Auschwitz now claim deceptively that more than 1.5 million people were killed here. ... First the Poles reduced the number of victims to 1 million, then the Jews wanted to have at least 960,000 dead Jews. That did not leave enough room for all the other professional "victims" like Gypsies, Communists, Poles, etc. and therefore the number was increased up to a politically more saleable 1.5 million. Wheeling and dealing in numbers of dead, like in some Arab bazaar in the Middle East. The Numbers Game - once more! Over the years, the numbers of "dead" in Auschwitz have changed drastically. Hardly anyone can keep the lie straight any more. Here is a graph to illustrate how "casualties" can fluctuate. At the end of this page is a list of the various numbers that have come and gone over the years. Dec. 31, 1945 | French Research Dept. for Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal | 8,000,000 | April 20, 1978 | Le Monde (One of Frances largest newspapers) | 5,000,000 | Jan. 23, 1995 | Die Welt (One of Germanys largest newspapers) | 5,000,000 | April 20, 1989 | Kogon, Der-SS-Staat (Expert on III Reich) | 4,500,000 | Oct. 1, 1946 | International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg document number 008-USSR | 4,000,000 | Nov. 24, 1989 | Chief Prosecutor Majorowsky, Wuppertal File No. (12 js 1037/89) | 4,000,000 | July 26, 1990 | Germany's largest Jewish Weekly, "Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung" | 4,000,000 | Dec. 08, 1993 | ZDF, Germany's second largest T.V. network | 4,000,000 | Jan. 25, 1995 | German paper "Wetzlaer Neue Zeitung" | 4,000,000 | Oct. 1, 1946 | International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg document number 3868-PS | 3,000,000 | Jan. 1, 1995 | German magazine "Damals" (Magazine about history) | 3,000,000 | July 18, 1990 | The Peninsula Times Tribune, San Fransisco (USA) | 2,000,000 | July 25, 1990 | German newspaper Hamburger Adendblatt | 2,000,000 | Jan. 27, 1995 | German newspaper "Die Welt" | 2,000,000 | June 11, 1992 | Germany's largest Jewish Weekly, "Allgemeine Jüdische Wochenzeitung" | 1,500,000 | Oct. 8, 1993 | ZDF, Germany's second largest T.V. network | 1,500,000 | Jan. 23, 1995 | German newspaper "Die Welt" | 1,500,000 | Sept. 1, 1989 | French newspaper "Le Monde" | 1,433,000 | Feb. 2, 1995 | Large German weekly magazine "Bunte" | 1,400,000 | Jan. 22, 1995 | German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" | 1,200,000 | Jan. 27, 1995 | German newspaper "Die Welt" | 1,100,000 | Dec. 21, 1994 | Institute for Contempory History, Semi-official organ of the German State | 1,000,000 | Dec. 31, 1989 | Jean-Claude Pressac's book "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chamber" | 928,000 | Sept. 27, 1993 | German newspaper "Die Welt" | 800,000 | Jan. 22, 1995 | German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" | 750,000 | May 1, 1994 | Focus newsmagazine. Over 2 million circulation | 700,000 | Jan. 23, 1995 | German newspaper "Die Welt" | 700,000 | Jan. 31, 1994 | Jean-Claude Pressac's book "The Auschwitz Crematorium" | 470,000 | Jan. 8, 1948 | Allied censored post-war German News Reels (Wochenschau Nr. 137) | 300,000 | Jan. 6, 1990 | Frankfurter Rundschau | 74,000 | May 31, 1995 | Former Director of the Institute for Military History at Freiburg, Hoffmann in his book "Stalins war of Destruction" | 74,000 | Pick your favourite number - facts don't matter, truth does not matter, death certificates don't matter to the Holocaust promoters! Anti-German propaganda is the only thing that seems to matter in this racket! The Zionists sold us a myth and now we are called anti-Semites if we don't believe their lies.... They even brought laws to punish us for not believing... Search for more facts HERE and HERE For the entire book "Did Six Million Really Die?", click here. Various sources |
This whole website is insanely wrong. How can you deny the deaths of millions of people??? Losers. Talk to some survivors and see what they have to say about losing their entire extended families to the demon Nazis.
That is very good comment you shared.Thank you so much that for you shared those things with us.Im wishing you to carry on with ur achivments.All the best.
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